• 失去产业或者停止制造特定产品例中不锈钢餐具事实上已经成为一个非常常见事件

    Losing an industry or ceasing to manufacture a particular product, in this case stainless steel flatware, has indeed become a fairly frequent event.


  • 因为此类商品大多数亚洲制造的,环境道德方面合规性成为重要的问题

    Since most of these goods are made in Asia, environmental and ethical soundness has become a big issue.


  • 惠普已经世界最大PC制造他巩固ibm合作伙伴关系成为世界上最大的服务器销售商。

    Already the world's biggest PC manufacturer, HP secured a partnership with IBM to become the world's biggest seller of servers.


  • 或者目标可以不那么明确例如默克公司1979年目标成为20世纪80年代世界上优秀的药品制造商。

    Or a target can be less precise; for example, Merck’s 1979 target of becoming “the pre-eminent drug-maker worldwide in the 1980s”.


  • 如果伊利诺斯履带工人,如果你通用电气公司工作,如果你为出售产品这些国家美国任何间主要制造工作,那么你就想要成为这些行动份子

    If you are a Caterpillar worker in Illinois, if you work for GE, if you work for any of the major manufacturers in the United States that sell to these countries, you want a part of that action.


  • 比如说这个组织也许追求成为北美地区重要的飞机仪表制造一家则有可能希望成为领先全球药品分销商

    For example, one organization may aspire to be the foremost manufacturer of aircraft instrumentation in North America, while another may want to become a leading global drug distributor.


  • 一事实人们的直觉大相径庭——印度注定了不可能成为制造国——因此有人抱怨数据可靠

    This runs so counter to gut instinct - India is meant to be hopeless at making things-that many mutter about unreliable data.


  • 谷歌数码方面的优势扩展汽车领域成为汽车业的一个供应商合作伙伴甚至原始设备制造

    Or does Google plan to extend its digital mastery into the automotive industry as a supplier, partner, or original equipment manufacturer?


  • 如果特拉华州威尔明顿齐格·弗里德集团换作著名处理器制造公司齐格·弗里德科技的话,就将成为风险投资家们的美餐了。

    If the Siegfried Group, of Wilmington, Delaware, were instead known as Siegfried Technologies and worked with silicon transistors, it would be the toast of venture capitalists.


  • 几年,要打印机制造装饰灯罩看起来似乎可能完成任务现在它已经成为一个产业,并且拥有许多竞争力公司销量上千

    Only a few years ago making decorative lampshades with 3d printers seemed to be a highly unlikely business, but it has become an industry with many competing firms and sales volumes in the thousands.


  • 空中客车作为一家商业航空器制造商,波音公司欧洲劲敌本应成为坚实的商业决策的绝佳典范

    Airbus, Europe's rival to Boeing as a commercial aircraft-maker, was supposed to become the very model of hard-headed business decision-taking.


  • 补充说使我们作为一个种群能够生存进化成为可能大部分原因我们“控制和使用制造使用衣服能力新的打猎方式新的石器工具制造”。

    He added that our success and progression as a species has been made possible, in large part, to our "controlled use of fire, the ability to use clothing, new hunting strategies and new stone tools."


  • 你们心底感激他们——因为亚当夏娃成为第一做出错误选择人这件事上,实际上他们制造能做选择的可能性

    You should thank them from the bottom of your hearts-for in being the first to make a "wrong" choice, Adam and Eve produced the possibility of making any choice at all.


  • ARM破产英国计算机制造acorn计算机公司分拆而创建的,当时,它碰巧遇到了正在制造Newton手持设备苹果公司,苹果公司成为了ARM的早期客户投资人

    The company was spun out of the failing British PC maker Acorn Computers and stumbled upon Apple, which was in the process of making its Newton hand-held device, as an early customer and investor.


  • 塑料橡胶尚未成为主流时期木头一种廉价又随处得的材料,可用制造坚固防水鞋子适于时间田间劳作时穿。

    In the days before plastic and rubber became mainstream, wood was a cheap, readily available material for making strong, waterproof shoes that were perfect for working long days in the fields.


  • 大众公司宣称希望成为世界上最为环境友好汽车制造”,然而它2010年销售汽车只有6%高效环保的。

    Volkswagen says it wants to be "the most eco-friendly automaker in the world", but only 6% of the cars it sold in 2010 were its most efficient models.


  • 我们目标成为中国最好的,专业元器件制造

    Our goal is to be China's best, the most professional manufacturer of electronic components.


  • 洛林法国东部边境城市,曾经世界钢铁制造中心而且仍然以其勤勉强壮的品格成为国家骄傲

    Lorraine, on France's eastern border, was once the centre of world steelmaking, and still projects muscular industriousness as a source of national pride.


  • 这个孩子主题(或者制造孩子)在七月容易出现了,并且成为主题

    The topic of children (or alternatively, a creative project) could easily come up and start a major theme in July.


  • 我们目标成为微电子制造领军企业

    Our goal is to become a leader in microelectronics manufacturing.


  • 制造企业物资采购成为企业未来的利润创造源,采购物流管理实现这一利润源的保障

    Goods and materials purchase will become a profiting-source in manufacture enterprise in future, purchase logistics management is its ensuring.


  • 中国认为全球破坏知识产权严重国家之一中国迅速地成为全球最大温室气体制造国。温室气体造成全球的原因之一。

    China is considered one of the world's worst violators of intellectual Copyrights. It also is fast becoming the biggest producer of greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming.


  • 面向复杂曲面的数控编程专业性很强工作NC代码异地传输成为网络化制造的一项重要内容

    Due to the NC programming is a professional work, NC code remote transmitting becomes a main task under network manufacturing.


  • 梦想成为一个电脑程序员制造软件电脑游戏

    My dream is to be a computer programmer who can create software or computer games.


  • 虚拟装配技术信息知识基础一种新型制造技术,虚拟现实技术在设计制造领域重要应用之一

    Virtual assembly is a new manufacturing technology based on information and knowledge integration. It is one of the important applications of VR technology to design and manufacture fields.


  • 因此,在线监测机器人焊接过程质量成为当前工业界倍受关注的技术之一尤其节拍快、批量大的汽车部件制造中。

    The on line welding quality monitoring becomes one of the most heeded technology in the production industry especially in the automobile component manufacture.


  • 太平洋户外设备公司成为欧洲品牌LAKEN的美国独家分销商,LAKEN品质铝合金不锈钢饮水制造

    Pacific Outdoor Equipment will be the exclusive U. s. distributor for the European brand LAKEN, manufacturer of high quality aluminum and stainless steel drinking bottles.


  • 这种水晶制造理想原材料,它们能量电池释放出能量聚焦成为紧密的、剑般的光束

    These crystals are ideal for the creation of lightsabers as they focus the energy released from a saber's power cell into the tight blade-like beam.


  • 实际上,原因多方面劳动力价值低廉中国产品进入国际市场优势一优势已经成为中国制造”的污点。

    The low-price labour force is the advantage for Chinese products entering international market, but this advantage has become the stain of "Made in China".


  • 金属注射成形一种用来制造形状复杂金属零部件新型成形技术物料金属粉末粘结剂

    Metal injection molding is a new net shape technology applied to produce complex-shaped metal parts, in which materials are metal powder and binder.


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