• 有一件事需要注意,删除账号没有删除你的视频频道,以及你的个人信息

    One thing to note is that deleting your account does not delete your videos or channel, just your profile information.


  • 录制视频可以播放重录删除

    After recording a video, you can play it, retake it, or delete it.


  • 应用提供图片视频功能的情况下,如果勤于删除标签的话,同事可能会你的周末出的娄子泳装究竟。

    With the new app's photo and video features, if you aren't diligent in your untagging, your work mates might just get an eyeful of your weekend blunders or bathing suit body.


  • 太阳能方面的物理学下了视频放到了网上全世界的人观看几分钟之后就将其删除了。

    Solar physicists videoed the event and posted it on the Internet for all the world to see - then whipped it off minutes later.


  • 一旦第一视频完成任务后,我们删除第二视频,然后再次上传

    Once our first video is done, we delete our second video then re-upload it.


  • 此后教会删除Youtube上的视频

    The church has since removed the video from YouTube.


  • 上周六早间视频曾因“描述有害活动”(原文如此)在YouTube上短暂删除上午11重新上线。

    Its video was briefly pulled from YouTube Saturday morning as a "depiction of harmful activities" (sic), but by 11:00 a.m. it was back up.


  • 即便视频发布者账号删除掉了,但数小时之内同一视频其他不同版本Youtube或者其他视频站点上死而复生。

    Even though the videos and the accounts of their posters were removed, five other versions of the same video might spring up within hours on YouTube and other online video websites.


  • 客户再次谴责这家在线零售商,因为它删除了对视频游戏采用SecuROM数字版权保护技术(DRM)的批评性评论

    Customers are once again accusing the online retailer of removing video game reviews that criticize the use of SecuROM Digital Rights Management (DRM).


  • 更新14:来自读者Adam视频显示手机完全受影响。这个现象很有趣。 (译注:翻译时译者发现YOUTUBE上显示上传者删除视频,貌似这个该读者后来也遇到了这个问题。)

    Update 14: Look! Reader Adam posts this video of his phone not having this problem. Very interesting.


  • 这时出现警告信息通知此次删除永久性操作,所有照片视频删除

    A warning screen will come up that informs you that the deletion is permanent, and that all of your photos and videos will be deleted.


  • 这时出现警告信息通知此次删除永久性操作,所有照片视频删除

    A warning screen will come up that informs you that the deletion is permanent and that all of your photos and videos will be deleted.


  • 作为回应,猫扑发起反对动物滥杀在线行动设立三个QQ并且删除所有碾压视频

    In response, mop.com launched an online campaign against animal abuse, setting up three QQ groups and deleting all its crush videos.


  • 视频曝光后,爱丽舍宫立即采取行动因为上周日晚间视频扎尔斯博客删除

    The Elysee apparently took swift action against the film as by Sunday evening it had been removed from Mr Cazals' blog.


  • 2007年11月YouTube删除一些用户标记不合适”的视频,其内容是警察严刑拷打一名埃及

    In November 2007, YouTube removed videos flagged as "inappropriate" by a community member that showed a person in Egypt being tortured by the police.


  • 视频已经因为版权问题YouTube删除,但是曾经在几天之内被观看过数百万

    The video, which has since been removed from YouTube due to copyright issues, was viewed half a million times within a few days.


  • 声明视频已经删除,除了返回404(存在网页状态代码可以返回一个有帮助性网页展示用户

    To signal that a video has been removed, Return a 404 (Not found) HTTP response code, you can still return a helpful page to be displayed to your users.


  • YouTube可以每一个侵犯版权视频删除某种程度上他们的确是这样做的—但是如果一千个人上传同一个视频的话,它又如何追得这个速度呢?

    YouTube could delete every clip uploaded in violation of copyrightto some degree they dobut if you have a few thousand people uploading the same clip, how do you stay ahead of that?


  • 一个画面里面,他深吸一口,然后吐出烟圈,评论道“太圣洁了!” 这段视频在上周末911事件九周年纪念时候传到网上的,现在已经被视频分享网站删除了。

    The video, which has since been deleted, was posted on the video-sharing site over the weekend, coinciding with the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.


  • 一些批评家警告说,试图删除游戏玩家的视频引起他们更多注意

    Critics have warned that trying to remove gamers' videos will only draw more attention to them.


  • 比如,我们当时并不知道“轻松一刻”视频上传Youtube的几个小时之内因受到雀巢方面的压力删除,但我们迅速又把视频上载到了另一个视频网站Vimeo

    We could not know that Nestlé would request that YouTube block our video within a few hours of it being uploaded, but when that happened we were able to replace it quickly on Vimeo.


  • 十年似水年华辞旧迎新时刻即将来临之际,网上出现了段带有病毒视频视频已经被删除了,译者注),内容是一位娜塔莉(Natalie)的女孩出生10岁时的影像,从视频中我们可以看到一份父亲对女儿浓浓的

    A time-lapse decade: Just in time for Old Man Time to make way for Baby New Year, a viral video surfaced of a girl named Natalie from birth to age 10, testimony to a dedicated father's love.


  • 中情局删除这些视频音响

    The CIA deleted the audio from the video clips.


  • 由于网站用户抱怨视频两个删除

    The footage was uploaded to the site in September 2006, and remained online for two months before being removed following complaints from web users.


  • 由于网站用户抱怨视频两个删除

    The footage was uploaded to the site in September 2006, and remained online for two months before being removed following complaints from web users.


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