• 参考资料部分关于所有这些技术信息链接

    There are links to information about all of these technologies in the Resources section.


  • 有助于识别所有可移动部分了解它们如何组合起来发挥作用的,并且重要的是—您启示,教您如何能更好地将它们融入应用程序中。

    This will help you identify all of the moving parts, see how they work together, and - most important - give you hints as to how you can more deeply incorporate them into your application.


  • 一般教育体系分为部分爱沙尼亚所有儿童必须接受的基础教育(9年制716岁)普通中级教育。

    General educational system is divided into two parts: basic education (9 years: age 7 to 16) which is compulsory for all children in Estonia and secondary general education.


  • 数据可以定义项目其他部分API连接确保集成所有部分时候问题较少。

    Because of the fake data layer, you also can define your API connections to other parts of the project and ensure you have less problems when it's time to integrate all the pieces.


  • 为了将JSP配置servlet复制粘贴所有部分这些元素WEB - INF文件

    All or some of these elements may be copied and pasted into the WEB-INF file in order to configure JSPs as servlets.


  • 学习本文部分所有内容之后,稍后可以学习很多Grails代码

    As your reward for taking in all the talk in the first part of this article, you'll find plenty of Grails code later on.


  • Google所有搜索结果捣碎一起方式有所不同Ask则是将视频图片新闻以及百科条目进行梳理与分类,它们显示窗口的不同部分

    Instead of mashing search results together like Google, Ask teases apart video, images, news, and encyclopedia entries and displays them on different parts of the screen.


  • Nsaid有可能会对消化道所有部分都造成损伤但是临床研究观察的多数胃部

    Nsaid damage can affect any part of the upper digestive tract, but clinical studies have shown that Nsaid-related ulcers are more commonly found in the stomach.


  • 清单1的代码复制文件内,浏览器加载文件(参看下载部分以获得本文使用的所有示例HTML文件)。

    Copy Listing 1 into the file, and load the file in your browser. (See Download for all the example HTML files for this article.)


  • 因为这项研究主要基于选择的部分并不能代表所有的闭锁症患者而且调查时,患者身旁均护理人员家人在场影响患者对问题解答。

    Patients also answered the survey with a caregiver or family member present, which may have influenced answers.


  • 部分(尽管不是所有)都可以实施服务公开

    Much, although not all of this, can be done on exposure of the service.


  • 函数部分所有% %开头延伸文件末尾文本将全部复制生成的文件中。

    All the text in this section starting with % % and, extending to the end of the file, is copied verbatim into the generated file.


  • 所有代码移植J2EE可能一个消耗时间过程可能代价很高因此作为这个过程的部分保持您的部分代码继续运行可能是比较明智的。

    Migrating all of your code to J2EE can be time consuming and possibly expensive, so as part of this process, it may be wise to keep some of your existing code running.


  • 连接所有粒子除了引力外自然力一个简单数学框架理论标准模型缺失部分

    It is the missing piece of the Standard Model, a theory which links all the particles and forces of nature bar gravity into a single mathematical framework.


  • 本质价值分布生命每一单独部分尼采声称的,所有必须形而上支撑

    This distribution of intrinsic value down to every individual bit of life is buttressed by Nietzsche's metaphysical claim that everything is essential.


  • 洛杉矶游乐场海滩实施的现有禁令扩展公园之后加州立法者已经禁止所有州立公园和部分海滩地区吸烟

    State legislators there have prohibited smoking in all state parks and on parts of beaches, two years after Los Angeles extended its existing ban on playgrounds and beaches to parks.


  • 精心培育大型网络只是绑定个人身上而是一个关系上,而且这些关系大于组成关系所有部分总和

    A large network, carefully cultivated, ties one into not just a body of people but a body of relationships, and those relationships are more than just the sum of their parts.


  • 至此构建了完整j 2ee应用程序所有不同部分并且可以简单的、直接的方式从头测试

    By now, you have constructed all the various pieces of the full, end-to-end J2EE application and can test it from beginning to end in a simple, straightforward manner.


  • 所有大多都往下进入更低容量部分用泵送核心喷雾系统或者送回反应堆

    All the water pretty much comes down into the lower containment section and it's pumped back into either the core spray system or back into the reactor.


  • 这些产品中的部分非常可以包括XML语法突出显示模板完成菜单定制所有功能。

    Some of these products are quite good, and can include everything from XML syntax highlighting to template completion and menu customization.


  • 继续绘制把选区中的所有部分都覆盖

    Continue masking until you have filled your entire area selected.


  • 但是这并不意味着需要采用一窝蜂方式一次涉及所有不同能力——基本级别的一小部分开始,随着服务数量增长有目的地进步标准化级别。

    There is, however, no need to do a big bang approach and try to cover all the different capabilities at once - start small at Basic and aim to become Standardized as your number of services grows.


  • 乳癌细胞扩散淋巴腺时,传统的治疗方法是,切除病人腋下下大部分淋巴结消灭所有癌细胞

    When breast cancer has spread to a patient's lymph system, surgeons traditionally have operated to remove a large number of underarm lymph nodes, to eliminate any trace of the cancer.


  • 可以捕捉部分所有设置复制启动文件中,这样就可以每次打开shell时重建自己工作空间

    You can copy some or all of the captured Settings to a startup file to recreate your workspace each time you open a shell.


  • 参与开发周期部分工作时,您不一定能够认识Domino所有用途以及多少依赖性能稳定性

    When you are part of the development cycle, you don't necessarily realize all the things Domino is being used for or how many people rely on its performance and stability.


  • stab部分末端,将不同stab部分收集所有信息整合在一起,然后它们存储数据结构中。

    After you reach the end of the section, consolidate all the information gathered in various stab sections and store them in a data structure. If you do not reach the end of the stab section.


  • 这家冶炼厂归Met-Mex Peñoles所有,它是一个墨西哥矿业集团部分,1901年建厂时它连厂房屋顶都没有2000年该厂周围地区盖上一层层黑色粉末

    The smelter, owned by Met-Mex Peñoles, part of a big Mexican mining group, ran without a roof from 1901 until 2000, blanketing the surrounding area with layers of fine black powder.


  • 部分不会意识微生物存在,因为他们肉眼看不见,事实上,微生物占据了地球大约一半生物量所有动物加起来,也不过占地球总生物量的千分之一。

    Most people don't realize it, because they're invisible, but microbes make up about a half of the Earth's biomass, whereas all animals only make up about about one one-thousandth of all the biomass.


  • 部分不会意识微生物存在,因为他们肉眼看不见,事实上,微生物占据了地球大约一半生物量所有动物加起来,也不过占地球总生物量的千分之一。

    Most people don't realize it, because they're invisible, but microbes make up about a half of the Earth's biomass, whereas all animals only make up about about one one-thousandth of all the biomass.


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