• 研究采用体外实验的方法,过氧化氢(H_2O_2)氧化损伤,从细胞分子生物学水平,对仙草多糖抗氧化功能进行研究,并初步探讨作用机理

    In this research, we used H2O2 as oxidative damaging agent to observe the antioxidative effect of PMPH in vitro, and its action mechanism was also preliminarily explored.


  • 中文摘要:目的:观察手部稳定性骨折夹板外固定治疗临床疗效初步探讨作用机理

    Objective: To observe the clinical curative effect of treating stable fracture of hand with small splinting and explore its mechanism primarily.


  • 目的探讨硫酸氧钒糖尿病大鼠高脂血症治疗作用初步探讨作用机理

    Objective: To study the effects of vanadyl sulfate on hyperlipidemia of diabetic rats and discuss dissect the possible mechanisms.


  • 本文研究悬浮铸造过程中铝ZG35中非金属夹杂物影响(生产条件下),并用现代检测技术作用机理进行了初步探讨

    Effect of aluminium on the non-metallic inclusion in ZG35 in suspension casting process was studied in production condition, and the mechanism was investigated by modern testing technique.


  • 目的观察萎康治疗气阴两虚型慢性萎缩性胃炎临床疗效初步探讨作用机理

    Objective: To observe the effect of Wei-wei-kang (WWK) on the Chronic Atrophic Gastritis (CAG) and explore the mechanism of it.


  • 定量地细致分析热力特征结构特点初步探讨云娜”近海加强机理

    The quantificational analysis about the dynamic, thermodynamic and structural features is detailedly done and the mechanism of reinforcement of YunNa is also primarily discussed in the article.


  • 目的观察健心治疗充血性心力衰竭(CHF)临床疗效初步探讨作用机理

    Objective: to observe the clinical effect of JianXin Decoction on the disease of congestive heart failure (CHF) and to probe its mechanism of action.


  • 提出一种用电火花加工抛光CVD金刚石工艺加工去除机理进行初步探讨

    A new technology used for polishing CVD diamond films by EDM method is put forward and its removal mechanism is dealt with.


  • 通过简单细胞模型,对作用机理进行初步探讨

    The mechanism of the impulse current magnetic field effect has been discussed by using a simple cell model.


  • 目的观察葡甲胺(NMG)预处理CP鼠肾损害相关指标影响初步探讨预防机理

    Objective To study the effect of Meglumine(NMG) on several correlated parameters in rats exposed by cisplatin(CP), and preliminarily approach its possible mechanism.


  • 车前子多糖药学研究中,进行工艺含量测定药效学研究缓泻机理初步探讨

    The first part is. about the study of the technology, content determination, pharmacodynamics and the mild purgation mechanism of the polysaccharides in the Plantaginis Semen.


  • 同时对共沉淀机理进行了初步探讨结果表明属于吸附共沉淀类型。

    The coprecipitation mechanism was also studied, the results showed that the process belongs to the adsorption coprecipitation.


  • 辐射作用机理进行初步探讨

    Then the mechanism of the radiant action is probed into.


  • 研究聚糖豚鼠单一心室细胞延迟外向电流(I_k)作用,离子通道角度初步探讨作用机理

    To study the effect of chitosan on delayed outward potassium current(IK) in single ventricular myocytes of guinea pig and investigate its antiarrhythmic mechanism from ion channel view.


  • 目的观察饮治疗冠心病心绞痛临床疗效初步探讨作用机理

    Objective: to observe the clinical effect of DanXingYin Decoction on the disease of coronary heart disease (CHD) angina and to probe its mechanism of action.


  • 目的观察灯盏花提取物DSX鼠持续性眼压模型视网膜神经节细胞损害干预作用作用机理进行初步探讨

    Objective: To observe the effect of DSX drawed from Dengzhanhua on the rat model of chronic, moderately elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), and study the mechanism of it initially.


  • 目的观察补肾解毒活血法中药组方中风恢复期的疗效初步探讨作用机理

    Objective: to study the curative effect of convalescent stroke treated with Chinese drugs of tonifying kidney, detoxicating and activating blood, and to discuss the mechanism of this therapy.


  • 不同温度煅烧煤矸石进行了系统研究,寻求煤矸石最大活性煅烧温度,并对活化机理进行初步探讨

    In this paper, calcined coal gangue at different temperatures is studied systematically, so as to look for the optimum calcined temperature, and its activation mechanism is briefly discussed.


  • 目的:应用红外辐射成像技术显示人体体表循经分布的红外辐射轨迹(IRRTM),形成机理进行初步探讨

    Objective: to display the infrared radiant track along meridian course (IRRTM) over the human body surface and to explore the mechanism of its formation.


  • 目的为了评价七味白术颗粒治疗婴幼儿轮状病毒腹泻疗效初步探讨作用机理

    Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Qiwei Baizhusan Granule(QWBZG) on infantile rotavirus diarrhea and to discover its therapeutic mechanism.


  • 目的为了评价推拿治疗小儿感染脾虚综合征疗效初步探讨作用机理

    Objective: the article was to observe the effect of Massage on curing Infantile Spleen Asthenia Syndrome after Infection, furthermore discuss the mechanism.


  • 利用模型化合物对甲苯硫酚,借助于相色谱质谱等分析手段,探讨硫醇氧化行为以及烃类化合物和它非烃化合物硫醇氧化性能影响,并初步推断可能遵循反应机理

    The objective of this paper is to study the oxidation of thiols in FCC diesel and the mechanism of its effect on the stability of diesel by GC and GC-MS analyses.


  • 结合文献,探讨了左腱索心脏杂音、室性早搏临床症状关系与意义,机理进行了初步分析。

    The relationship between the false tendon and clinical findings (murmurs, premature ventricular contraction and symptoms)was discussed, and a tentative idea was made about its mechanism.


  • 目的动物实验观察搏定注射液腹膜透析效能影响初步探讨作用机理

    Objective to observe the influence of verapamil injection on efficiency of peritoneal dialysis and make an inquiry into the mechanism by animal experiment.


  • 固色机理进行了初步探讨

    The fixation mechanism was also investigated and discussed.


  • 扼要总结有关稀土金属表面改性中的应用研究情况,分析了稀土在金属表面改性中的作用其机理进行初步探讨

    The effects of the rare-earth to the surface of metal material are reviewed, and some trend to research improving the surface properties of metal material is introduced.


  • 通过大田盆栽试验研究了低土壤主栽大豆品种积累硒的品种差异其机理进行初步探讨

    Selenium uptake and accumulation by different soybean cultivars in low-Se soils were studied with both field and pot experiments.


  • 测定了它们的组成结构技术指标,防锈机理进行了初步探讨

    Its composition, structure and technical standrads have been determined and the mechanism of protection has been tested.


  • 制备不同相容剂含量玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯力学性能形变进行分析,初步探讨机理

    The glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene with different compatilizer content were prepared, their mechanical properties and distortion were analyzed, and their mechanism was discussed in the paper.


  • 制备不同相容剂含量玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯力学性能形变进行分析,初步探讨机理

    The glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene with different compatilizer content were prepared, their mechanical properties and distortion were analyzed, and their mechanism was discussed in the paper.


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