• 尽管试图让美国反兴奋剂机构破产并且破坏他们

    Despite trying to bankrupt USADA and destroy them.


  • 米屈肼今年年初世界兴奋机构列入禁止药物类型。

    It was banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency only at the start of the year.


  • 一个自称“魔幻组织应当世界反兴奋机构数据入侵承担责任。

    A group calling itself "Fancy Bears" claimed responsibility for the hack of a Wada database.


  • 世界反兴奋机构建议另外服用禁药的女子举重选手实施禁赛处罚

    The world anti-doping agency recommended suspension for 2 more women lifters for doping violation.


  • 美国兴奋机构表示,“毫无疑问,美国,兴奋问题我们必须要面对的。

    The USADA report said the "In the United States, there is no doubt that we face a doping problem."


  • 一项美国兴奋机构发起调查显示美国人认为兴奋当今体育面临最大问题

    New research conducted for the U. S. Anti-Doping Agency finds that Americans rank the use of performance-enhancing drugs as the most serious problem facing sports today.


  • 今天退役自行车运动员兰斯·阿姆斯特朗决定是否美国反兴奋机构官员见面最后期限。

    Today was the deadline for embattling veteran cyclist Lance Armstrong to decide whether he would meet with US's anti-doping agency officials.


  • 世界兴奋机构世界杯开赛前就打击可能非洲传统药物中使用兴奋问题向国际足联提供援助

    The World Anti-Doping Agency offers FIFA assistance before the World Cup in combatting the potential use of stimulants from traditional African medicines.


  • 世界兴奋机构费迪南德幸运躲过了长达两年的禁赛其他体育项目拒绝药检的处罚。

    The World Anti Doping Agency said Ferdinand was lucky to have avoided a two-year ban, the norm for missing a drug test in other sports.


  • 世界兴奋机构证据表明,违反兴奋控制规定行为发生30运动中,包括20夏季奥运会残奥会项目。 。

    Thee anti-doping agency said that the evidence showed that the subversion of doping controlshad occurred in 30 sports, including 20 Olympic summer sports and Paralympic sports.


  • 国际奥林匹克委员会督促资深自行车兰斯·阿姆斯特朗提供反兴奋机构所有用来帮助赢得法自行车赛冠军药物证据

    The International Olympic Committee is urging veteran cyclist Lance Armstrong to give anti-doping authorities all the evidence he has of the drug he used to help him win the Tour DE France titles.


  • 国际奥委会表示要求洛桑兴奋实验室世界反兴奋剂机构采用复杂有效方式分析索契冬奥会上的留存样本

    The IOC said it would ask WADA and the anti-doping lab in Lausanne, Switzerland, to proceed with analyzing Sochi samples "in the most sophisticated and efficient way possible."


  • 据悉,菲尔普斯12胜利倡议去年美国反兴奋机构发动,旨在保持竞技体育纯净性)做出承诺奥运健儿之一

    Phelps is one of 12 Olympic athletes who pledged to "My Victory," an initiative launched last year by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency aimed at keeping competitive sports clean.


  • 然后去年美国兴奋机构公布份报告指责阿姆斯特朗成为一项非常复杂服用禁药团体中心正在赢取自己法自行车赛冠军

    Then last year, the U. s Anti-Doping Agency released a report, it accused Armstrong of being at the center of a very sophisticated doping program while he was winning his Tour De France titles.


  • 加拿大人麦克拉伦表示57天的调查仅仅触及皮毛”,世界反兴奋机构希望麦克拉伦“完成委托”,确认使用兴奋获益运动员身份。

    McLaren said he had "only skimmed the surface" in his 57-day investigation, and Wada wants the Canadian to "complete his mandate" by identifying athletes who benefited from the programme.


  • 去年秋天世界反兴奋机构(World Anti - Doping Agency)将其列为俄罗斯经手提高成绩药物关键中间人

    Last fall, the World Anti-Doping Agency named him as a key broker of performance-enhancing drugs in Russia.


  • 世界兴奋机构去年秋天发布了一份措辞严厉调查报告波尔图加洛夫随后暂时逐出了俄罗斯田径领域丢掉了该国体育研究所职位

    In the wake of a damning report published by the World Anti-Doping Agency last fall, Portugalov was suspended from Russian track and field and from his post at Russia's sports research institute.


  • 泰加告诉CBS新闻阿姆斯特朗开出最后期限2月6日完全如实全面地美国反兴奋剂机构合作换取可能减轻自己终身禁赛的责罚。

    Tygart also told CBS news, he's offered Armstrong a deadline, February 6th to cooperate fully and totally truthfully with USADA in exchange for a possible lessening of his lifetime ban from sports.


  • “世界反兴奋机构(WADA)得到罗琴科夫真是幸运,”俄罗斯奥林匹克委员会律师维克托·贝雷佐夫(Victor Berezov),“也许伦敦所有地方——同样事情也可能发生。”

    "It's lucky that the WADA had Rodchenkov," said Victor Berezov, a lawyer for Russia's Olympic Committee. "maybe in London and everywhere - maybe the same things could happen."


  • 一旦第一流行甲型流感(H1N1)疫苗到位,国家卫生机构就要决定怎样实施国家疫苗接种活动。

    Once the first doses of pandemic influenza a (H1N1) vaccine become available, national health authorities will decide how to implement national vaccination campaigns.


  • 蒙牛乳业集团,作为国内领先奶制品公司之一奶制品添加一种未经批准蛋白质添加目前正接受中国质检机构调查

    The Mengniu Dairy Group Co, one of the leading dairy companies in the country, is being investigated by China's quality watchdog for an unapproved protein additive in one of its milk products.


  • 更多安全使用杀虫信息可以在这里下载环保机构安全指导

    For more information on the safe use of pesticides, you can download the Environmental Protection Agency's safety guide here.


  • 然而国家癌症研究机构,作为世界卫生组织代表报道说并没有足够证据说明偶然使用染发会有致癌风险

    However, the IARC, a World Health Organization panel, reported that there is not enough evidence to conclude that occasional personal use of hair coloring raises the risk of cancer.


  • 美国饮料协会:“4-MEI人体健康并不造成威胁,没有任何直接证据表明它会诱发癌症,也从来没有任何官方机构正式提出要禁用这种添加

    "4-MEI is not a threat to human health," the association said. "There is no evidence that 4-MEI causes cancer in humans.


  • 禁止使用危险杀虫科研机构削减预算没法研究疾病甚至全球化也是原因

    The banning of dangerous pesticides; cuts in the budgets of institutions that conducted research into diseases; even globalisation.


  • 机构提到有约1700只人类的灵长类动物一些痛苦实验中未被使用麻醉,还有约900只没有得到食物其他一些必需品

    The organization further mentions that 1,700 non-human primates were denied anesthesia in painful experiments, while 900 were denied access to food, water and other basics.


  • 机构提到有约1700只人类的灵长类动物一些痛苦实验中未使用麻醉,还有约900只没有得到食物其他一些必需品

    The organization further mentions that 1, 700 non-human primates were denied anesthesia in painful experiments, while 900 were denied access to food, water and other basics.


  • 机构提到有约1700只人类的灵长类动物一些痛苦实验中未使用麻醉,还有约900只没有得到食物其他一些必需品

    The organization further mentions that 1, 700 non-human primates were denied anesthesia in painful experiments, while 900 were denied access to food, water and other basics.


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