• 他们利用发展科技

    They are piggybacking onto developed technology.


  • 研究人员得出结论捕猎方式可能基于它们利用听觉推断猎物位置常识能力发展起来的。

    The researchers conclude that cats' hunting style may have developed based on their common sense abilities to infer where prey is, using their hearing.


  • 这种方式下公司利用政府资助风险资本参与成功稳定少数民族企业发展

    In this approach, large corporations participate in the development of successful and stable minority businesses by making use of government-sponsored venture capital.


  • 这些代理人能够充分利用他们潜力经验促进公司发展

    The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company.


  • 政府机构私营部门长期利用这些个人发展计划,雇员组织实现具体目标

    IDPs have long been used by government agencies and the private sector to achieve specific goals for the employee and the organization.


  • 我们利用足球魅力追求发展和平

    Let us harness the magic of football in our quest for development and peace.


  • 利用丰富资源阿拉斯加商业渔场已经发展世界最大的渔场之一。

    Taking advantage of this rich bounty, Alaska's commercial fisheries have developed into some of the largest in the world.


  • 希望利用自己模特成功经历进而发展演艺事业

    She hopes to parlay her success as a model into an acting career.


  • 发展国家可以更好地利用现代技术实践大幅提高生产力

    Developing nations could score substantial gains in productivity by making better use of modern technologies and practices.


  • 低碳经济实际上就是有效利用能源发展绿色能源,还有追求绿色发展

    In essence, low-carbon economy is efficient usage of energy, development of clean energy and pursuit of green development.


  • 废物回收创造更多就业机会刺激当地经济发展,为产品循环利用产业提供精制原料削减控污能源支出

    Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a more refined raw material.


  • 府说这项新的法律的目的是为了加强环境保护,利用好资源,实现可持续发展

    The government says the purpose of the new law is to strengthen environmental protection, use resources well and make the development sustainable.


  • 中国家的贫困社区可能会发现很难引进外国水果或饲养肉牛,但几乎可以肯定的是,它可以利用其拥有的土地来种植大量的水稻。

    A poor community in the developing world may find it difficult to bring in foreign fruits or raise cattle for meat, but it can almost certainly use the land it has in order to grow plenty of rice.


  • 推进传统能源清洁利用加强智能电网建设大力发展清洁能源。

    We will give impetus to the clean use of traditional energy sources, intensify the construction of smart power grids, and vigorously develop clean energy.


  • 谷歌社交媒体业务两个目标一方面遏制Facebook发展势头一方面则是利用Google +收集的数据改善谷歌的搜索地图服务广告等业务

    Google has two goals with social media: One is to slow the momentum of Facebook; the other is to use data from Google + to improve things like search, maps, and ads.


  • “手机搜索市场还有很大发展潜力”,百度产品可以利用他们的搜索优势。”

    The “growth potential is big right now in this core search marketand the new products are “still leveraging their search capabilities.


  • 窃贼也在试图利用长期技术发展趋势

    Thieves are exploiting long-term technology trends as well.


  • 这一群体利用低成本现成基因成分以及越来越多生物工程学知识,正在发展壮大。

    A community is evolving to take advantage of low-cost, off-the-shelf genetic parts and increasing knowledge in biological engineering.


  • 皮尤分析了2008年的人口调查数据利用了《时代》杂志确认几十年发展趋势所做的调查

    Pew also analyzed 2008 census data, and used surveys conducted by Time magazine to identify trends from earlier decades.


  • 因此不足为奇,日经225指数不到5时间内增长了2倍,本土公司迎来了蓬勃发展的春天,债务利用也搞得如火如荼

    Not surprisingly, the Nikkei 225 stock index more than tripled in less than five years, companies blossomed and the use of debt skyrocketed.


  • 公元1150年至1300年间,库斯科一带的印加开始利用安第斯地区大规模变暖趋势迅速发展壮大。

    And between 1150 and 1300, the Inca around Cusco began to capitalize on a major warming trend in the Andes.


  • 总的说来这个地区有着极大的农耕发展潜力合理地去利用这些需要更好制度基建设施的支持。

    The region as a whole has enormous farm potential, but fulfilling it will require better institutions and infrastructure.


  • 随着信息技术飞速发展有效利用计算存储资源,高效地管理使用数据资源显得越来越重要

    With fast development of information technology, it appears more and more important in using resource of computing and storage, managing and using data resource effectively.


  • 遗传资源利用方式见证人类社会科学技术飞速发展,也见证了人类对生物资源的无情掠夺与摧毁

    The utilization of hereditary resources has seen both the rapid development of human society and science and technology, and destroying of the living resources without mercy.


  • “手机搜索市场还有很大发展潜力”,百度产品可以利用他们的搜索优势。”

    The "growth potential is big right now in this core search market" and the new products are "still leveraging their search capabilities."


  • 另辟蹊径,巴斯夫,这家世界最大化学公司利用聚合”效应,不断地发展壮大

    By defying industry fashion and exploiting the power of the "cluster", the world's biggest chemical company keeps growing.


  • 随着我国工业化进程经济飞速发展,对环境破坏和对资源无序利用引起了国家社会广泛重视

    With the industrialization and fast development of economy in China, environment deterioration and resource abuse have caught wide attention from the government and society.


  • 随着近代科学技术飞速发展人类改造利用自然,无论是广度还是深度上,达到前所未有水平

    With the development at full speed of modern science and technology, the mankind transforms, utilizes naturally, on scope or on depth, have reached the unprecedented level.


  • 第二他们利用公司内部非正式网络方面远比大多数高管更加出色并且能够维持公司发展势头

    Second, they are far better than most senior executives at leveraging informal networks at companies and can sustain the momentum of the organisation.


  • 第二他们利用公司内部非正式网络方面远比大多数高管更加出色并且能够维持公司发展势头

    Second, they are far better than most senior executives at leveraging informal networks at companies and can sustain the momentum of the organisation.


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