• 我们博士上海访问正是技术工厂

    It was his technology and plant that we visited with Dr. Liu in Shanghai.


  • 最后另一个上海朋友某人帮助下,完全解决了问题

    At the final moment, another of my friends in Shanghai helped me out.


  • 形式罢工,一个具象征性事件,”上海师范大学教授表示,他曾2008年《劳动法起草过程中担任外部顾问

    "It is a new form of strike - a very symbolic event," said Liu Cheng, a professor at Shanghai Normal University and an outside adviser in the drafting of the 2008 Labour law.


  • 新郎新娘朱丽萍上海东方卫视迎世博家庭才艺节目“全家都赛”的热门选手

    The bride and groom are popular contestants in "Come on, the Whole Family," a popular Expo-themed talent show on Dragon TV.


  • 益谦妻子计划上海建造他们自己的博物馆完整展示他们的藏品提供一个大型场地

    Liu and his wife plan to build their own museum in Shanghai, a massive venue to display their complete collection.


  • 周一晚上世锦赛男子110比赛争论之后,获得银牌中国跨栏运动员已经回到上海的家。

    With the controversy of Monday night's 110m hurdles World Championship final behind him, China's silver medal winning hurdler Liu Xiang has headed home to Shanghai.


  • 上周日上海黄金大奖赛中,奥运会世锦赛双料冠军中国飞人亚军的姿态宣告复出

    Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang, former Olympic and world champion, returned to competition in style by finishing second at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix on Sunday.


  • 出生1963年上海一个普通工人家庭益谦14就辍学帮助妈妈经营手袋生意。最开始,他在他妈妈曾经卖东西那条街卖手袋。

    Born in 1963 into an ordinary working class family in Shanghai, Liu left school at 14 to help his mother with her handbag business.


  • 其中男生名女生。我们班长上海

    Among them there are seven boys and eight girls.Liu Yang is our monitor and he is from Shanghai.


  • 拍卖过程紧张得令人窒息,最后,一位拥有北京匡时拍卖行上海商人益谦中标

    After heart-stoppingly tense bidding it was bought by a Shanghai businessman, Liu Yiqian, who owns the Council Auction House in Beijing.


  • 大使参观了上海世博会英国英方参展人员进行了交谈赞赏英方重视积极参与上海世博会。

    He also visited the UK Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo, talked with the participants from the UK and commended the country's great attention to and active participation in the Expo.


  • 恩沛表示:“上海一部分。”

    This is part of old Shanghai.


  • (时代周刊》摄影师)一张摄于2010年的照片中,是年轻有为衣着时尚的职业女性坐在敞篷奔驰车里从上海浦东商业区摩天大厦间驶来。

    In a 2010 photo by Liu, a former TIME photographer, two fashionable young businesswomen cruise in a Mercedes convertible, top down, amid the skyscrapers of Shanghai's Pudong financial district.


  • 来自上海大学教员素阁认为,找其他人代课表示一种时间管理失误

    But Liu Suge, a faculty member at Shanghai University, thinks that getting someone else to sit your class for you is a sign of time-management failure.


  • 上海- 25岁的上海仪薇度过了一个疲倦天长

    The 25-year-old Shanghai native Liu Yiwei has had an exhausting holiday during the past seven days.


  • 是个天生好演员。他曾经上海次比赛结束音乐会上放歌,也韩国流行音乐巨星Se7en合作,在上海体育馆拍摄音乐电视

    A natural showman, Liu once sang live in a concert after a track meet in Shanghai and filmed a music video with South Korean pop star Se7en in Shanghai Stadium.


  • 那些购买汤臣一品公寓的都顶级富豪,比如与众不同的上海企业家益谦(LiuYiqian),据《福布斯杂志的估计,其身价高达约5.4亿美元。

    Those who buy an apartment here tend to be extremely wealthy, like Liu Yiqian, an eccentric Shanghai entrepreneur whom Forbes magazine says is worth about $540 million.


  • 这次110米栏比赛上海黄金大奖赛最新一次亮相。接受右脚肌腱顽疾的手术治疗后,翔于上个月上海黄金大奖赛上正式宣布自己的回归。

    The race was Liu's first since he staged his comeback from Achilles tendon surgery last month at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix.


  • 当时上海俗语:“成为万元户”。 当时一年平均工资只有300,但是在上海益谦一样的街头小贩都能赚上万元。

    At the time there was a phrase in Shanghai: "becoming a 10, 000 yuan person."


  • 位于上海西南部的莘庄训练基地里,在基地食堂拥有一个单独的冠军灶”。

    At his training base in Xinzhuang, in southwest Shanghai, Liu Xiang has his own "champion canteen".


  • 永行穿着休闲坐在上海办公室里,边品茶边说:“炫耀财富一件很荒唐的事情。”

    "It's ridiculous to show off your wealth," says Liu Yongxing, sitting in his Shanghai office wearing casual clothes and sipping tea.


  • 周末上海钻石联赛首次采用上技术,在第一之前采用以前少一步技术。

    At the Shanghai Diamond League over the weekend, Liu was debuting a change to his starting technique, taking one less step before reaching the first hurdle.


  • 上海采用上栏技术冲出障碍一路奋力前进,13.07成绩达到终点。

    Liu, using a new start technique, burst out of the blocks in Shanghai, powering his way to the finish line in a time of 13.07 seconds.


  • 现年33岁传胜妻子经营着早点不久前一个周五,他奔向上海北边蜂莲花有限公司C

    On a recent Friday, the 33-year-old, who runs a breakfast stand with his wife, wheeled a shopping cart into the aisle of a c.


  • 志新,博士,上海戏剧学院教授硕士研究生导师上海多媒体演艺虚拟空间合成实验室艺术总监

    Dr. LIU Zhixin, Professor & Tutor for Master students in Shanghai Theatre Academy, Art Director of Shanghai Virtual Simulation Laboratory for Multimedia Performance.


  • 当地英雄7月份创下了12.88世界纪录,在上海的这场比赛以13.07秒结束比赛,而约翰逊的成绩是13.09秒。

    Local hero Liu Xiang, who set a world record of 12.88 seconds in July, completed the Shanghai race in 13.07 seconds, compared to 13.09 seconds for Johnson.


  • 当地英雄7月份创下了12.88世界纪录,在上海的这场比赛以13.07秒结束比赛,而约翰逊的成绩是13.09秒。

    Local hero Liu Xiang, who set a world record of 12.88 seconds in July, completed the Shanghai race in 13.07 seconds, compared to 13.09 seconds for Johnson.


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