• 90年代中期到末期开发工具概览。

    The development tool landscape of the mid-to-late 90s.


  • 结果骨折发生末期踝关节OA的形成平均需要20.9(范围是1-52年)。

    Results: The latency time between injury and end-stage ankle OA was 20.9 years (1-52 years).


  • 20世纪90年代中期末期IBM引入数据仓库的(Data Warehousing)的蓝图,用于通过持久性的数据存储(中心数据仓库CDW)帮助保证数据完整性过程一致性

    In the mid to late 1990's, IBM introduced a Blueprint for data Warehousing that aided data integrity and process consistency through the persistent data store (Central data Warehouse or CDW).


  • 有些年轮可以追溯一万年前冰河时代末期

    Some of the rings go back almost ten thousand years to the end of the Ice Age.


  • 这些事是必须有的只是末期没有

    Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.


  • 18世纪末期库克船长为了查明存在巨大的南方大陆而太平洋探险以前,世界大部分地区已经被绘制在地图上了。

    By the late 18th century and Captain Cook's exploration of the southern Pacific (to check that no great southern continent existed), much of the world had been charted.


  • 今天指数13,000(并且报纸明显的搞错了次:还记得在二十世纪九十年代末期封面宣称原油每桶5美元么?

    Today it is at 13, 000. (And this newspaper has got it famously wrong once or twice: remember the cover in the late 1990s that talked of oil at $5 a barrel?


  • 五个黑色建筑物中的三个LudwigMiesvan derRohe设计20世纪60年代末期十年建成

    Three of the five black buildings were designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and were built in the late 1960s and early 1970s.


  • 的使用量2010年代末期开始下降2030年,天然气使用量将超过煤,并世界提供1/4的能源

    Coal use declines from the late 2010s onwards, and by 2030 gas has surpassed it, providing a quarter of all the world’s energy.


  • 我们投入回去1亿6000万年前1亿5000万年前侏罗纪末期时,会发现这些不同物种所有原始成员长得非常相似

    When we go back into the late Jurassic, 150-160 million years ago, all the primitive members of these different species are all very similar.


  • 20世纪90年代末期某些型号的订单甚至年后

    By the late 1990s, certain models were back-ordered for two years.


  • 意识什么时候进行快照(例如,什么时候工件成熟程度或者迭代或者评审循环末期)。

    Might be aware of when to take a snapshot (for example, when artifacts have reached a level of maturity or at the end of an iteration or review cycle). Commenter or author.


  • 领导业务分析员可能意识什么时候快照(例如工件成熟时或者迭代或者评审周期末期时)。

    The lead business analyst might be aware of when to take a snapshot (for example, when artifacts have reached a level of maturity or at the end of an iteration or review cycle). Author.


  • 可能意识什么时候制做一个快照(例如工件一定成熟度或者迭代评审周期末期时)。

    Might be aware of when to take a snapshot (for example, when artifacts have reached a level of maturity or at the end of an iteration or review cycle). Author.


  • 然而就像我们所有人目击的那样,杰克逊演艺生涯的末期这位巨星的皮肤不舒坦

    Yet as we all witnessed while Jackson's career played out, the star was never comfortable in his own skin.


  • 许多客户项目末期分配的时间来进行压力测试

    I have had many customers allocate two or three weeks to stress testing at the end of a project.


  • 问题部分原因在于很多次优按揭贷款发放于2006年末2007年初段时期正好信贷膨胀末期

    Part of the problem is that much of the Alt-A lending came at the tail-end of the credit boom in late 2006 and early 2007.


  • 我们料,遗传基因研究发现古新世时代末期之后一些变化,这就是物种进化的速度急速加快,也就导致了以上提及的成百上千的物种。

    As might be expected, the genes suggest that the pace of change hots up after the end of the Palaeocene, resulting in the sort of species illustrated above.


  • 狂热分子甚至认为洪水故事可以追溯早的年代,直最后一个冰河时代末期

    Enthusiasts hint that flood stories date back much further, to the end of the last Ice Age.


  • 第二世界大战末期1980年,金融业从业人员其他行业相同资历人员,平均所获薪酬一样多。

    From the end of the Second World War until 1980 or thereabouts, people working in finance earned about the same, on average and taking account of their qualifications, as people in other industries.


  • 20世纪末期见证了教育非凡的进步美国统计数字表明,19801995世界范围内的15岁以上人口文盲率31%跌落23%。

    The late 20th century has brought remarkable advance: the United Nations reckons that between 1980 and 1995 the worldwide rate of illiteracy among people aged over 15 fell from 31% to 23%.


  • 这个可以追溯男性虚荣心尤其明显18世纪末期是个花花公子时代

    The saying can be traced to male vanity, particularly apparent in the late eighteenth century, the period of the dandy.


  • 60年代末期该省遥远沿海居民区提供资金,将人们安置经济前景不错的地方

    In the late 1960s, the province paid people in remote coastal communities to relocate to areas thought to hold more economic promise.


  • 有趣的我们注意,虽然培根13世纪末期使用放大镜了,17世纪才文虎克将放大镜对准滴水

    It is interesting to note that magnifying lenses were used by Bacon in the late 1200s, but had never been focused on a drop of water until the 1600s by Leeuwenhoek.


  • 90年代末期联邦快递中国已经站稳了脚跟。

    By the late 1990s, FedEx had gained a stronghold in the Chinese market.


  • 七十年代末期夫妇已经戒酒

    Also, by the late '70s, Carver and his wife had sobered up.


  • 1990年代末期妇女平均每人生育23个孩子

    By the late 1900s, women will raise an average of only two or three children.


  • 1990年代末期妇女平均每人生育23个孩子

    By the late 1900s, women will raise an average of only two or three children.


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