• 《反思生活苏格拉底尼采》,詹姆斯.米勒,Farrar, Straus and Giroux出版社,432页,28美元,卓越亚马逊有售

    Examined Lives: From Socrates to Nietzsche. By James Miller.


  • 学校漫步时,当注意所有道具那个时期详细资料都恢复正常时,完全了一惊。

    Wandering round the school, I was absolutely gobsmacked at the care that had been taken to get all the props and period details right.


  • 还有,你听可以从这边一刹那就天堂天使地方去,可以飞地方去,你是不是觉得我很了不起?

    I can fly to Heaven, the abode of the angels, in an instant. I can also fly to the abode of the ghosts.


  • 认为,跟随画作最初所在的美术馆鹿特丹件有趣的事。

    I thought it would be interesting if we could follow the paintings from the original museum to Rotterdam.


  • 有时候可能没有舒服的感觉。不过重物咳嗽、使劲排尿排便长时间站立时会感觉疼痛

    Occasionally, it causes no discomfort at all, but you may feel pain when you lift heavy objects, cough, strain during urination or bowel movements or with prolonged standing or sitting.


  • 可怕这个女孩这时竟然也感觉好像有什么东西客厅这种事情向来是敏感的,并且所描述的跟我所感觉完全吻合。

    The scary thing was that she isn't very sensitive to things like this but she described to me something she felt standing in the hall and it matched the description of the man I felt in the kitchen.


  • 作者对于主题有着广博认知通过将统计学技术细节方面编织一起来展开这本回忆录广阔画卷

    The author has an encyclopedic knowledge of his subject, weaving together reminiscences from both sides, statistics and technical details into the broader picture.


  • 例如树木会反应下雨而发芽成长,若是接旱不雨,当初那些雨后春笋统统晒干枯闪电一打,就很容易引起森林大火

    Trees, for example, react to downpours with a spurt of growth. During the longer droughts that follow, the extra biomass then dries up so that if lightning strikes, forests burn more spectacularly.


  • 装饰所有房间注意扇关

    After looking at all the rooms my mom had decorated, I noticed a closed door.


  • 匈牙利货币福林贬值创记录低水平很多匈牙利人变得无力偿还他们债务

    With the Hungarian currency, the forint, plunging to record lows, many Hungarians are unable to pay-off their financial obligations.


  • 迈克尔起来奇怪的是肚子突然痛起来,小心的吸气,感觉暖气从自己的后背开始消失,这时天空布满了乌云太阳被云层遮盖,阴影慢慢屋内

    He sat up, his stomach strangely tight, and his breathing cautious.Michael felt the warmth leave his back.Shadows crept into the room as the sun hid behind the clouds that now filled the sky.


  • 周末就整天躺看电视

    You are such a couch potato on weekends!


  • 宏观经济学最早追述英国经济学约翰·梅纳德•凯恩斯1935年就业利息货币通论》一书

    Macroeconomics dates from the book, the General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1935), by the British economist John Maynard Keynes.


  • 就如同朋友他俩高中开始谈的恋爱,经历20的风风雨雨,同甘共苦如今,二人仍然深深地彼此

    Take the relationship between my friend Li and Zhang for example; they have been lovers since their first day in the high school 20 years ago.Through thick and thin, they still love each other deeply.


  • 甚至读过其中一些普鲁斯特陀思妥耶夫斯基弗洛伊德再卡尔·桑德堡所共六卷的林肯传(丈夫阿瑟·米勒她的),她还拥有400本藏书

    What's more, she read some of them, from Proust to Dostoyevsky to Freud to Carl Sandburg's six-volume biography of Lincoln (given to her by husband Arthur Miller), collecting a library of 400 books.


  • 这本有些时刻感觉了我的脆弱同时,我也感觉释放自己过去所带来的兴奋自在幸福

    As I wrote this book I went through so many moments when I felt completely vulnerable. But at the same time there were other moments when I felt excited, free, and happy to at last let go of my past.


  • 中国负责打击毒品犯罪的主要官员之一杨凤瑞表示担心奥运会期间将有很多外国人中国来,有可能意味会有更多非法毒品入境。

    One of China's top drug-fighting officials, Yang Fengrui, says he is concerned more foreigners in China during the Olympics could mean more illegal narcotics.


  • 加布雷基·奥尔·基斯梦想,是图书馆埃塞俄比亚更多城镇乡村去

    Yohannes dreams about taking his donkey mobile libraries to more Ethiopian towns and villages.


  • 每个人都属于自己空间传统身穿乡村花呢服装的老年夫妇Portobello Road年轻人

    There is room for everybody, from the conventional great old couple in their country tweeds to the young kids on Portobello Road.


  • 他们研究工作成为Arnold KlingNickSchulz重要新书主题,该书名为贫困繁荣》。

    Their research is the subject of an important new book called "From Poverty to Prosperity," by Arnold Kling and Nick Schulz.


  • WalterIsaacson最新传记中透漏,直这时乔布斯同意手术,而此时医生发现癌细胞扩散肝部,已经无力回天

    Only then did he agree to surgery, during which his doctors found that the cancer had spread to his liver, according to the new biography by Walter Isaacson. Cancer eventually killed him.


  • 我国城市化的进程加快预计2010年,全国一半人口居住城镇

    Urbanization is speeding up throughout China, with half the 1.3 billion Chinese expected to live in cities in 2010.


  • 专家分析他们对数字敏感主要原因在于这些失聪的年幼时候没有学会怎样数数(1--10),专家总结:数字与语言能力有重大联系。

    Experts said the reason was that they had not studied the familiar ‘count list’ of one to ten that most people are taught when they are young.


  • 在赫尔迈厄尼·(Herminone Lee)所最新传记中,华顿,“伟大的女将军”(亨利·詹姆斯),“天才的迪丝”将其无穷的精力都投入法国战时救济事业之中。

    Hermione Lee's new biography casts Wharton as “the great generalissima”, in Henry James's words, “Edith the transcendent”, channelling her mighty energies into war work on behalf of France.


  • 在赫尔迈厄尼·(Herminone Lee)所最新传记中,华顿,“伟大的女将军”(亨利·詹姆斯),“天才的迪丝”将其无穷的精力都投入法国战时救济事业之中。

    Hermione Lee's new biography casts Wharton as “the great generalissima”, in Henry James's words, “Edith the transcendent”, channelling her mighty energies into war work on behalf of France.


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