• 祖母借给一部相机,让她学校组织的威尼斯埃及旅行中使用。

    Her grandmother lent her a camera for a school trip to Venice and Egypt.


  • 我们威尼斯晓得座水城

    On arriving in Venice, we knew that it was a city of water.


  • 但是泻湖威尼斯一路游览却能带来前所未有满足感

    But when I do a little trip in my lagoon, from lagoon to the city of Venice I have an impact that give me satisfaction like no place in the world.


  • 马可波罗1925年威尼斯不久之后,马可海上被抓可能海盗

    Shortly after his return to Venice in 1295 Marco was captured at sea, possibly by pirates. One tradition suggests he was imprisoned in Genoa’s Palazzo San Giorgio, shown here in watery reflection.


  • 如果洪水继续泛滥,生活米兰威尼斯一带人们将面对洪灾带来的种种危险

    Millions of Italians living all the way from Milan to Venice are at risk if the flooding continues.


  • 2008年12月一次严重洪灾再次让人们注意威尼斯脆弱状态即将成为水下城市命运

    A severe flood in December 2008 brought renewed attention to Venice's vulnerable state and imminent fate as an underwater city.


  • 针对大气二氧化碳增加海水升高,推出了一系列低洼地区生活推测性短文,迈阿密威尼斯荷兰孟加拉国

    He presents a series of speculative vignettes of life at various low-lying locations, from Miami to Venice to the Netherlands to Bangladesh, as the level of atmospheric CO2 and the oceans rise.


  • 很快,朱莉了一张神秘纸条,纸条上指示巴黎威尼斯的火车,在火车上选择一名普通游客,伺机使监视者相信这个就是皮尔斯

    Jolie receives a secret note. She's to take a train from Paris to Venice, pick an average tourist and fool her pursuers into thinking that this stranger is Pearce.


  • 威尼斯航运业1530年左右荷兰英国船只大量进入地中海之前开始衰落16世纪末已经明显落后

    Venetian shipping had started to decline from about 1530—before the entry into the Mediterranean of large volumes of Dutch and British shipping—and was clearly outclassed by the end of the century.


  • 商人们抱怨说,威尼斯人建造拥有的船只保留特权首先扩展那些国外购买船只的威尼斯然后扩展外国建造和拥有的船只。

    Merchants complained that the privileges reserved for Venetian-built and -owned ships were first extended to those Venetians who bought ships from abroad and then to foreign-built and -owned vessels.


  • 1615年一位来自威尼斯商人将咖啡介绍欧洲

    A merchant from Venice introduced coffee to Europe in 1615.


  • 狂欢者世上著名巴西狂欢节蜂拥里约热内卢。而威尼斯新奥尔良其他狂欢节,也来夺人眼球、争艳媲美

    Revellers flock to Rio de Janeiro for the world's most famous carnival. Other carnivals, from Venice to New Orleans, compete for the title.


  • 威尼斯双年展上一些作品本宗宫(PalazzoBenzon)展示(持续9月27日)。

    Her sculptures in Venice, some of which weigh more than a tonne, are on display at Palazzo Benzon (to 27 September).


  • 总有整个威尼斯德里·亚海底最美结局

    One day, the entire Adriatic sea Venice will sink into the seabed go, that is its most beautiful outcome.


  • 我们第一国家意大利。我们去了罗马,比萨佛罗伦萨威尼斯

    The first country we arrived at was Italy. We visited Rome, Pisa, Florence and Venice.


  • 爱米利知道威尼斯女郎愿意脚步行巴勒斯坦为了希望碰一碰下唇。

    Emilia. I know a lady in Venice would have walked barefoot to Palestine for a touch of his nether lip.


  • 哈瓦那蒙特利尔,从威尼斯布拉格,从雅典里昂旌旗招展、群英荟萃

    From Havana to Montreal, from Venice to Prague, from Athens to Lyon, flags fluttering, heroes gather together.


  • 意大利威尼斯瑞士的琉森差不多用了5个小时

    It took almost 5 hours to Luzern in Switzerland from Venice in Italy.


  • 阿古一定是从威尼斯什么人。——是罗多维科奉公爵之命这儿来了;那位太太在一起。

    Iago. Something from Venice, sure. 'Tis Lodovico Come from the duke: and, see, your wife is with him.


  • 如果埃拉·克莱米·诺瓦的海边临近威尼斯记住那里建沙雕被禁止的。

    If you go to the sea in Eraclea, near Venice, remember that building sandcastles is forbidden.


  • 意大利立刻成为欧洲歌剧中心,从公元163717世纪末之间单单威尼斯就出现了388部歌剧

    Italy immediately became the center of opera in Europe. In the years between 1637 and the end of the century, 388 operas were produced in Venice alone.


  • 管理实践追溯几千年前比如埃及金字塔中国长城漂浮舰船装配生产线威尼斯

    The practice of management can be traced back thousands of years, such as pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall in China, and the floating warship assembly lines in Venice.


  • 威尼斯商人莎士比亚最富社会讽刺意义现实主义喜剧也是创作早期悲剧时期过渡性作品

    Merchant of Venice is Shakespeare's typical realistic comedy which is full of satire on the society. This play is also his transitional works from his earlier period of creation to his tragic period.


  • 威尼斯商人莎士比亚最富社会讽刺意义现实主义喜剧也是创作早期悲剧时期过渡性作品

    Merchant of Venice is Shakespeare's typical realistic comedy which is full of satire on the society. This play is also his transitional works from his earlier period of creation to his tragic period.


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