• 但是如果拿出储蓄账户的存折,你礼貌告知银行取款来支付货款。

    But if you pull out your passbook to the savings account, then you will politely be told to take the passbook to the bank and get money for it.


  • 津巴布韦钞票如此不值钱以至于有些银行取款带上皮箱才能支付一般生活开支钱取

    Zimbabwean currency was worth so little that some people withdrawing funds from Banks brought suitcases along, in order to be able to walk away with enough cash to pay for ordinary living expenses.


  • 取款机前取款机器则指示银行

    I went to the machine to make the withdrawal and it told me to see someone inside the bank.


  • 一次货币市场基金扮演存款者排队银行取款角色。 同时,监管者和市场参与者没有能够认识机构的风险,而不是市民的风险。

    This time, the role of depositors lining up to withdraw funds from a bank was played by money-market funds, Bernanke said.


  • 向给签发签证的新西兰移民局办公室申请毕业或结业确认函,然后移民局签发的确认函中国留学专用账户申请银行办理取款

    You need a certificate confirming this, which you must apply for from the INZ branch that issued your visa. You can then take the certificate to the bank in China to arrange a refund.


  • 取款收款人普通汇款汇出24小时内,持汇款人指定汇入存折当地汇款指定的工商银行网点取款

    The remittee can use the deposit book appointed by the remitter to draw the money in the local icbc outlet appointed by the remitter 24hours after the general remittance being transacted.


  • 取款收款人普通汇款汇出24小时内,持汇款人指定汇入存折当地汇款指定的工商银行网点取款

    The remittee can use the deposit book appointed by the remitter to draw the money in the local icbc outlet appointed by the remitter24hours after the general remittance being transacted.


  • 给个人名下收款人持有效身份证件指定工商银行营业网点办理取款手续

    If the money is remitted to the individual, the remittee can take his valid ID card to the appointed local ICBC service outlet to draw the money.


  • 记帐费用交易费用在贵方银行账户扣除电子取款业务手续费将按照最低收费标准最高收费标准计算

    Account keeping fees and transaction fees are debited to your account. Your electronic withdrawal transactions will be calculated from the least expensive to the most expensive.


  • 取款收款人普通汇款汇出24小时内,持汇款人指定汇入存折当地汇款指定的工商银行网点取款

    The remittee can use the deposit book appointed by the remitter to draw the money in the local ICBC outlet appointed by the remitter 24 hours after the general remittance being transacted.


  • 取款收款人普通汇款汇出24小时内,持汇款人指定汇入存折当地汇款指定的工商银行网点取款

    The remittee can use the deposit book appointed by the remitter to draw the money in the local ICBC outlet appointed by the remitter 24 hours after the general remittance being transacted.


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