• 子看到成千上万的玫瑰,看起来和他的玫瑰别无二致,这让他觉得他仿佛被自己的花欺骗了。

    Seeing the thousands of roses that look just like his rose makes the prince feel as if he was tricked by his flower.


  • 海德头部毛发在长举动跟其他动物别无二致

    The fur on Hedwig's head is still growing back, but he is bounding around the cage like all the others.


  • 全球首款配备屏幕商用电脑外观我们现在使用电脑别无二致

    It was the world's first commercial computer with a screen that looked anything like the way yours does now.


  • 这种假牙看起来别无二致,它疼痛敏感,还可以用来咀嚼食物

    The artificial teeth looked like the real thing, were sensitive to pain and could chew food.


  • 过去年份里,部分展览充满最为无所顾忌的简化——新的展览别无二致

    This was the exhibit that in past years was fraught with the most blatant simplifications - and the new one is no different.


  • 如下找到理想技术创始人三个技巧提示:找技术创始人约会别无二致

    Here are three tips for finding the ideal technical founder. Hint: It's not unlike dating.


  • 内容一旦移动可以版本化索引搜索存档,与其它所有内容别无二致

    Once content has been moved, it can be versioned, indexed, searched, and archived just as any other content.


  • 这样调用型中的成员所用的语法与调用非泛型中的成员所用的语法别无二致

    This results in a syntax for calling members in generics that is no different from the syntax for non-generics.


  • 对于那些苦于糙米口感不佳的人来说,健康白米味道与普通的米饭几乎别无二致

    And those who find brown rice tough and chewy will be glad to know that the taste is said to be indistinguishable from white rice.


  • 这些行业主要集中纽约就是为什么热潮在曼哈顿硅谷和在加州的硅谷别无二致

    These industries are concentrated in new York, which is why the new boom is as much in Manhattan's Silicon alley as in California's Silicon Valley.


  • 现在来看,他们他人别无二致——既不是夸大的责任所奴役不是受制于压抑情感

    Now, they seem to have become much like everyone else, enslaved neither by high-falutin' duty nor repressed sentiment.


  • 超级委员会失败被解释两党之间冲突主要的绊脚石其实和往常别无二致——税收。

    Conflicting explanations for the failure of the committee, which met in private, have emerged, but the main stumbling block, as usual, was taxes.


  • 哈利罗恩赫敏三不利多花名册签名与大家在原著书中看到的签名别无二致

    Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's signatures for the Dumbledore's Army roster are the same signatures seen in the books.


  • 并且这些使用号码相同手机概率几乎为0;除非一种可能就是他们别无二致的双胞胎。

    However, the chance that those people will also have access to the same phone is negligible—unless, perhaps, they are identical twins.


  • 外观普通手机别无二致可以打电话、可以发短信音乐、跟普通手机摸一样出任何破绽

    Appearance and ordinary mobile phones, can phone calls, text messaging, listening to music, the same to ordinary cell phone can't see any flaw.


  • 与游戏主机行业成功采用的‘剃须刀/剃须刀商业模式别无二致硬件亏本出售,通过内容销售谋利

    This is the same 'razor/razor blade' business model successfully employed in the videogame console business, where the hardware is sold at a loss and profits are made on sales of content.


  • 我们现在相信莫扎特具备格伍兹别无二致都具有长期专注能力,以及父亲提升技能意图

    What Mozart had, we now believe, was the same thing Tiger Woods had - the ability to focus for long periods of time and a father intent on improving his skills.


  • 我们人类大家庭一部分,在日常生活中我们容易忘记这点看到大家的生活和我们的生活别无二致

    We're all part of a human family, but it's easy to forget that when we move through our daily routine, seeing people who live just like we do.


  • 内容可能已经桌面计算机优化过了我们还要最大努力攻克技术上的鸿沟,目的就是应用运行起来桌面相比别无二致

    Your content may have been optimized with a desktop computer in mind, but we will do all we can to overcome the technology gap and run your app as close to desktop quality as we can.


  • 尽管超级巴士车身标准城市巴士别无二致,但是高度为1.7差不多是一辆运动型多功能(SUV)的高度。

    Though it is as wide and long as a standard city bus, the Superbus is only 1.7 metres high, or roughly the same height as a sports-utility vehicle.


  • 一眼看去,最近那些人造青春偶像——布莱妮贾斯汀麦莉乔纳斯,别无二致。他们在过去十年间已经占据青少年们

    He seems at first like nothing more than the latest in a line of manufactured teen idols — the Britneys, Justins, Mileys and Jonases that have dominated teenage hearts for the past decade.


  • 此次金融风暴所有其它金融风暴最后别无二致银行资产繁荣借出太多现在(和不幸纳税人一起)他们正在为此付出代价

    In the end, this financial catastrophe has been like every other; Banks lent too much money during a property boom and now (together with the unfortunate taxpayers) they are paying the penalty.


  • 导致一些制造商开始劳动力成本依然保持较低水平的国家迁移比如孟加拉国老挝等,其遵循逻辑和他们当初进入中国别无二致

    That has led some manufacturers, following the same logic that brought them to China in the first place, to move towards still-lower labor cost countries, like Bangladesh and Laos.


  • 合作关系破裂组织机构成功造成的损失令人震惊。“舍本逐末”每年都会企业个人带来数十亿美元成本,和真正战争别无二致

    And the cost of failed partnerships to organizational success can be staggering. Not unlike true war, the "Side Show" costs businesses and people billions of dollars every single year.


  • 不管是好是,白沙滩景区俨然和泰国普吉岛别无二致,吵吵嚷嚷的按摩女们,各式吃饱为止的自助餐以及各个景点亚马逊人工瀑布

    For better or worse, this part of Boracay has embraced its inner Phuket, with barking masseuses, all-you-can-eat buffets and resorts with more waterfalls than the Amazon.


  • 不管是好是,白沙滩景区俨然和泰国普吉岛别无二致,吵吵嚷嚷的按摩女们,各式吃饱为止的自助餐以及各个景点亚马逊人工瀑布

    For better or worse, this part of Boracay has embraced its inner Phuket, with barking masseuses, all-you-can-eat buffets and resorts with more waterfalls than the Amazon.


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