• 可是清晨四点钟,在等着

    But I was still waiting at four in the morning.


  • 昨夜开始秋雨一直连绵清晨

    From the beginning of the autumn rain last night, has been stretching into the early morning.


  • 清晨才醒来升起太阳

    Till up in the morning the sun shall arise.


  • 火车服务午夜到清晨4停办以便修护。

    Train service will be suspended from midnight to 4 a. m. to permit repairs.


  • 那些强劲大风卷起层云彩,还有些零星小雨好一会,一直持续清晨

    Those mighty winds pulled in a band of cloud and some patchy rain through the small hours, and into the first part of the morning.


  • 所有满月一样,今晚月亮照亮整个夜晚,夕阳西下和清晨

    Like any full moon, tonight's moon lights up the nighttime from dusk until dawn.


  • 午夜清晨6之间飓风横扫英格兰东南角风速高达时速160公里

    Between the hours of midnight and 6 a. m. the hurricane crossed the southeast corner of England with winds of up to 160 KPH.


  • 那些强劲大风卷起层云彩,还有些零星的小雨下了好一会,一直持续清晨

    Those mighty winds pulled in a band of cloud and some rain through the small hours, and into the first part of the morning.


  • 发现在即已经狂躁心态所捆饶,几乎都不能确定是否曾经注意清晨天空颜色

    I find myself disturbed by a kind of crazy and wild psychology and I'm almost not sure whether I've noticed the color of the sky in the morning.


  • 到清晨6终于有点稳定下来,让我起床打盹了一会,在一些既定早晨事务之前。

    I was still awake at 6 am, and finally it settled a bit and I got some dozing before I had to get up for some planned morning events.


  • 晚上烟味变得清晨时,呼吸困难另外房间,总是能听客人关门的声音。

    During the night, the smell of smoke became very obvious and by early morning I was having trouble breathing, plus the room was noisy with people shutting doors quite loudly.


  • 旅社,无论怎么商量,得的只是一个漠然的拱肩姿势,不能她的房间里度过从那时到清晨第一班机场巴士发车之间三个小时

    And when she said "let me do the right thing" and paid for the three hours at the hostel, I couldn't make a sound with my voice.


  • 清晨宁静使迪利普·机会拍摄这种罕见的

    The early morning tranquillity provided Dileep Kumar with the opportunity to photograph this rare spotted eagle.


  • 天气凉爽清晨太阳傍晚鸟的有效时间因为大部分鸟儿此时活跃和喂食,这样就容易观察它们了。

    Early mornings when the air is still cool and late evenings as the sun is setting are the most effective times to go birding because more birds will be active and feeding, making them easier to see.


  • 最佳观看时间清晨午夜凌晨4。”

    "Prime viewing time is early morning, from midnight to 4 a.m.


  • 一个星期天清晨回来遇见白宫参观一家人

    Early one Sunday morning, when I came in from my jog, I ran into a family touring the White House.


  • 哎呀!” 两只回答说:“遭受饥饿干渴清晨夜晚都很忧伤和渴望;如果能带离开,从这里把我拯救出去,我会开心的。”

    "Alas!" answered Two-eyes, "I suffer from hunger and thirst, grief and want, from early morning till late night; if you would take me with you, and deliver me from these things, I should be happy."


  • 五月二十三日清晨一如往常出门村的山区健行

    On May 23rd he went hiking, as he often did, in the hills above Bongha at dawn.


  • 卡塔尔阿布陨石清晨宁静,使Dileep Kumar机会拍摄这种罕见的

    The early morning tranquillity of the Abu Nakhla lagoons, Qatar, provided Dileep Kumar with the opportunity to photograph this rare greater spotted eagle.


  • 舱内宇航员每隔90分钟领略太阳如何清晨地球上空点燃巨大彩虹

    The shuttle enabled its astronauts to see, every 90 minutes, how the sun ignited a giant rainbow over the morning Earth.


  • 清晨每一个镜面阵列自动转向太阳,通过反射集中聚焦点加热斯特林发动机驱动活塞生产电力

    At daybreak each mirror array will turn sunward, and concentrated light will heat a Stirling engine held at the focal point, driving pistons and making electricity.


  • 我们能够观察清晨生动梦境记忆如何我们一天忙碌的生活逐渐消散只剩下毫无意义的记忆碎片。

    We may observe how the memory of a dream which in the morning was still vivid fades in the course of the day, leaving only a few trifling remnants.


  • 即使没有时间返回酒店或者办公室衣服,她也清晨深夜一直保持容光焕发、神采奕奕

    She has to look fresh and put-together from morning deep into the night even if she doesn't have time to run back to a hotel or office and change clothes.


  • 现在更加心甘情愿支持我们家先生实验尽管每天清晨5就得起床晚上10点精疲力竭。

    For now, I'm more than happy to support my husband's little experiment, despite the fact that he now rises at 5 a.m. and is exhausted by 10 at night.


  • 就这样,从星期一白天晚上,再星期二清晨,汽车们陆陆续续地开过来,就像笨拙海洋哺乳动物那样盲目地一个跟着个上岸,然后逐个搁浅

    And all day Monday, Monday evening, and Tuesday morning, they kept coming, clumsy sea mammals blindly following one another onto shore, and they kept getting beached.


  • 清晨深夜一直在工作如此辛苦只是为着可能饿死的恐惧,多么愚蠢啊;

    It is senseless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, fearing you will starve to death;


  • 观察昨天清晨人们匆匆走过归(译注:Ground Zero,即世贸遗址)建筑工地时,那些肯定不再这些建筑物倒塌是由恐怖袭击造成的。

    The people I watched hurrying to work past the construction site at Ground Zero early yesterday morning were surely not thinking about buildings collapsing as a result of terrorist attack.


  • 我国天文学家预测,6清晨,如果天色晴朗,我国大部分地区均可目睹宝瓶座流星雨

    People across the country are likely to spot the Aquarius meteor showers early Wednesday, astronomers forecast.


  • 我国天文学家预测,6清晨,如果天色晴朗,我国大部分地区均可目睹宝瓶座流星雨

    People across the country are likely to spot the Aquarius meteor showers early Wednesday, astronomers forecast.


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