• 目的研究细胞质除草基因谷子性状和发育影响

    The effect of cytoplasmic herbicide resistant gene in millet plants was studied.


  • 结果表明,外源基因转化白僵菌原生质体时,可以以抗除草基因转化筛选标记

    The results indicated that herbicide resistant gene should be used as a selection marker gene in protoplast genetic transformation of B. bassiana.


  • 草甘膦“终结者”除草基因允许作物喷洒草甘膦条件下生长,除草杀死野草其他植物但是允许作物生长。

    The RR gene allows the growing crop to be sprayed with glyphosate, killing weeds and other plants but allowing the crop to grow on.


  • 为了对抗除草基因(BAR)基因水稻进行安全性评价,对该样品进行了急性毒性试验致突变试验30喂养试验

    In order to evaluate the safety of anti herbicide gene (BAR) transgenic rice, acute toxicity experiments, mutation experiments and a 30 day feeding test were conducted.


  • 举例说,草甘膦基因大豆中的抗除草基因植物病毒两种不同土壤细菌以及一种矮牵牛花植物的基因组合而成。

    For example, the herbicide-resistant gene in GM RR soy was pieced together from a plant virus, two different soil bacteria, and a petunia plant.


  • 某些基因玉米品种可以生产一种天然杀虫保护玉米免受以玉米为食的昆虫的侵害。

    Certain genetically modified strains of maize produce a natural insecticide that protects against maize-eating insects.


  • 由于害虫有巨大繁殖潜力基因多样性许多害虫认为能够抵抗合成化学物质而且生育的后代杀虫具有内在的抵抗力

    Because of their tremendous breeding potential and genetic diversity, many pests are known to withstand synthetic chemicals and bear offspring with a built-in resistance to pesticides.


  • 根据农民报告试验基因种子与没有试验的人相比英亩用于控制害虫杀虫用量只是稍微少一点

    According to farmers' report, the amount of insecticide needed per acre to control insect pests was only slightly lower for those who tried the modified seed than for those who did not.


  • 通过可视化单个基因层面转录过程研究人员能够得出人类自身促进病毒性促进之间转录机制不同之处。

    By visualizing the process at the level of a single gene, the researchers were able to work out the different mechanics of transcription between the human and viral promoter.


  • 这种方法一时间非常有效,接着蚊子重磅回击——大自然的生存法则让蚊子大军有抗杀虫良好基因

    For a time, it was successful, but then evolution struck back, as natural selection favoured the spread of insecticide-resistant genes.


  • 重点我们应该摄取天然食物,而我们应该信赖基因我们健康决定因素概念,我们也不应该信赖营养素补充唯一摄取营养的途径因为不是

    We should not be relying on the idea that genes are determinants of our health. We should not be relying on the idea that nutrient supplementation is the way to get nutrition, because it's not.


  • 这些甜菜都有一些产生实验室中的新的基因可使它们抵抗除草损害。

    The beets have a new gene, created in the laboratory, which allows them to tolerate the weedkiller Roundup.


  • 喷洒杀虫地方蚊子没有基因反而好。

    In areas where insecticide is not sprayed, mosquitoes without the resistance gene do better.


  • 他们使烟草细胞接触核酸酶之外添加可增强除草特性基因片段。

    When they exposed tobacco cells to the zinc finger nucleases, they also added a version of that gene that enhances herbicide resistance.


  • 使用人造生物学工具可能DNA蛋白质可以丢弃了——RNA自身可以充当基因分子催化两个角色。

    Using the tools of synthetic biology, perhaps DNA and proteins can be discarded - RNA itself can act both as a genetic molecule and as a catalyst.


  • 美国自从1990年代中期以来基因(GE)作物大规模种植资料证明减少杀虫使用生产成本

    Here in the United States, genetically engineered (ge) crops have been grown on a large scale since the mid-1990s, with documented reductions in insecticide use and production costs.


  • 除草处理大约2%植物生存下来说明已经发生了基因互换

    About 2% of the treated plants survived herbicide treatment, showing that gene swaps had occurred.


  • 自从2006年起,美国20%40%蜂群遭受到了所谓的“群体毁灭”。当然人们初步猜想“疑犯”可能是杀虫基因食品等

    Since 2006, 20 to 40 percent of the bee colonies in the United States alone have suffered "colony collapse." Suspected culprits ranged from pesticides to genetically modified food.


  • 最新研究显示蚊子常用驱蚊——驱蚊胺(DEET)的不敏感性能够通过基因传递给子孙后代。

    Mosquitoes that have an insensitivity to the popular bug repellent DEET can pass that genetic trait on to their offspring, new research shows.


  • 他们设计将核酸酶导入控制植物特定除草敏感烟草基因

    They designed nucleases to home in on a tobacco gene that controls the plant's susceptibility to certain herbicides.


  • 已经有大约十分之一处方药——像是治疗癌症的药物血液稀释癫痫等等——已经归要求病人进行基因检测的药物之列。

    Already perhaps a tenth of all prescription medication-cancer drugs, blood thinners, epilepsy treatments and so on-has labels alerting you to companion genetic tests.


  • 基因改造过的植株可以抵抗除草欧洲已经禁止这样做。

    It helps to have plants that are genetically engineered to resist weedkillers, but Europe has banned those.


  • 这种杀虫细菌基因植入基因玉米其它谷类作物产物防治欧洲玉米螟甲虫之类昆虫

    The insecticide is the product of a bacterial gene inserted into GM maize and other cereal crops to protect them against insects such as the European corn borer beetle.


  • 由于转基因农业技术在降低化肥杀虫水利灌溉等投入同时使产量剧增,因而它在未来扮演重要角色

    Genetically modified (GM) agriculture could play an important role, as this technology can greatly increase yields while using smaller inputs of fertiliser, insecticide and water.


  • 他们团队用利用结构以IPK1基因目标另外添加可以中断基因同时赋予植物除草性质的细菌DNA序列

    The team used zinc fingers that specifically target the IPK1 gene and then added bacterial DNA that would disrupt the gene while at the same time conferring herbicide resistance to the plant.


  • 他们团队用利用结构以IPK1基因目标另外添加可以中断基因同时赋予植物除草性质的细菌DNA序列

    The team used zinc fingers that specifically target the IPK1 gene and then added bacterial DNA that would disrupt the gene while at the same time conferring herbicide resistance to the plant.


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