• 有效利用废气使能量循环利用体现食物链原理

    Using of the waste which effectively recycled the energy embodied the principles of the food chain.


  • ECI系统利用废气旁通控制阀控制废气旁通阀执行器的压力

    The ECI system is designed to control the pressure to the waste gate actuator with the waste gate pressure control valve.


  • 本文利用废气治理工程中测试数据建立流化填料净化塔的水力阻力经验

    By making use of the available data from engineering experiment, an empirical formula to estimate pressure drop of fluidized packing contactor has been set.


  • 试验结果初步说明利用废气再循环压缩甲醇发动机解决相关问题重要途径

    The test result shows that using EGR is an important approach to solve related difficulty for high compression ratio methanol engine.


  • 碳化利用废气中的二氧化碳处理石油碱渣,是一种高效成本低廉的石油碱渣处理方法

    Carbonation method is one of the high efficiency and low cost methods to treat the oil residue.


  • 这套设备利用水泥生产排放出的废气中的热量通过热交换的原理,晾干了水泥熟料,又加热锅炉里的从而形成水蒸气,最后推动涡轮转动发电。

    The system USES the heat from waste gases produced in the kiln during the cement-making process both to dry the cement and to heat water in a boiler that drives a turbine to produce electricity.


  • 如果这项技术得到完善汽车可能部分地利用自己废气或者周围空气提供动力

    If it's perfected, the technique could lead to cars partially powered by their own fumes or by the air around them.


  • 作为对比,如果利用捕捉储存技术(CCS),碳排放工厂进行碳捕捉然后二氧化碳深在诸如废气油井一类的地方,每固定一吨碳需要成本达20-270美元。

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) works by trapping CO2 from the exhaust gases of fossil fuel power plants and then piping it to underground storage sites, such as disused oil wells.


  • 合理利用进、排气管中的压力不仅使更多废气排出缸外而且可以提高发动机的充气效率,使尽可能新鲜工质充入。

    The utilization of the pressure wave in the intake pipe and exhaust pipe which not only make more exhaust gas out of the cylinder but also improve the charge efficiency and make more fresh gas.


  • 冶炼厂利用冶炼废气回收SO2生产硫酸,生产过程中排放SO 2危害作业人员健康

    The SO2 from sulfuric acid production process using the waste gas of metallurgy plant is harmful to workers health.


  • 近年来人们越来越关注如何污水处理废气处理过程充分利用培养螺旋藻。

    Recently, more and more attentions are given to how to make full use of spirulina in the process of sewerage and exhaust gas disposal, et al.


  • 对于石油天然气工作者来说co2不仅能够减少大气中排放CO2同时能够将以往认为废气的CO2利用起来,提高油田采收率

    As for oil and gas workers, inject CO2 to the ground could not only cut down the discharge capacity of CO2, but also reuse CO2 which was considered to be a waste gas to enhanced oil recovery.


  • 第三十条企业应当按照国家规定,生产过程产生粉煤灰煤矸石尾矿石、废料、废气工业废物进行综合利用

    Article30enterprises shall make a comprehensive utilization of fly ash gangue tailing lean material scrap material exhaust gas and other industrial wastes generated in production.


  • 提出采用单向阀利用进排气压力波动废气再循环(EGR)系统

    A check valve exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, which makes effective use of intake and exhaust pressure waves, was proposed for turbocharged diesel engines.


  • 新型干法水泥生产线窑尾废气利用排放存在多种工艺布置不同工艺配套电除尘器形成系统呈现出不同的特点。

    There are several process arrangements for waste gas utilization or exhaust from PC kiln systems, and different performances will be presented to different process system matched with ESP.


  • 介绍迁安化肥股份有限公司依靠技术进步对废水、废气、废渣进行治理综合利用措施

    This paper presents the measures of wastes control and their comprehensive utilization, which depends on the technical progress with productive practice, satisfactory results are obtained.


  • 康斯迪工艺提出电炉炼钢概念:即利用电弧炉排出的高温废气送往中的炉料进行连续预热

    The CONSTEEL process introduces a new concept in electric steel -making. The process USES the furnace off-gas and fuel to preheat the scrap fed into the furnace.


  • 粉煤灰中提取氧化铝,并作废气废液废渣循环利用一种粉煤灰附加值污染综合利用工艺

    Extracting aluminum oxide from fly ash and circulating waste gas, waste water and residue is a new process of comprehensive utilization of fly ash with high extra profit and low pollution.


  • 煤矸石中提取氧化铝,并用残渣直接煅烧硅酸盐水泥熟料,同时作废气废液循环煤矸石资源开发利用工艺

    Extracting alumina from coal refuse, sintering cement clinker directly from residues and circulating waste gas and liquid is a unusual technology for utilization of coal refuse.


  • 开发采用壁流式蜂窝陶瓷作为过滤材料,利用红外辐射及柴油机废气进行再生新的柴油机排放微粒后处理系统

    A new type of diesel particulate filter (DPF) system using honeycomb ceramic filter was developed successfully by utilizing the infrared regeneration technique.


  • TIU可以充分回收利用分解有机废气时所放出热能降低整个系统能源消耗

    TIU system can fully reclaim and utilize the heat energy that is released by organic waste gas so that reduce the consumption of energy source for the whole system.


  • 发明可以充分利用热量节省能源减少废气排放,生产产品质量

    The present invention can adequately use the heat, thereby saving the energy and reducing the exhaustion of the waste gas; moreover, the product is good.


  • 阐述一台利用石化行业催化裂解装置废气余热锅炉设计过程重点介绍解决锅炉积灰磨损问题的方法

    The design of a waste heat boiler as well as methods concerning the ash deposit, abrasion and flue gas leakage for the petrochemistrys catalytic cracking process are introduced.


  • 本发明太阳能斯特林发 动机装置利用可再生能源太阳能作为发动机的能量来源没有废气排放、 绿色环保

    The solar energy Stirling engine device utilizes renewable solar energy as the energy source of the engine, does not have waste gas emission and is environmentally friendly;


  • 废气在被利用之前可以被净化废水可以在流入江河之前被处理

    Waste air is cleaned before it goes into the air. Waste water is treated before it is poured into rivers.


  • 高效节能炉灶不仅能使燃煤充分燃烧热量充分利用热效率,而且粉尘废气排放, 达到节能环保。

    And the air intake is set on the dust collecting hopper. The advantages are fully coal burning and high heat energy, no dust, and exhaust gas.


  • 利用组合物制备再生加工过程产生废气废水废料

    In the processing process of preparing the reclaimed rubber, the composition generates no waste gas, waste water and waste material.


  • 本文论述利用窑尾废气生产蒸汽可行性值得山东铝业开发利用

    This paper discusses the feasibility of utilizing the waste gas in the rotary kiln to produce steam, it is worth researching.


  • 利用自行研制的微波无极模拟二硫化废气进行光解。

    The photolysis of simulating carbon disulfide malodorous gas was studied under UV irradiation emitted by microwave electrodeless lamps.


  • 另一个对象发明提供氢气燃烧器利用空气废气作为非可燃气体氢气混合物

    Another object of the present invention is to provide a hydrogen gas burner that utilizes the exhaust air as non-combustible gas for mixture with the hydrogen gas.


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