
  • 1984年指挥了蓝星行动我们进入阿姆利秘密袭击极端分子从此以后我一直身受威胁。

    "I commanded operation Bluestar in 1984 when we went into the Golden Temple in Amritsar to secretly attacked on the extremists. And ever since then I have been under threat".


  • 筷子所用材料种类各有不同,所选材料有竹子木材漆器玉石象牙塑料以及

    Chopsticks can be made of a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood, lacquer, jade, ivory, plastic, aluminum, silver, and gold.


  • 全国各地筷子大小基本一样,所用的材料种类不同,所选材料有竹子木材漆器玉石象牙塑料等。

    Chopsticks, which are roughly uniform in size throughout China, can be made of a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood, lacquer, jade, ivory, plastic, aluminum, silver and gold.


  • 结构宏伟里面一样东西几乎了一层

    The other was a majestic structure in which practically every item within was covered in gold.


  • 养老监管一个范例,在那儿,企业方案按照市价调整,但是企业用来保持支付能力款项平分其间。

    There is a precedent in pension regulation, where corporate schemes are marked to market but the cash payments companies make to keep them solvent are smoothed over time.


  • 有些银行中止按揭借贷,有些提高利息剩余索取额外收费贷款申请过程中增加保证

    Some have suspended mortgage lending, some charge higher rates and others ask for extra fees or large supplemental deposits from loan applicants.


  • 可以安排一场简短拍卖。拍卖过程补偿将被不断抬高,直到足够多竞拍者退出拍卖,而留下来竞拍者,必须向那些坚守岗位的志愿者支付补偿

    Arrange a quick auction in which the amount of compensation rises over time; when enough bidders have dropped out of the auction, the remaining bidders pay the volunteers to hold the fort.


  • 辽阔国家分散着这么住户,他们生存正是依赖于广阔的格陵兰格陵兰国依赖于远方的丹麦分发的挪威币救济

    The survival of so many small settlements across the vast country is made possible by the largesse of the Greenland state, which in turn relies on billions of kroner doled out by distant Denmark.


  • 卫生间洗了出来时候给了那个宝丽拍的京剧演唱照片是我们在天津拍的,我知道你喜欢这类照片。

    I went to the toilet and washed my face. When I came out she gave me a Polaroid with the picture of a Beijing opera singer.


  • 联邦储备银行自行决定自身负债,方法非常简单通过购买出售资产反过来这亦会等量增加减少商业银行准备

    The Federal reserve itself determines its own liabilities very simply: by buying or selling assets, which in turn increases or decreases bank reserves by the same amount.


  • 数学测验中,考女孩题目布置花园有关男孩的题目商店有关。

    In maths tests, the girls are asked questions that relate to a garden setting, whereas the boys' tests are set in a hardware store.


  • 埃夫隆现在正在新奥尔良拍摄幸运儿》,致力于《旅途2神秘夏威夷群岛》的拍摄。

    Efron is filming The Lucky One in New Orleans while Hudgens is working on Journey 2: The Mysterious Island in Hawaii.


  • 交易宣告达成之前报道雅虎希望微软预付几十亿美元首付微软同意通过营收分享雅虎提供报酬。

    Before the deal was announced, it was reported that Yahoo had wanted an upfront payment of billions of dollars. Instead, Microsoft agreed to a revenue-sharing arrangement.


  • THL这样的收购大户利用银行甚至是捐资养老获得的廉价货币颠倒华尔街

    Fueled by easy money, not only from Banks but also endowments and pension funds, buyout Kings like THL upended the old order on Wall Street.


  • 保险仍然居高不下同时保险公司尽快摆脱它们客户

    Premiums remain high, and insurance companies are shedding customers as fast as they can.


  • 忙将卡车停靠路边史蒂夫穿上衣服

    Kim yanked their truck to the side of the road, and Steve pulled on his clothes.


  • 准备使银行必须安全资产(比如国债)形式持有大量储蓄

    High reserve requirements forced Banks to lock up much of the economy's savings in safe asset classes like government debt.


  • 如果投资收益令人扫兴,养老不会多。

    If returns are disappointing then pensions will be, too.


  • 巴马电视广告谎称麦凯恩计划养老削减一半

    One of Mr Obama's television ads warns, falsely, that Mr McCain plans to cut public pensions in half.


  • 老年劳动力专注于积攒养老年轻人努力寻找工作机会,这种状况对依赖强劲消费美国经济来说不是什么好兆

    A graying work force focusing on rebuilding its nest egg while the young struggle for entry doesn't bode well for an economy dependent on sprightly consumers.


  • 梅德韦杰夫网站微博上发表文章年轻人交流,靠近退休和爱看电视的人群。

    Mr Medvedev publishes articles on websites and tweets with the young and active, while Mr Putin's appeal is to pensioners and anyone glued to TV screens.


  • 纽特·里奇的参选前景光明多。

    Newt Gingrich entered the race with brighter prospects.


  • 假设2011年时,全球经济再度强劲增长储备仍能正常运作。

    Assuming that by 2011 the global economy is growing robustly once more, the reserve fund will have done its job.


  • 大型银行存款准备下调1个百分点至15.5%,小型银行的存款准备下调2个百分点14.5%。

    The reserve requirement rate for the largest Banks will fall by 1 percentage point to 15.5%, while that for smaller Banks will fall by 2 percentage points to 14.5%.


  • 苏斯认为我们并不知道这个决定是如何做出的,什么时候做出的,以及为什么要做出这样的决定,尽管很早之前就对此决定有过怀疑

    Suskind and I argue that we don't know how, when or why the decision was made-though we suspect it was much earlier.


  • 先生渴望央行的工作变得无聊;约翰·梅纳德凯恩斯希望经济学家有可能变为谦逊技术人员就好像牙医

    Mr King once aspired to making central banking boring; John Maynard Keynes hoped economists might become humble technicians, like dentists.


  • 西方纳税人挽救银行不理智地新兴国家提供贷款造成恶果,而国际货币基组织的那些救济成了华尔街福利制度

    The bailouts were a welfare system for Wall Street, with western taxpayers rescuing the banks from the consequences of unwise lending to emerging economies.


  • 西方纳税人挽救银行不理智地新兴国家提供贷款造成恶果,而国际货币基组织的那些救济成了华尔街福利制度

    The bailouts were a welfare system for Wall Street, with western taxpayers rescuing the banks from the consequences of unwise lending to emerging economies.


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