• 昨天人事厅纪检组长刘中就业工作检查组检查就业工作。

    Yesterday, the Office of the provincial discipline inspection personnel Liu, head of the provincial employment rate of inspection teams to check the employment of the town.


  • 形式罢工,一个具象征性事件,”上海师范大学教授刘诚表示,他曾2008年《劳动法起草过程中担任外部顾问

    "It is a new form of strike - a very symbolic event," said Liu Cheng, a professor at Shanghai Normal University and an outside adviser in the drafting of the 2008 Labour law.


  • 团队对那里的岩石进行勘察的过程中,他们发现了70多个类似足迹的斑点——沉淀物中的一些浅痕,周边轻微的突起。

    As Mr Liu and his team explored the rocks they came across more than 70 markings that looked like tracks-slight impressions in the sediment with tiny ridges sticking up along the sides.


  • 团队对那里的岩石进行勘察的过程中,他们发现了70多个类似足迹斑点——沉淀物中的一些浅痕,其周边有轻微突起

    As Mr Liu and his team explored the rocks they came across more than 70 markings that looked like tracks - slight impressions in the sediment with tiny ridges sticking up along the sides.


  • 刘翔比赛中都地很快,在比赛他跑出了130713秒的成绩。

    Liu raced well at both meets, clocking in at 13.07 and 13 seconds at the events.


  • 110比赛中,罗伯斯因为拉拽对手刘翔,使其失去争夺金牌而被取消成绩。

    Robles was disqualified for pulling rival Liu Xiang out of the hunt for gold in the 110-meter hurdles.


  • 更巧妙刘金喜/唐东这个角色中,好人坏人的成分同一个人身上得到充分体现。

    The clever twist here is that, in the character of Liu Jinxi / Tang Dong, the good guy and bad guy are one and the same.


  • 星期的一次接受采访中,深圳富士康发言人刘坤大部分这些自杀者要么精神极度低迷,要么是严重个人情感问题

    In an interview a few weeks ago, Liu Kun, a Foxconn spokesman in Shenzhen, said most of the victims either had been severely depressed or had serious personal problems.


  • 刘啸宇说:“全新视角来观察年迈父母意识到自己日常生活从未表现出对他们足够敬意。”

    "Seeing my elderly parents through this new perspective, I realized I never showed them enough respect in daily life," Liu said.


  • 说出殴打烫伤的过程,他在做苦工过程中,东西是之又少,以致让他瘦了20晚上锁链锁住,还有看守,在这期间,他在三个砖厂往返。

    Liu told of the beatings and burnings, of the food so meager than he lost 20 pounds, of being chained at night and guarded by vicious dogs, about being shuttled among three brick factories.


  • 818北京天空有些雾蒙蒙,全中国想象他们的超级巨星刘翔将会在奥运会的110第六小组的预赛中轻松获胜

    On Aug. 18, under a hazy Beijing sky, Chinese mega-star Liu Xiang was supposed to cruise to victory in heat six of the 110m hurdles' first round.


  • 但是现在刘强东握大量现金,而且快递网络遍布全国300个城市,这些都让竞争中占据了优势不过同时需要想出一些新的赚钱点子

    Liu has a nice pile of cash and a delivery network in 300 cities to help him maintain his edge, but he'll need to keep generating new moneymaking ideas.


  • 自己想法得到验证后,博士目前正在试图设计工作方式接近鱼类天然侧线系统感觉细胞传感器

    Having proved his point, Dr Liu is now trying to design sensors that work more like the sense cells in a real lateral line.


  • 刘翔最初是个跳高运动员,15那年原来的体校放弃,他因此转向了跨栏项目,这运动员中是不多见的。

    Originally a high-jumper, Mr.Liu made an unusual switch into hurdling at age 15, after his original sports school had given up on him.


  • 尽管刘著外表提高节目收视率关注度周六晚上的比赛还惨遭淘汰出局。

    Though Liu's appearance has boosted the program's ratings and popularity, the program had voted him out during the show on Saturday night.


  • 上周日上海黄金大奖赛中,奥运会世锦赛双料冠军中国飞人刘翔亚军的姿态宣告复出

    Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang, former Olympic and world champion, returned to competition in style by finishing second at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix on Sunday.


  • 刘政(成都日报):宿迁例子中奖励看做付给志愿者的报酬。

    Liu Zheng (Chengdu Daily) : In Suqian's case, rewards can be regarded as payment to volunteers.


  • 周一刘翔在110一轮预赛中起跑失败

    Liu Xiang failed to start his 110 metres hurdles first-round heat on Monday.


  • 听众掌声中,刘大使讲台前,静候掌声平息开始了他的演讲

    In the applause of the audience, Ambassador Liu walked to the podium. He waited quietly for the applause to subside and then began his speech.


  • “不请自来能让获得额外的面试机会面试中的表现人事部门来说才是至关重要。”

    "A successful forcible interview only earns you an extra chance," Liu said. "It is your performance during the interview that means the most to HR personnel."


  • 刚开学,刘冰四级考试中挂了,没有通过,非常沮丧来到学校附近网吧打发时间

    Liu failed again in CET4 test and felt very upset. So he entered an Internet cafe near the school to kill time.


  • 一次正式声明中说,主办方呼吁刘翔迷们多加鼓励不要过于看重比赛成绩。

    This time, an official statement says organizers have 'appealed to Liu's fans to give their encouragement but not focus too much on the final result.'


  • 2004年刘翔雅典奥运会上夺得110的冠军的时候,他中国夺得了第一短跑金牌主播们的声音中感受到这种震惊。

    When Liu Xiang claimed victory in the 110-m hurdles in Athens, delivering China its first ever sprint gold, you could almost sense the alarm in the announcers' voices.


  • 11上午亚洲田径锦标赛男子110预赛中刘翔1382成绩轻松晋级于明晚举行决赛

    Liu Xiang cruised into the men's 110m hurdles final with 13.82 seconds at the 18th Asian athletics championships Wednesday morning. The men's 110m hurdles final will be held Thursday evening.


  • 11上午亚洲田径锦标赛男子110预赛中刘翔1382成绩轻松晋级于明晚举行决赛

    Liu Xiang cruised into the men's 110m hurdles final with 13.82 seconds at the 18th Asian athletics championships Wednesday morning. The men's 110m hurdles final will be held Thursday evening.


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