• 希望他们可以利用这个优势

    And I hope they take advantage of that.


  • 所以我们好好利用这个优势

    So we should take the advantage of it.


  • 出租车司机所以我们好好利用这个优势

    Taxi driver: So we should take the advantage of it.


  • 我们利用这个优势

    We're going to try to take advantage of it.


  • 曼城很多他们利用这个优势就是这样

    They have a lot of money, they are taking advantage of it and that's it.


  • 利用这个优势我们赢了罗德箭射穿眼睛,死了。

    Taking this advantage, we won the battle. Harold himself was killed, pierced through the eye with an arrow.


  • 漂亮一步更加恐怖的是他知道如何利用这个优势

    He has a nice first step and a terrific sense of how to use it.


  • 如果巴塞罗纳改变他们想法那么我们利用这个优势

    If Barcelona should change their mind then we will be ready to take advantage of the situation.


  • 我们利用这个优势,可首次创建设置discount

    Let's take advantage of that and set the discount while we are creating the table in the first place. The following use of a CASE statement will take care of that for us.


  • 如果没有准备每一那么一流球员将会利用这个优势

    If you are not ready for every game then a top class player will take advantage of it.


  • 也许演讲表达自己观点那么利用这个优势帮助完成更多你重要的事情

    Maybe you like to speak to get your point across. Then use this strength to help you do more of the work that matters to you.


  • 如果老板提供弹性工作时间,那么利用这个优势适应工作风格

    If your employer offers a flexible work schedule, take advantage of it to fit your own work style.


  • 当然其他厂商能够利用这个优势来重制游戏,所以第三可能开发很多这样游戏。

    And if others also take advantage of this and release Wiimakes, there's a high possibility of a lot of software from third parties also.


  • 步枪班游戏中最快的站点速度大量的小队成员,利用这个优势,下面我们来分析如何使用步兵

    Remember, Rifles have fast capping speed and have large numbers, so use that to your advantage. Read the section on Rifle usage to gain a more specific understanding of how to use Riflemen.


  • 那么是否这种情况,老板需要了解更多的关于情感的细节(比如实习生感受),就好好利用这个优势吧。

    Should there be a case where your boss needs to know about some feelings (such as how the interns are feeling), use that to your advantage.


  • “曼联遭遇两连败,我们受此鼓舞。我们利用这个优势。”“他们失分了,而我们需要赢得之后比赛——再酋长球场他们决一高下。”

    They've dropped points and we're going to do our best to win all of our games coming up - then we've still got to play them at the Emirates.


  • 认为许多温尼泊市民可能可以利用这个优势说道,“意味着我们只是减少了离开GrandForks汽油消耗花费我们在那里而已。”

    "I think a lot of Winnipeggers are probably going to take advantage of this," he said. "It means that we're just burning up gasoline to go down to Grand Forks and spend our money there."


  • 这个未能充分利用开场时领先优势

    The team failed to capitalize on their early lead.


  • 话说,我们可以利用我们已经,了解这个物理量这个优势,对理想气体我们一个简单模型

    In other words, we're taking advantage of the fact that we now know that quantity. In the case of the ideal gas we just have a simple model for it.


  • 可以使用HTML元素另一个web页面显示web页面我们正好利用优势来创建一个extbrowserwindow,该类可以在Ext . Window中显示这个web页面。

    You can use the HTML element to display web pages inside another web page, so we'll take advantage of that to create a new ExtBrowserWindow class that will display this web page inside an Ext.Window.


  • 配置WindowsVista利用这个附加内存优势需要计算机引导配置进行更改,因此Administrative权限必须的。

    Configuring Windows Vista to take advantage of this additional memory requires making changes to the boot configuration of the computer and therefore Administrative access is required.


  • 一个相当有耐心,并且直觉就能够理解数学相关概念所以好的利用这个优势

    I'm a fairly patient person and I intuitively understand most mathematical concepts, so I was able to really make this take off.


  • 而现在进入到了计算时代,尽管这个技术主要优势在于数据管理,而且也不是很新,但是AI开发者还是最近几年大加利用

    Enter cloud computing. Although valued primarily for its efficiency in data administration-and certainly not new-ai developers have begun to take advantage of it only in recent years.


  • 很多企业已经利用某些位置感知服务更多的用户加入到这个行列中来,因为他们认识服务带来的优势潜能

    Many organizations are already making use of location-aware services, and many more will do so as they realize the benefits and potential that these services hold.


  • 安琪尔这时也想到,利用这个偶然得来优势有些公平;他因此不再迈了。

    It reminded Angel that he was somewhat unfairly taking advantage of an accidental position; and he went no further with it.


  • 而现在进入到了计算时代,尽管这个技术主要优势在于数据管理,而且也不是很新,但是AI开发者还是最近几年大加利用

    Enter cloud computing.Although valued primarily for its efficiency in data administration-and certainly not new-ai developers have begun to take advantage of it only in recent years.


  • 而现在进入到了计算时代,尽管这个技术主要优势在于数据管理,而且也不是很新,但是AI开发者还是最近几年大加利用

    Enter cloud computing.Although valued primarily for its efficiency in data administration-and certainly not new-ai developers have begun to take advantage of it only in recent years.


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