• 英联邦各国似乎将要奔赴灾难之中

    The Commonwealth ones seem to be heading for disaster.


  • 可以选择使用其他方法数据复制灾难数据中心。

    You can choose to use other methods to copy the data to the disaster data center.


  • 萎靡不振,灾难日子,必然气竭力尽。

    If thou lose hope being weary in the day of distress, thy strength shall be diminished.


  • 卢斯科尼似乎已充分意识灾难伴随危险机遇

    Mr Berlusconi seemed fully aware of the dangers and opportunities that accompany disasters.


  • 磁盘子系统可以捕获主要数据中心中的数据快照将复制灾难数据中心。

    A disk subsystem that can capture a snapshot of your data in your primary data center and replicate it to your disaster data center.


  • 问过——预言家之间对话——难道没有感觉灾难来临前隐隐的振动吗?

    I asked him - one Seer to another - had he not, too, sensed the distant vibrations of coming catastrophe?


  • 使客户机可以发布单独对象灾难恢复站点后者允许客户数据库恢复一个一致的时间

    This gives clients the ability to have a single object to ship to disaster recovery sites that would allow the customer to bring the database back to a consistent point in time.


  • 这里重要方面包括:SAN存在、SAN数据划分以及 SAN中的数据复制灾难数据中心事实

    What is important is the existence of a SAN, the division of the data within the SAN and the fact that the data in the SAN is replicated to a SAN in the disaster center.


  • 国际飞行联谊扶轮社员们他们兴趣应用服务上,例如载运病人医院运送救灾物资灾难地区等

    Members of the International Fellowship of flying Rotarians, for example, have applied their hobbies to service by flying patients to hospitals and carrying supplies into disaster areas.


  • 失业率升高到灾难地步过去几年美国通货膨胀数据日本急速滑入腐蚀性通货紧缩前期情况几乎完全吻合。

    Unemployment is disastrously high, while U.S. inflation data over the past few years almost perfectly match the early stages of Japan’s relentless slide into corrosive deflation.


  • 失业率升高到灾难地步过去几年美国通货膨胀数据日本急速滑入腐蚀性通货紧缩前期情况几乎完全吻合

    Unemployment is disastrously high, while U. S. inflation data over the past few years almost perfectly match the early stages of Japan's relentless slide into corrosive deflation.


  • 主要目的地不可用时,数据库功能会将通信定向灾难数据库例如DB2HADROracleRAC)。

    When the primary destination is not available, the database feature will direct the communication to the disaster data center (for example: DB2 HADR or Oracle RAC).


  • 电子文件备份不是简单对电子文件本身存储保管,备份的目的灾难发生后保证电子文件最快的速度恢复灾难状态

    Electronic records backup is not the simply storage of themselves, the purpose of backup is to ensure that electronic records can be return to pre-disaster state as quickly as possible.


  • 的政敌很快注意一系列灾难

    Her political enemies were quick to pick up on this series of disasters.


  • 人们还没有完全意识这场灾难严重程度

    The full scale of the disaster has yet to sink in.


  • 我们已经认识一次市场崩溃未必导致经济灾难

    We have learned that a market crash need not lead to economic disaster.


  • 巴黎旅游委员会负责人:“现在时候认识旅游业正在经历一场行业性灾难了。”

    The Head of Paris's Tourism Board said: "It's time to realize that the tourism sector is going through an industrial disaster."


  • 推测有些也许察觉重大灾难

    He conjectured that some individuals may be able to detect major calamities.


  • 相信件事原因相信每一灾难我们似乎只有一步遥。

    It seems to be a short step from believing that every event has a cause to believing that every disaster is our fault.


  • 生性内向,很早就意识作为名学者沉默寡言演讲厅里带来灾难的后果。

    Inherently introverted, he realised early on that as an academic, his reticence would prove disastrous in the lecture hall.


  • 如果灾难不能损失足以保险金提高程度,这是不是意味着极端事件的出现越发地频繁?

    If this disaster does not lead to losses high enough to raise premiums, might the perception that extreme events seem to be on the increase?


  • 他们认为真正问题在于这个国家无法清醒的认识这个迫在眉睫灾难以进行补救

    The real problem is an inability to get the nation, as they see it, to wake up to impending disaster and mend its ways.


  • 英国公众记忆铭刻灾难汽车半导体

    In Britain a long list of disasters, from cars to semiconductors, is etched in the public's memory.


  • 认识考虑眼前忽视后果自己带来灾难

    He now realized that any one, who CARES for the present and overlooks consequences is apt to bring disasters upon himself.


  • 必须注意据预测07年是灾难损失正常水平回归

    It is important to note that the estimate for 2007 assumes a return to "normal" levels of expected catastrophe loss.


  • 很多那样被承受灾难的”伤痛来自混凝土的射击居民区

    Many of those hurt, he says, have sustained "catastrophic" injuries from mortars fired into residential areas.


  • 很多那样被承受灾难的”伤痛来自混凝土的射击居民区

    Many of those hurt, he says, have sustained "catastrophic" injuries from mortars fired into residential areas.


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