• 大多数案件只在初审阶段进行:例如刑事被告定罪(通过审判认罪法庭判决案件就结束了。

    Most cases go no further than the trial court: for example, the criminal defendant is convicted (by a trial or a guilty plea) and sentenced by the court and the case ends.


  • 法官们的判决决,所以再写信也不会以审议

    The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


  • 之后就没有关于伊莉莎只言片语,除了狄更斯说起判决宽容:“的一生言行举止证明了是明智审判。”

    Nothing more is heard of her except a brief word by Dickens that her sentence had been lenient, and that "her history and conduct proved it right".


  • 荷兰举行参照苏格兰法律审判中,迈格拉希中途上诉反对2001年对判决

    The Libyan is part-way through an appeal against his 2001 conviction, at a trial held in the Netherlands heard under Scottish law.


  • 公司经常付清不满起诉者的工资,不愿意法庭因为判决无法预测的,损害可能更大而且公开审判总是不被希望的。

    Firms often pay off disgruntled accusers rather than go to court, since juries are unpredictable, damages can be steep and the publicity of a trial is always unwelcome.


  • 米哈伊尔•霍多尔科夫斯基,俄罗斯巨富在对盗用石油进行终决时,发表了一席激烈言论

    Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once Russia’s richest man, delivered a stinging speech on the last day of his trial for embezzling oil.


  • 监狱羁押看守康克由,杜赫同志第一审判2009年开始2010年7月作出有罪判决

    The first trial - of former prison warder Kaing Guek Eav, or Comrade Duch - started in 2009 and reached a guilty verdict in July 2010.


  • 纽约进行审判可能使纽约面临911更为恐怖的袭击;还一些也许质疑一个由纽约人组成的陪审团能否作出公正判决

    Putting it in New York may make the city a bigger terrorist target; some may question whether a jury of New Yorkers can provide a fair trial.


  • 7起死亡事件发生预审拘留中心(看守所),在那儿,被拘留人员可能上数月以等待审判或者正式判决

    All seven deaths occurred in police detention centers, where inmates accused of crimes can be held for months awaiting trial or formal charges.


  • 恰巧到了这些审判平时商议判决地方

    He was in the very place where the judges deliberated and condemned.


  • 英国不同,苏格兰刑事案件中保留“证据不足判决,眼下令人不快景象正是由洛克比案的此种审判结果所带来的。

    Unlike the English, the Scots retain a "not proven" verdict in their criminal courts, and the unappealing prospect in sight is of this being the effective outcome of the Lockerbie case.


  • 审判当庭宣读判决,默里表情漠然。

    Murray appeared impassive as a court officer read the verdict.


  • 一级法院上一级法院作出裁定属终局裁决。

    Second judgements or orders given at the same level and at the next higher level are final.


  • 如果这项修正案亚努科维奇所在地区支持新的刑法将会用来重新审判季莫申科,并判决无罪

    If these amendments are supported by Mr Yanukovich's Party of Regions, the new criminal code will be applied retrospectively, allowing Ms Tymoshenko to walk free.


  • 去年审判时候类似指控大相径庭,当时只有一项指控(联邦调查局撒谎)成立,其他23项指控陪审团内部意见分歧而宣布判决无效。

    This was a far cry from his trial last year on similar charges, which resulted in a single conviction (lying to the FBI) and a hung jury on 23 other counts.


  • 堪萨斯法院判决为终审判

    In the end, the Kansas Supreme Court ruling stands.


  • 90%案件审判法庭采纳陪审团裁决(是否有罪),而且陪审团的判决(应处刑罚)建议被采纳的更多。

    Trial courts accept jury verdicts regarding guilt in over 90% of the cases, and jury sentencing recommendations even more.


  • 法院工作评价标准在于审理案件数量对该法院一上诉胜诉的数量。

    The criteria for assessing a court's work are the number of cases it processes and the number of successful appeals against its decisions.


  • 审判陪审团成员证词判决菲利普·莫里斯公司高额惩罚性赔偿帮助

    After the trial, members of the jury let it be known that her testimony had helped sway their massive punitive damages on Philip Morris.


  • 这些赔偿可能法庭判决更多引用同一美国法律在1789年制定颁发的外国人侵权索赔,这项法律原本是用在审判海盗案件上,现在壳牌案件也应用了这项法律。

    The payout could also spark further court battles invoking the same American law, the Alien Tort Claims Act of 1789, originally intended to counter piracy, under which the Shell case was brought.


  • 此前“原告即使赔偿请求权,也超过了时限”,二审认为“中国《日中联合声明》中放弃个人赔偿请求权,因此原告失去了索赔权”。

    It rejected their appeal by claiming "China has given up war compensation claims by individuals against Japan in the Sino-Japanese Joint Statement".


  • Berlusconi先生许诺议会讨论判决称为无耻审判”作出回应。

    Mr Berlusconi promised to respond in Parliament to what he called the judges' "outrageous verdict".


  • 审判开始本案法官奥斯卡·马吉(Oscar Magi)在退席考虑判决听取控方辩方最终意见

    More than two years after the trial opened, the judge, Oscar Magi, heard final submissions from the prosecution and defence before retiring to consider his verdict.


  • 这类看法的事实依据:美国审判项目组织(The Sentencing Project)智囊团的统计分析发现同一类型犯罪行为,黑人似乎白人受到更严厉判决

    There is evidence that it does: a meta-study by the Sentencing Project, a think-tank, finds that black criminals receive somewhat harsher sentences than whites for similar offences.


  • 这类看法的事实依据:美国审判项目组织(The Sentencing Project)智囊团的统计分析发现同一类型犯罪行为,黑人似乎白人受到更严厉判决

    There is evidence that it does: a meta-study by the Sentencing Project, a think-tank, finds that black criminals receive somewhat harsher sentences than whites for similar offences.


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