• 联邦储备委员会利率降低了0.5个百分点。

    The Federal Reserve lowered interest rates by half a point.


  • 如果财政清廉导致利率降低那么也可能使支出进一步下降

    If fiscal rectitude leads to lower interest rates, that could allow spending to fall still further.


  • 欧洲央行基准利率降低0.5个百分点至1.5%。

    The European Central Bank also cut its benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point, to 1.5%.


  • 即使名义利率维持不变实际利率降低变为负数

    Even so their rates remain, in real terms, low or negative.


  • 我们基本的说起:为什么美联储不能利率降低低于

    Let's begin with the basics: Why can't the Fed cut interest rates to below zero?


  • 美国联邦储备委员会基准利率降低半个百分点4.75%。

    The Federal Reserve cut its benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point, to 4.75%.


  • 大部分银行已经利率降低最低,从而使得金融系统进许多热

    Most central Banks have cut interest rates as much as they can and flooded the financial system with cash.


  • 拥有220万借款人APSKS公司贷款利率降低两个百分点。

    SKS has voluntarily shaved two percentage points off its loan rates in AP, where it has 2.2m borrowers. But it is barely functioning in the state anyway.


  • 斯宾塞说,预计美联储进一步把基准利率降低0.250.5个百分点。

    Spencer says he expects the Fed to further reduce interest rates by around 25 to 50 basis points.


  • 此外美国中央银行美联储利率降低接近于零的水平,经济部门大量注资

    In addition, the Federal Reserve - the nation's central bank - has lowered short-term interest rates to near zero percent and pumped huge amounts of money into the economy.


  • 本周日本已把利率降低0- 0.1%范围,降息的老办法已经被用到黔驴技穷的地步。

    The old tactic of cutting interest rates has been pursued almost to exhaustion, although Japan lowered rates to a 0-0.1% band this week.


  • 英格兰银行做出降息决定不到一个小时欧洲央行宣布将主要利率降低0.75%,至2.5%。

    Less than an hour after the Bank of England's decision, the ECB reduced its main rate by three-quarters of a percentage point, to 2.5%.


  • 2001 - 02年期间,抵押贷款利率降低到了历史记录的最低点,成百万美国人购买住房

    From around 2001 and 2002, with mortgage interest rates at near-record lows, millions of Americans went shopping for homes.


  • 爱尔兰试图利率降低,但是在法国阻挠下没有成功。法国坚持认为,爱尔兰企业税税率过必须提高

    Previous attempts to lower its interest rate had been stymied by French insistence that Ireland's low corporate tax rate be raised.


  • 昨天会议开始时间了会儿CNN,电视里反复播放着“美联储基本放款利率降低了0.75%”。

    I watched CNN for a while yesterday while waiting for a meeting and they kept going back to the big news that the Federal Reserve cut the prime lending rate by 0.75%.


  • 短期贷款利率甚至可以低,同时长期贷款利率降低的幅度除此之外,央行没有透露更多细节。

    Rates for shorter-term loans will be generally cut even more while rates for longer-term loans will be subject to smaller adjustments, the central bank said, without providing details.


  • 2000年支持欧元行动中例如欧元区利率降低其它地方使得汇率差异有利于欧元方向变化。

    In the campaign to support the euro in 2000, for example, interest rates in the euro area fell more slowly than elsewhere, causing interest-rate differences to move in favour of the euro.


  • Oakworth首都银行总经理食物价格专家JohnNorris联邦储备利率降低不会缓解通货膨胀

    The Federal Reserve's rate cuts won't lessen this inflation, said food price expert John Norris, managing director at Oakworth Capital Bank.


  • 联储现在正注视着让人担忧的长期利率现在清楚如果联储这些利率降低时,长期利率是否至某个谷底。

    The Federal Reserve is now looking at depressing long-term rates, and it is not at all clear that they will hit any minimum boundary if or when they drive these rates down.


  • 12月4日英格兰银行再一次选择大幅度降息1.5%的惊人降幅市场基准利率降低1个百分点,至2%。

    On December 4th the Bank of England again opted for boldness. It cut its benchmark rate by a percentage point, to 2%, following a stunning one-and-a-half-point reduction a month earlier.


  • 指出实际利率降低商品生产商与其现在卖出商品,还不如公开秘密地保留他们资产——包括原油黄金或者谷物

    When real rates fall, he points out, commodity producers have more incentive to keep their asset—whether crude oil, gold or grain—in the ground or in a silo, than to sell today.


  • 看起来美联储可能开具药方是:联邦基金利率降低25个基点,可能大幅度降低贷款各银行所依据的较高贴现率

    A 25bp cut in the Fed Funds rate, possibly with a steeper cut to the higher discount rate, at which it lends to Banks, looks the most likely prescription.


  • 美联储利率降低几乎0年后十年期国债收益率2- 3%,日本短期利率至0.5%的两之后国债收益率近似。

    Two years after the Fed slashed rates almost to zero, ten-year Treasury-bond yields are 2-3%, around the same level as Japanese bonds reached two years after Japan's short-term rates fell to 0.5%.


  • 如果过去12月中业绩最好的股票持续其良好表现精明投资者第11过去买入这些股票,从而使等待12方才买进它们的投资者获利率降低

    If the best performers of the past 12 months continue to do well, smart investors will buy them after 11 months have elapsed, reducing the returns on offer to those who wait the extra month.


  • 降低利率可能经济带来灾难性后果

    Lowering interest rates could have disastrous consequences for the economy.


  • 利率可以通过消费者商家降低借贷成本来促进经济发展

    Lower interest rates can boost the economy by reducing borrowing costs for consumers and businesses.


  • 美联储十月底以来降低利率

    The Fed has already eased rates three times since late October.


  • 美联储十月底以来降低利率

    The Fed has already eased rates three times since late October.


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