• 多年以来,看见有些公司自称手机优惠公司”,我从不认为是个什么伟大的想法

    For years I saw companies pitching themselves as "mobile coupon companies" and I never believed this would be a big idea.


  • Telephia公司总部设在旧金山,是电信移动媒体联合市场消费研究领域领军企业。 这次收购尼尔森提供了一张估计价值为3500亿美元的移动媒体测量市场入场

    Nielsen to Acquire Telephia, Inc., the Leading Source of Consumer Research for the Telecom and Mobile Media Markets


  • 幸好,还有小额解雇费买断工龄费以及一张优惠——用于购买存储通用汽车公司或克莱斯勒公司存货仓库里的汽车。

    At best, it’s a small severance or buyout, and a voucher for a discount on one of the hundreds of thousands of unsold cars that G.M. or Chrysler has sitting in inventory.


  • 有人还记得GM(通用汽车公司)破产案是如何鲸吞持的吗?

    Anyone remember how the bondholders got crammed down in the GM bankruptcy?


  • 耐克公司最近通知,根据政策那种鞋子可以退货的,所以他们现在再寄代金的话就是合理的了。

    Nike recently told me that its policy is to honor return requests for the particular shoe model I bought, and I assume that's its rationale for sending me a voucher now.


  • MikeHogan一家建立旧金山公司-ZiXXo老板正在瓦解现存优惠系统”这个系统在美国ValpakValassis这样公司掌控着。

    Mike Hogan, the boss of ZiXXo, a start-up near San Francisco, says that he is “disrupting the existing coupon system”, dominated by companies such as Valpak and Valassis in America.


  • 其他的,Groupon这样定购者提供在线优惠公司可能不久也上市。

    Other firms such as Groupon, which provides online coupons to its subscribers, are likely to go public soon.


  • 现今网络明星们提供用户在线优惠的团购网社交游戏公司Zynga销售额都令人瞩目,并且已经创下客观的盈利

    today web stars such as Groupon, which offers its users online coupons, and Zynga, a social-gaming company, have phenomenal sales and already make respectable profits.


  • 其中瞩目要数Groupon11月4日上市。公司提供在线优惠,而其用户可以这些优惠本地商店餐馆享受大幅折扣。

    The most prominent one is the flotation on November 4th of Groupon, a company that offers online coupons to people who then use them to get steep discounts at local shops and restaurants.


  • Fours quareGowalla两家很出名的定位服务机构推出一项业务用户只要在线发布他们的方位信息,公司就能向他们提供当地优惠销售建议

    Foursquare and Gowalla, two popular location-based services, have built a business out of users broadcasting their locations online so that companies can push local coupons and retail Suggestions.


  • 购买和下订单 :查询类似“折扣代码(折扣)“、”折扣代号“、”大减价“等等的关健词是很常见的特别是那些直接通过网站销售产品的公司和个人。

    Purchase: Queries like "discount code" "coupon code" "special offers" etc. are common, particularly for anyone selling directly over the web.


  • 星巴克戴尔福特JetBlue航空公司越来越多的公司Twitter消费者提供折扣优惠

    Starbucks, Dell, Ford, JetBlue and many more companies use Twitter to offer discounts and coupons to their customers.


  • 杰克逊原定伦敦演唱会的推广者,AEG Live公司明天向每位入场持有者提供全额返款或者一张特别纪念

    The concert promoters for Jackson's planned shows in London, AEG Live, will tomorrow offer ticket-holders a full refund or a special souvenir ticket.


  • 航空公司瓦格纳晚上住宿安排酒店并给牙膏牙刷免费盥洗用品袋,以及价值250美元的优惠这样可以到达最终目的地

    The airline put Mr Wagner up in a hotel room for the night, gave him a free washbag containing toothpaste and a toothbrush, and a $250 voucher so he could reach his final destination.


  • 西方公司或许必须旧式”的综合公司形成合资企业赢得迅猛发展的新兴市场入场

    Western firms may need to form joint ventures with "old-fashioned" conglomerates in order to win entry to fast-growing emerging markets.


  • 一些公司表示这样优惠策略能够他们提供有关他们营销效果直接反馈

    The companies argue that the coupon strategy gives them direct feedback on how well their marketing is working.


  • 不正当使用乘车作废收回外,公司规定加收车费。

    In case of unauthorized use of the pass, it will be reclaimed as void and additional fees will incur in accordance with company rules.


  • 不正当使用乘车作废收回外,依照公司规定加收车费。

    In case of unauthorized use of the pass, it will be reclaimed as void and additional fees will incur in accordance with company rules.


  • 尔后,捷运公司还赠送受困乘客张猫搭乘希望可以弥补故障的缺失。民众很满意

    The cable car company gave each passenger two free cable car passes to compensate them for their inconvenience, but not everyone was happy about it.


  • 随后,该公司这些影响者邮寄了免费样品优惠,供他们送给家人朋友

    These "influences" were then mailed free samples and coupons to pass on to family and friends.


  • 一位教授的头脑风暴讨论课上,阿琳提到自己公关公司工作经历,说自己非常喜欢一家为人们薪金支票提供优惠公司合作。

    In brainstorming with a professor, she mentioned how much she liked working with a company during her pr days that put coupons in people's paychecks.


  • 不可长(立)荣航空公司其他优惠活动合并使用

    It is prohibited to combine the use of discount privileges together with other promotion activities of EVA AIR and UNI AIR.


  • 不可长(立)荣航空公司其他优惠活动合并使用

    It is prohibited to combine the use of discount privileges together with other promotion activities of EVA AIR and UNI AIR.


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