• 大多数人都怀疑不会传唤

    But most suspected he would not be called to the stand.


  • 来说,意味着自信地法庭上走动,使用令人信服肢体语言大声说话,这样法官后门都能她的声音

    To her, it meant moving confidently around the court room, using convincing body language and projecting her voice, so it could be heard from the judge's bench to the back door.


  • 来说,意味着自信地法庭上走动,使用令人信服肢体语言展现她的声音这样法官后门她的声音。

    To her it meant moving confidently around the court room, using convincing body language and projecting her voice so it could be heard from the judge's bench to the back door.


  • 支持无线访问的桌面服务器无线接入系统成为几乎所有一切通用工具而且已经无线解决方案中占据了一之地。

    It's becoming the universal tool for almost everything, and it has found its place in wireless solutions, from desktops and servers with wireless access to access point systems.


  • 1999年2003年间,美国研究创业学教授原来的237增长至406全球其它地区这个数字从271增长至536

    Between 1999 and 2003 the number of endowed chairs in entrepreneurship in America grew from 237 to 406 and in the rest of the world from 271 to 536.


  • 上一次橄榄球奥运会中占据一之地还要追溯1924年,美国获得了当时的金牌

    The last time rugby featured in the Olympics, back in 1924, America won the gold medal.


  • 经过了数年来欧盟之间区别研究,俄罗斯首相普京已经意识欧盟团结不仅空话

    After years of exploiting differences between old and new members of the European Union, Vladimir Putin, Russia’s prime minister, has realised that EU solidarity is more than mere rhetoric.


  • 尼斯条约(有效期2014年)投票制度Visegrad集团4欧盟拥有的总法国德国的总票一样的。

    Under the voting rules of the Nice treaty, in force until 2014, Visegrad countries have as many votes in the EU as France and Germany combined.


  • 马上注册参与adaLovelace纪念日中来。让我们告诉下一代年轻女性技术领域,她们依然可以占之地。

    So go sign up to participate in Ada Lovelace Day and let's make sure that the next generation of young women know that there is an important place for them in technology.


  • 两个大前锋,巴斯安德森上赛季都稳定的坐在替补上,巴斯出战50,安德森虽然有63场,但是二月三月连续的13场比赛有9场没上场

    Bass appeared in just 50 regular-season games. Anderson played in 63 games, but he logged nine DNP-CDs in one 13-game stretch last February and March.


  • 梅赫相信,2010年前,全球制药公司市场占有率50印度将会占据68

    Mr Mehta believes that by 2010 Indian drugs firms could account for six to eight of the world's top 50 drug companies by market share.


  • 未来年里中国人汽车需求可能保持强劲因此其它一些汽车制造商纷纷抢滩中国,以求在这个全球第四市场中夺得一之地。

    Several other carmakers have also rushed to China to grab a piece of the world's fourth largest market, as Chinese demand for new cars is likely to remain robust for the next three to four years.


  • 书本出版之后,马可没有进行任何旅行,但是在历史上留下了之地——他第一东方旅行欧洲而且回来后口述了很多故事

    He did not make any more journeys after the publication of his books, but he had a place in history-he was the first European ever to travel to the East and to return with a story to tell.


  • 正如史坦尼斯·拜拉认识的那样,如果缺乏必要资源提供支持,“正确”就什么也不是。

    As Stannis Baratheon learns, being "right" means nothing when you lack the resources to back it up.


  • 现在球员们会与在边界线外所有触碰的一切发生互动不论是解说或者双方球队板凳亦或者是第一排观众

    Whether it's the commentary table, the two teams' benches or the first row of the crowd, players now interact with whatever they come across past those white lines.


  • 当天早上,人们也议会众议院的公众观看了卡梅伦完成最后一次首相问答

    Earlier in the day the family joined Mr Cameron in Parliament, watching him complete his final Prime Minister's Questions in the Commons from the viewing gallery above.


  • 请教练员替补队员替换

    Can the managers and the substitute players proceed to the waiting area.


  • 而在一些枕头、坐垫靠垫上,扇子风车之类图案人一看就感觉丝丝清凉

    In some pillows seats, decorated seats, pillows gallery, and a fan or windmill embroidered such pictorial , so one can feel a trace on the cool of Italy.


  • 高校教育市场国际化竞争占有之地必须主动出击,参与国际市场中去拼打,去抢占市场,去磨练自己增强竞争力

    A higher school wants to possess a highlight status in the international educational market, it must launch an attack actively, compete and grab market, anneal ourselves to boost up competition.


  • 声音大概后面观众

    My voice won't reach to the back of the auditorium.


  • 各位领导贵宾就座欣赏航空表演文艺表演。

    All of our leaders please take your seat and appreciate aerobatics and artist program.


  • 每个人都之地高中大专大学

    There is a place for everyone, from high school students to college and university students.


  • 确定周一法庭起诉方建议按照联邦法案下限1218个月监禁。

    He is due to appear in court Monday and prosecutors are set to recommend him get a sentence on the low-end of federal guideline of 12 to 18 months.


  • 审讯中南部小镇上的一个检察官传讯第一个证人,祖母级的老妇人证人

    In a trial, a southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand.


  • 审讯中南部小镇上的一个检察官传讯第一个证人,祖母级的老妇人证人

    In a trial, a southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand.


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