• 位反对法官中的两位——塞缪尔·阿克拉伦斯·托马斯——同意一宪法逻辑对于桑那州法律中的哪一触犯了联邦法律这个问题存在分歧。

    Two of the three objecting JusticesSamuel Alito and Clarence Thomasagreed with this Constitutional logic but disagreed about which Arizona rules conflicted with the federal statute.


  • 帮助开发“蒙台字母发音女士了起来,这是学龄前儿童蒙台梭拼写方法应用程序

    I fell into conversation with a woman who had helped develop Montessori Letter Sounds, an app that teaches preschoolers the Montessori methods of spelling.


  • 迪士尼米老鼠动画《威汽船首次登场的超过80之后准备电脑游戏中作为主角实现回归

    More than 80 years after he first appeared in Steamboat Willie, Disney's Mickey Mouse is poised to make his return as the lead character in a computer game.


  • 接着找些红色品种,选了特尔顿佩顿火红”,都是浓重、柔软华丽的品种。

    Then I wanted a couple of deep red/crimsons and chose 'Littleton Red' and 'Payton Blaze Red', both rich, velvety and gorgeous.


  • 福特1950年开发出埃赛尔生产线,期待为客户提供更高档特别但是林肯那么奢华车型

    When Ford developed the Edsel car line in the 1950s, it was intended to offer customers something a bit nicer and more distinctive than Mercury cars but not quite as luxurious as a Lincoln.


  • 蕾切尔·曼丽,作为早餐会所在布克斯顿生意兴隆的分店的创意人,我们独家研制了精致可爱又美味的甜点:红橙杏仁酸奶蛋糕

    Rachel Manley, the culinary creative behind The Breakfast Club pop-up brunch in Brixton, whipped up a delightful Blood Orange and Almond yogurt cake just for us.


  • 悉尼出生的摄影师当"模特",请知名发型师它们设计了小辫子卷发刘海3"发型"。 朱安表示,有时候做事情不一定要有意义,能让人发笑就可以。

    Sydney-born photographer Julian Wolkenstein teamed up with a famous hair-stylist to whip the horses into 3 hairstyles - braids, curls and neat bangs.


  • 同时也是法拉四轮驱动四座跑车

    Alongside it was Ferrari's first four-wheel drive four-seater.


  • (Cadbury)本月孟买推出牛奶巧克力(DairyMilk)时,这家糖果制造商声称它研究质地公司在世界任何地方的产品媲美的巧克力条。

    When Cadbury introduced a new version of Dairy Milkin Mumbai this month, the confectioner claimed it had created a chocolate bar with the quality to match its products anywhere in the world.


  • Thomas Riegsecker:第一RPG雅达800电脑的创世纪2,那还是1983年。

    TR -the first RPG I ever played was Ultima 2 on an Atari 800 computer, back in 1983.


  • 第一家用游戏机,玛格纳·沃克斯公司奥德赛包括电子版本乒乓球之后就是雅达Pong(也是乒乓球游戏)。

    The first home videogame console, Magnavox's Odyssey, included a digital version of table tennis, and then there was Atari's Pong.


  • 班斯·奥克斯法案》(Sarbanes - Oxley act)今年可能作出重大修改,把关于内部控制臭名昭著的404条改得宽松一些。

    Sarbanes-Oxley is likely to be given a makeover this year, with its notorious section 404 on internal controls watered down.


  • GeorgePlimpton因为令人印象深刻的棒球游戏“本垒打”而美泰八十年代的电子游戏机广告嘲笑雅达2600的拥有者是个简单问题,”Plimpton说道

    George Plimpton mocked Atari 2600 owners for their underwhelming baseball game Home Run in a 1981 commercial for Mattel's Intellivision console. " Here's an easy question for you, "Plimpton said.


  • 摩根·斯坦分析师认为IPhone 4是能够分别迎合用户需求的潜力产品。

    It's a potent mix of new customers and old, says a Morgan Stanley analyst.


  • 伍德放映的一张幻灯片奥德丽·赫本大约1952年,‘罗马假日’公映那一年,解释,阿一家到意大度假,看到了莫达公司的一20英寸的丝巾,阿申一家决定仿制这种式。

    Wood’s first slide was of Audrey Hepburn, circaRoman Holiday.” In 1952, he explained, the Ashleys had gone on vacation to Italy, where twenty-inch neck scarves were di moda.


  • 上周六,保罗·沃克加州圣塔克拉塔参加慈善活动乘坐朋友罗杰·罗达斯驾驶的一辆2005年红色保时捷gt时发生车祸身亡,年仅40

    Paul died on Saturday at age 40 while riding as a passenger in a 2005 Porsche Carrerra GT being driven by his friend Roger Rodas following a charity event in Santa Clarita, California.


  • 好的,让我们转另一个意大的杰作拥有著名的黑色牡马标志是的,独一无二的法拉

    Okay, on to another Italian great - this one cruises behind the infamous black stallion logo. Yes, there is nothing like Ferrari red.


  • 摘要圣诞节马上就要来了,怎能少了桑格·汽酒下面,小编手把手教你如何制作圣诞专属桑格·亚汽酒!

    ABSTRACT: Christmas is just around the corner! Why not make a glass of Sangria by yourself for enjoyment? This passage will tell you how to make Christmas Sangria.


  • 摘要亚汽酒制作简易好看美味夏日

    ABSTRACT: Sangria, a beautiful and cheerful drink in the summer time, is not difficult to make.


  • 这种风格的种穿法件简单的上衣来搭配一条的佩兹涡旋纹花呢裙子或是一条民族印染的长裙子。

    One way to wear this look is with a long, paisley or ethnic print skirt teamed with a simple top.


  • 这个赛季第一穿件全身的泳衣,他觉得他会印第安纳斯的比赛中还穿同一式的衣服

    He wore a full bodysuit for the first time this season, and Phelps surmised that he'll wear the same gear in Indianapolis.


  • 成功商务谈判增加精品小车推荐润有效也是最快办法因为谈判争取到的每一分钱都

    And successful business negotiations are the most effective also increasing profits, because the quickest way to negotiating for every penny net profit.


  • 威尼斯庄园清新脆滑干净葡萄酒,回味中等非常清爽

    Pinot Grigio La Gondola is a fresh, crispy and clean white wines with a medium but fresh after taste.


  • 特斯拉的Roadster双座电动跑车,性能卓越,实际上加速能力超过任何一辆法拉或是阿斯顿·马丁

    The Tesla Roadster... it's a two-seater sports car, very high performance... in fact, it's beat any Ferrari or Aston Martin in acceleration.


  • 中菜餐厅推出轩行政总陈伟强师傅亲自精心设计自选午市点心」,宾客二十四精致点心中挑选品尝。

    Wing Lei is offering a special dim sum lunch designed by Wing Lei's Executive Chef, Peter Chan. Guests will be able to choose any six dim sum dishes from a generous selection of 24 dim sum options.


  • 下面,小编手把手教你如何制作圣诞专属桑格汽酒

    Why not make a glass of Sangria by yourself for enjoyment? This passage will tell you how to make Christmas Sangria.


  • 下面,小编手把手教你如何制作圣诞专属桑格汽酒

    Why not make a glass of Sangria by yourself for enjoyment? This passage will tell you how to make Christmas Sangria.


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