• 早就哈罗德·尼科尔1940年710日的日记里读到过记录

    I had earlier read the entry from Harold Nicholson's diary for July 10, 1940.


  • 罗伯不会因为这种指责任何人

    Robertson said he would not fault anyone for doing this.


  • 乔治大学所做数字青蛙2调查发现程序实体解剖有效学生学到更多的知识而学习时间减少44%。

    A study of Digital Frog 2 at George Mason University found the program more effective than dissection, with students learning more in 44 percent less time.


  • 另一些人认为这个士兵还不知道附近的查特顿英国人占领,他坟墓里出来便是领导其他黑士兵向那儿冲锋

    Others claimed that the Hessian soldier rose from the grave to lead the Hessian soldiers in a charge up nearby Chatterton hill, not knowing that the hill had already been taken by the British.


  • 查瓦条约采取一个折中的办法国家拥有不动产但是个人可以族群内部自由买卖房屋

    In their treaty, the Tsawwassen opted for a compromise: the nation keeps the freehold while individuals have the right to buy and sell homes but only to fellow-Tsawwassen.


  • ·凡高弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫患有双相精神障碍

    Vincent van Gogh and Virginia Woolf have been linked with bipolar disorder.


  • “问题他们回到现实世界中,这种关系改变,”桑德,“有的把这种视为夏日恋情;有的人认为这是长期恋情的开始。”

    "The tough thing is that the relationship will change when they return to the real world," Sanderson said. "One person might see it as a summer romance."


  • 艾伦·斯拉斯维加斯一个建设工,此前一直努力偿还按揭现在决定尽可能的厉行节约抵御未来灾难

    Alan Swinson, a builder living in North Las Vegas, says he has struggled to keep up with his mortgage in the past and is now determined to scrimp and save all he can to ward off future calamities.


  • 罗克斯伯格公爵要引入风能发电机,而邻居,诺伯蓝公爵坚决反对。

    The Duke of Roxburghe wants to host the turbines; his neighbour, the Duke of Northumberland, opposes them.


  • 但是赫德选择了甲骨文。甲骨文的创始人,同时也是惠普战略合作者,拉里·埃里曾经公开强烈建议惠普解雇

    But no - Hurd chose to go to Oracle, a former strategic partner to HP whose founder, Larry Ellison, had very publicly lambasted HP's board for firing him.


  • 有人会听到福兰西斯 加布瑞尔演唱的浪漫民谣不渝》;有的听到的是由 德莱姆带来的“中性歌曲”《饮茶时间》。

    They heard either a romantic ballad – Je L'aime a Mourir (I Love Her to Death) by Francis Cabrel, or L'heure du The (Time For Tea) by Vincent Delerm which was classed as neutral.


  • 不是很喜欢一个很有妈妈严格地说,对人对事太过宽容

    Jason and I weren't his biggest fans. He was a man of strict rules, while my mom's approach could be more properly deemed overindulgent leniency.


  • 文章,克里斯蒂·尼克尔的《幽默鸿沟男女幽默解析问题上进行深究

    In another feature article, "the humor Gap," Christie Nicholson takes a serious look at what's so funny about humor to men and women.


  • 长相酷似拉娜·克拉克难缠评论员们怀疑接近这位身家数百亿的大名人的动机。

    She looked suspiciously like Clarkson, and snarky commentators wondered what had attracted her to the famous multi-millionaire.


  • 冰川核心深层找不到气泡汤普博士

    There was no presence of the bubbles in the deeper layers of the cores, Dr. Thompson said.


  • 一个客户几乎一整天都不东西,只是不断地咖啡。”明星教练彼得,“她在下午吃一点生菜,晚上喝咖啡。

    "One client I had would eat almost nothing all day, she just drank coffee constantly, " says trainer to the stars Peterson.


  • 而美国·理查德到一块金牌

    America's Jason Richardson picked up the gold.


  • 凯丝帕克认为找工作,身高优势并不只是形象问题

    But researchers Case and Paxson believe the height advantage in the job world is more than just a question of image.


  • 使冰岛稳定关键货币责任主要奥德身上。

    The key to stabilising Iceland will be the currency, and here the responsibility falls most heavily on Mr Oddsson.


  • 司南拥有风力学的科技仅仅以生产变速箱著称

    Suzlon understands wind technology and Hansen understands only gearboxes.


  • 来自康涅狄格州姆斯柏瑞•温尼克把上周日纽约巨人(橄榄球)队以41比9大比分输给卡罗琳娜美洲豹队的一新闻报道放进了粉碎机,这场比赛使纽约巨人队晋级决赛希望化为泡影

    Ben Winnick of Simsbury, Conn., shredded a newspaper story about the New York Giants' 41-9 loss Sunday to the Carolina Panthers, which ended the Giants' playoff hopes.


  • 马克·戴维斯与对手傅家俊比赛中,以决胜局的杆105分取胜;安德鲁·希走了瑞恩·戴伊尽管最高一杆仅有59分

    Mark Davis compiled a break of 105 in the deciding frame of his match against Marco Fu and Andrew Higginson saw off Ryan Day 53, despite a highest break of only 59.


  • 时,请让解释通知标题取自斯蒂芬J.霍格尔(一名商人文艺复兴主义者)写的有深刻见解的他一同著作的还有马克.

    let me just say that the title of this post is the title of an insightful book by Steven J.Fogel, business leader and Renaissance man, with Mark Rosin.


  • Clarissa只是半迷恋上邪恶迷人Lovelace,理查感到恐怖是,小说许多女性读者完全迷恋

    Clarissa half-falls for the Satanic but seductive Lovelace, and to Richardson's horror many of the novel's female readers fell for him completely. Jm.


  • 以前研究显示物种种类减少了30%,种类减少更多”,该研究报告的合著之一·霍尔斯宾塞博士说:“在平均pH值7.”8时就会出现一个临界点

    'Previous studies have shown a reduction in diversity of 30%, but this is even bigger for forams', said Dr Jason Hall-Spencer, one of the study's co-authors.' a tipping point occurs at mean pH 7.8.


  • 以前研究显示物种种类减少了30%,种类减少更多”,该研究报告的合著之一·霍尔斯宾塞博士说:“在平均pH值7.”8时就会出现一个临界点

    'Previous studies have shown a reduction in diversity of 30%, but this is even bigger for forams', said Dr Jason Hall-Spencer, one of the study's co-authors.' a tipping point occurs at mean pH 7.8.


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