• 加纳一般情况相比父权以及夫居等强大的因素,以及妇女劣等土地权较少贸易参与等因素,使得妇女更加依赖男子

    Factors like strong patrilineality and patrilocality, as well as women's inferior land rights and lesser involvement in trade, made women more dependent on men than was generally the case in Ghana.


  • 后,我们全日教育中走出来,进入现实世界,而这一部分也是我最初令人兴奋的工作经历到现在职业生活的反映。

    Finally, we come out of full-time education and enter the real world, and this part is a reflection of my professional life, from the first exciting days of work experience to the present.


  • 需要注意,上面所说的200mm规格产线计划615恢复量产,此日期指的是工厂可以开始接受200mm圆片开始加工的日期,而晶圆片出芯片并对其进行封装成可以直接销售客户的成品,则可能需要再等上2.5-3个月。

    The June 15 date is a wafers-in start date. It can take up to three months for a wafer to be processed and packaged for shipment to customers.


  • 款赛车零部件植物纤维树脂成,其使用的燃料巧克力提炼出的成。

    Vegetable fibres are mixed with resins to produce the car parts and the oils in the chocolate are refined to produce fuel.


  • 理论上来讲,价格水平目标优于通货膨胀目标,其原因更为确定货币长期购买力

    In theory price-level targeting is superior to inflation-targeting because it provides more certainty about the long-term purchasing power of money.


  • 欧洲执行义务兵役期限260(瑞士)26个月(塞浦路斯)不等

    Where compulsory military service is enforced in Europe it ranges from 260 days (in Switzerland), to 26 months (in Cyprus).


  • 的朋友小鸟树上飞出来,她带了金银成的礼服一双光亮的舞鞋

    Then the bird threw a gold and silver dress down to her, and slippers embroidered with silk and silver.


  • 奥地利德国蔓延开来的金融危机最终迫使英国1931年9月摒弃了跟金本位挂钩

    A banking crisis that had spread from Austria and Germany finally forced Britain to abandon its gold peg in September 1931.


  • 将蛋糕烤箱取出5分钟然后将蛋糕模具中取出,盘中放置冷却在蛋糕面上撒上或者层糖霜,即可使用

    Remove from oven and let cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then remove from pan and let cool on a rack. Once cool, you can eat plain, sprinkle with powdered sugar, or drizzle or coat with frosting.


  • 一个国家土地国家所有土地私人所有转变时,我们提供铺平道路法律咨询

    When a country shifts from state to private land ownership, we provide the legal advice to smooth the way.


  • 联营会社社长弗朗西斯科·认为琴匠们克雷莫纳悠久琴手艺中受益匪浅远远不够。

    Francesco Toto, the consortium's vice-president, thinks that the luthiers benefit from the craft's long tradition in Cremona. But that has been far from continuous.


  • 烤饼苏格兰流传而来英国小吃小麦、大麦燕麦的面包有几分相像。

    Scones are a British snack of Scottish origin, similar to a quickbread made of wheat, barley or oatmeal.


  • 家人朋友认为,他的死亡(旅馆窗户堕下)杀人灭口,是为了阻止VSD丑闻进行调查的先发人行动。

    His family and friends believe that his death (falling from a hotel window) was covered up in order to forestall an investigation into a scandal in the VSD.


  • 文献让特格拉甚至高于保罗发出女性解放讯息至少当时她们的东西上解放出来,也就是家长家庭

    Its raises Thecla up even above Paul, and it gives a message of liberation to women, at least from whatever it is that keeps them down at the time, which is the patriarchal household.


  • 视频很好地说明,贫困国家能力因地地应用现有技术技术解决国内问题无需西方进口昂贵固定件

    The Jaipur video made a compelling case for how poor countries can adapt new and existing technologies to solve their local problems without having to import expensive Western-style fixes.


  • 赫托收集很多哺乳动物骨骼工具留下的我们不知道这些动物被赫托人猎杀还是其他食肉动物杀死后留给赫托人残羹冷炙。

    Many of the mammal bones collected from Herto bear cut marks from stone tools. It is impossible to say, however, whether the people were hunting the animals or scavenging the kills of other predators.


  • 后者适时地正式放弃合伙结构股市募集资金或者商业银行收购

    The latter duly abandoned the partnership structure and raised money on the stockmarket, or were bought by commercial banks.


  • 《经济学人第九年度全日MBA课程排名达特茅斯学院塔克商学院去年第二名跃升至第一

    DARTMOUTH COLLEGE's Tuck School of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes, up from second position last year.


  • 效率观点来看,“公地”应该公有私人所有体系代替。

    From the point of view of efficiency, the Commons should probably be replaced by systems of public or personal ownership.


  • 问题起源在于投行私人合伙公共上市公司转变

    The genesis of the problem was the transformation of investment Banks from private partnerships into publicly held companies.


  • 尽管玉米常用原料,根据对酒精度不同层次的要求,摩闪酒还可以各种谷物蒸馏出来。

    Moonshine can be distilled from different grains, though corn (maize) is the most common, and to varying levels of alcoholic potency.


  • 其它含有大量纤维素生物资源出的乙醇,其“能量平衡”值起码理论上高达16

    But for ethanol made from trees, grasses and other types of biomass which contain a lot of cellulose, the energy balance can be as high as 16, at least in theory.


  • 易趣先发人的抗议作为回应:拍卖人所有广告Google(美国)的搜索引擎撤消,以此报复那些做出举动其他嫌疑的合作者

    EBay responded with its own preemptive protest: The auctioneer pulled all its ads from Google's U.S. search results in retaliation for such behavior by a purported partner in other arenas.


  • 行凶的手枪意大利38Biretta手枪;很多武器都是北非战场上意大利士兵手上缴获然后印度士兵偷运印度的。

    The pistol he used was a 38 calibre Biretta of Italian manufacture; scores of these weapons were captured from the Italians in North Africa and smuggled back to India by Indian soldiers.


  • 希望国会批准通过毕业到就业计划那些不想取得四年大学学位年轻人提供高质量培训

    And I wanted Congress to approve a school-to-work program, to provide one or two years of high-quality training for young people who didn't want to get a four-year college degree.


  • 希望国会批准通过毕业到就业计划那些不想取得四年大学学位年轻人提供高质量培训

    And I wanted Congress to approve a school-to-work program, to provide one or two years of high-quality training for young people who didn't want to get a four-year college degree.


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