• 医护需求自己挑选医生初级保健医生来协调

    Your health care needs are coordinated by a physician you select called a Primary Care Physician (PCP).


  • 美国采取相反方法强调专科医生不是初级保健医生

    The U.S. takes the opposite approach by emphasizing the specialist rather than the primary care physician.


  • 令人吃惊发现医保患者年内7医生——2名初级保健医生5名专科医生

    The startling finding was that the average Medicare patient saw a total of seven doctorstwo primary care physicians and five specialists—in a given year.


  • 拒绝质量上妥协初级保健医生要么出这个行业,要么只能接受现金,这进一步加剧初级保健衰落

    Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash-only practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care.


  • 在马萨诸塞州初级保健医生总人口比例高于其他各州

    The ratio of primary care doctors to population is higher in Massachusetts than in other states.


  • 方案初级保健医生,助理医师护士更新内分泌失调

    This program provides primary care physicians, physician assistants and nurses with an update on endocrine disorders.


  • 内科医学培训医生一直视为线初级保健医生主要来源

    Doctors trained in internal medicine have historically been seen as a major source of frontline primary care.


  • 在那里看到初级保健医生(pcp)咨询药剂师

    There she sees her primary care physician (PCP) and a consulting pharmacist.


  • 过去几个月里医学期刊已经很多报告初级保健医生即将短缺

    In the last several months there have been reports in medical journals about an impending shortage of primary care physicians.


  • 初级保健夏季会议要点设计更新瞬息万变治疗领域初级保健医生

    The Essentials in primary care Summer Conference is designed to update primary care clinicians in rapidly changing therapeutic areas.


  • 初级保健医生称做Pearl,简直出自《实习医生》。

    My primary care physician, a woman I'll call Dr. Pearl, is right out of Grey's Anatomy.


  • 管理式医疗公司病人初级保健医生,确认问题是否严重而不是病人直接找专业医生

    Instead of letting patients go straight to a specialist, managed-care firms like Kaiser Permanente make them see a primary-care doctor first, who will figure out whether the problem is serious.


  • 没有足够数量初级保健医生强有力初级保健体系任何企图使卫生保健容易注定失败

    Any attempt to make health care more accessible will be doomed to failure without an adequate number of primary care physicians and a strong primary care system.


  • 但是很多获得保险的人一直寻找初级保健医生努力医生办公室常规检查等待时间增加

    But many who gained coverage have been struggling to find primary care doctors, and the average waiting time for routine office visits has increased.


  • 康涅狄格一位妇女邮报讲述初级保健医生替代治疗反应,“提到脊椎指压治疗法时,的翻了翻眼睛。”

    Connecticut woman tells the Post about the reaction of her primary care doctor to alternative treatments:"When I mentioned chiropractic to him, he literally rolled his eyes."


  • 应该你的初级保健医生有腹腔镜结肠切除术经验的外科医生那里得到一个全面的关于该手术技术是否适合评估和建议。

    Obtain a thorough medical evaluation by a surgeon qualified in laparoscopic colon resection in consultation with your primary care physician to find out if the technique is appropriate for you.


  • 医疗专家们国会应该寻找更多的资金支付初级保健,而不应该是医生之间重新分配资金——在巨大预算赤字面前,这将是困难辩论

    Congress, the specialists say, should find additional money to pay for primary care and should not redistribute dollars among doctors - a difficult argument at a time of huge budget deficits.


  • 挪威城市农村医生分配上差距一直存在,尤其是北部地区。1997年,挪威北部地区有28%初级保健医师职位空缺的。

    In Norway, poor physician distribution between urban and rural areas has been persistent, particularly in the north, where in 1997 a total of 28% of the primary care physician positions were vacant.


  • 一个重要需求改进ICD初级保健环境(诊所医生办公室第一线卫生服务)中的相关性因为大多数民众接受治疗地方

    One major need is to improve the relevance of the ICD in primary care Settings (clinics, doctors' offices and frontline health services), as that is where most people are treated.


  • 精神病学为专业初级保健医生(家庭医生——译者注)可以开出这些药物但我们推荐相患者寻求精神科医师治疗

    While primary care physicians who do not specialize in psychiatry also may prescribe these medications, it is recommended that people with bipolar disorder see a psychiatrist for treatment.


  • 规划初级卫生保健提供者(比如全科医生护士卫生保健工作者)传授确定并且处理类疾患知识技能

    The programme provides knowledge and skills to primary health care providers such as general doctors, nurses and health care workers to identify and manage these disorders.


  • 初步诊断初级保健医生评估他们通过感受颈部腿部动脉搏动评价病人外周血管病的可能性

    Diagnosis is primarily through an evaluation by the primary care physician, who can assess how likely the patient is to have a problem by feeling the pulses in the neck arteries or in the legs.


  • 方法:调查队伍5风湿科医生10初级卫生保健人员组成。

    Methods The working team was headed by ZCH, 10 primary healthy workers and 5 rheumatologists were included.


  • 这些例子不过是从临床医生初级保健工作或是医院工作岗位上开展大量研究随便挑出来

    These examples are arbitrarily selected from a wide range of studies that have been carried out by clinicians either in the primary medical-care or in the hospital field.


  • 上一版本童年监控手册建立作为全科医生健康访视初级保健医疗小组其他成员必要参考指南声誉

    Previous editions of "the Child Surveillance Handbook" have built its reputation as the essential reference guide for GPs, health visitors and other members of the healthcare team in primary care.


  • 获得偏差哮喘控制分析结果,评价哮喘对于初级保健影响基层医生对于哮喘患者进行了哮喘控制问卷调查

    In order to obtain an unbiased assessment of asthma control and assess its impact in primary care, primary care physicians used a 1-page control questionnaire in 50 consecutive asthma patients.


  • 获得偏差哮喘控制分析结果,评价哮喘对于初级保健影响基层医生对于哮喘患者进行了哮喘控制问卷调查

    In order to obtain an unbiased assessment of asthma control and assess its impact in primary care, primary care physicians used a 1-page control questionnaire in 50 consecutive asthma patients.


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