• 一位创意科技工作者,工作内容著重于公共装置

    I'm a creative technologist and the focus of my work is on public installations.


  • 创意科技1门课程学习者深入体会材料技术创意三者间关系

    In the course of creative Technologies 1, the learners will experience the relationship among material, technology and creative deeply.


  • 事实上苹果的真功夫是把自己创意外部科技结合起来再利用一流软件漂亮的设计包装成品。

    In fact, its real skill lies in stitching together its own ideas with technologies from outside and then wrapping the results in elegant software and stylish design.


  • 那么科技领域之外呢? 事实证明,,运用开源模式处理模糊多变的商业挑战可以更高效的开拓新创意协同工作更快速进行原型设计

    Outside of the industry, examples of the open source approach in action show that creativity, collaboration, and rapid prototyping are effective at tackling ambiguous business challenges.


  • 四:老王:有句广告词叫“科技交流更轻松”,写这个广告创意家伙撒谎吧?

    Fig4. Is the creative guy, who thought up the slogan "Technology liberates your communication", telling a big white lie?


  • 长期经济增长有赖于科技创意不断流入市场;\n?

    That long term economic growth was dependent on a continuous flow of new technologies and new ideas entering the marketplace;


  • 那里博物馆都使用双语进行展示一些创意科技得到很好的锻炼

    Museums there have bilingual exhibits and creative technologies which will offer you some good practice.


  • 除了灯光秀之外,其他庆祝活动包括达尔文节,科技十月份创意节,11月份,学校还举行校庆闭幕庆祝活动。

    Other events include a Charles Darwin festival and a science festival. A Festival of Ideas is planned for October, while a closing ceremony will be held the following month.


  • 甚至领头科技公司——包括产品曾引发连锁反应那些公司——有时发现他们自己只有一个创意的企业所超越。

    Even leading high-tech companies----including those whose products started the chain reaction----sometimes find themselves out-paced by entrepreneurs with little more than a good idea.


  • 独具创意科技理念特色展览、交融荟萃的地域风情和多元文化的精彩诠释。

    The exposition features products of cutting-edge technology and ingenious creation as well as distinctive regional traditions and multi-cultural characteristics.


  • 令人畏惧科技摧毁人性创意并不新鲜

    But the idea that machines and technology are things to be feared, that theyare *sapping away our humanity, is hardly new.


  • 落后经济体追赶速度取决于它们科技前沿吸收创意知识能力

    The rate at which lagging economies catch up is determined by their ability to absorb ideas and knowledge from the technology frontier.


  • 获得全国自治区挑战杯大学生科技作品创业规划大赛艺术作品设计大赛、艺术创意大赛奖项10余项。

    Won the national, autonomous region "Challenge Cup" works of science and technology students and business plan competition, works of art, art design competition creative contest awards more than 10.


  • 创意性建立制度产生浓厚的兴趣科技方法可能将这里上大忙。

    Ingenious new systems for handling these things capture your interest, and high-tech methods are likely to play a big part in this.


  • 相比流行贺卡植物花果有着更高科技含量新颖创意倡导理念种植乐趣丰收喜悦

    Compared with before two years popular greeting card plant etc, a higher falvor book technology content and the novel creative, advocating the concept is the planting of pleasure, and harvest of joy.


  • 此外还必须具备创意现有思想模式进行整合的能力科技快速变化的领域尤为重要。

    So is the ability to integrate new ideas into existing mental models, particularly in fast-changing fields like technology.


  • 崇尚科技而极具设计创意民族优秀品牌

    Sleemon is a national excellent brand that advocates technology and has design originality.


  • 重点开展奥运开闭幕式科技创意研究虚拟现实技术开闭幕式中的应用等。

    We shall emphatically study the technical innovation of the ceremonies and the application of three dimensions fictitious reality technique to the ceremonies.


  • 园区是以居家设计展示核心主题时尚科技创意成为徐家汇区域地标性示范园区

    The park is the home design, display, as the core theme of Fashion Technology Innovation Park, Xujiahui has become a regional landmark demonstration garden.


  • 先知命名中意技术转移中心创意的命名设计,公司形象简洁大方,设计上采用渐变的绿色突出现代科技属性,主体图形代表循环交流,代表了该机构的定位

    The LOGO that Wewin had designed for Sino-italian Technology Transfer Center is concise and generous, using red, yellow , green, highlighted technology property and business positioning.


  • 但是看着这些创意、高品味科技的东西,我们它们吗?

    But, looking at these high-created, high-tasted, and high-tech productions, can we say that they are not beautiful?


  • 另外,我们也一直致力于引导创意公司将创意点子高新科技融合,这样,他们变得更加思想开明产生内容更加精彩的广告,带来更好效果

    We help them to really push their ideas and technology forward. And eventually they can be more open-minded and come up with more creative things and bring better results.


  • 现任台湾媒体科技创意产业研究中心创设人,暨台北实践大学时尚媒体设计研究所教授

    Li is the funder of Taiwan Media, Science and Technology with the center of creative industry, as well as the professor of institute of Fashion and Media design of Shih Chien University, Taibei.


  • 目前,谷歌苹果等科技巨头正在迅速成立汽车部门。 与此同时全球最大的几家汽车公司也纷纷硅谷开设办事处招揽工程人才最新创意

    Tech companies like Googleand Appleare rapidly building auto divisions. while the world's biggest car companies are opening up Silicon Valley offices to tap into engineering talent and new ideas.


  • 如果无论坐在酒吧什么位置,当你酒杯快要见底的时候,不用你招呼,酒吧的服务生就会马上过来斟酒这个创意起来很不错?其实只要用一种科技啤酒杯就可以实现一切了。

    "The tradition in Britain is to get up and go to the bar for a round of drinks, not to have a waiter bring beers to the table, no matter how quickly, " he said.


  • 如果无论坐在酒吧什么位置,当你酒杯快要见底的时候,不用你招呼,酒吧的服务生就会马上过来斟酒这个创意起来很不错?其实只要用一种科技啤酒杯就可以实现一切了。

    "The tradition in Britain is to get up and go to the bar for a round of drinks, not to have a waiter bring beers to the table, no matter how quickly, " he said.


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