• 同时本文还深刻剖析改善城市外来人员缓刑适用现状刑法根据以及社会必要

    At the same time, a profound analysis of this paper to improve the city suspended the application of the status of foreign personnel in accordance with the Penal Code, as well as socially necessary.


  • 审判只是根据刑法进行定罪

    The trial is concerned only with the determination of guilt according to criminal law.


  • 根据伊朗的《伊斯兰刑法》,囚犯可以在服满三分之一刑期申请有条件释放

    According to Iran's New Islamic Penal Code, prisoners can apply for conditional release after serving a third of their sentence.


  • 根据刑法第496条规定,在知情的前提下收受赃物表明销赃者的这种意图已经转嫁到了身上。

    Under penal Code 496, this intent will pass onto you if you knowingly and subsequently receive that property.


  • 根据现行中国刑法,违反交通规章严重的处罚7监禁危及公共安全可以终生监禁。

    According to current Chinese criminal law, the heaviest penalty for a traffic offence is seven years of imprisonment, while endangering public security can carry a life sentence.


  • 去年土耳其著名小说家orhanPamuk根据刑法第301条已经起诉,这件事仍然历历在目,使人难以忘记。

    Article 301 of the penal code, under which Orhan Pamuk, Turkey's best-known novelist, was prosecuted last year, remains on the books.


  • 盗版(包括侵犯许可协议)种版权侵犯行为,美国和国际上都应该同时根据民法刑法进行惩罚

    Piracy, including violation of the license agreement, is copyright infringement and may be punished under both civil and criminal law in the United States and internationally.


  • 根据刑法第191条规定,洗钱罪的本质特征在于它掩饰隐瞒特定犯罪违法所得及其产生的收益的行为。

    According to the Article 191of Criminal Law, the characteristic of money-laundering is to cover up or conceal proceeds and gains illegally obtained from certain crimes.


  • 英美刑法中的被迫行为指行为人他人环境胁迫实施形似犯罪,但是根据一定条件可以进行合法辩护的行为。

    The duress in British and America criminal law is a seemingly criminal act that is carried out under the stress of others or circumstance, but in reality it has legal grounds for defence.


  • 刑罚根据统一只有刑法系统看作社会大系统的一个有机组成部分受制于社会大系统的情况下才可能。

    Only when the system of criminal law is regarded as an organic part of social system and subject to the social system, it is possible that the foundation of punishment is united.


  • 刑法最高原则刑法推理具体方法应当根据刑法定原则在众多法律推理方法中确定。

    Principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime is the highest principal of criminal law, so the concrete methods of reasoning of criminal law should be chosen according to it.


  • 根据刑法有关司法解释规定,对事实重婚行为以重婚罪定罪处罚并未违反原则

    According to the New Criminal Law and judicial interpretation concerned, punishment on such marriages in the name of crime of bigamy does not go against the legal principles.


  • 刑罚目的要求刑法规定要求、剥夺利益存在的要求刑罚方法极限的要求是确定数罪并罚规则的根据

    The bases of joinder of punishments for plural crimes include the requests of punishments purpose, criminal law, existence of abolished interests and maximum of executing punishment.


  • 尽管根据刑法目前法院适用缓刑时已不再有无考察主体担忧,但并不意味着我国缓刑考察工作完善

    Though currently, courts are not longer worrying about whether there are inspection subjects of probation or not, this does not mean that the inspection work of probation has been perfected.


  • 阐述刑法扩张解释概念分类、扩张解释存在根据价值

    Elaborated the concept and categorize of amplified interpretation, amplified interpretation existent of basis and value.


  • 刑法规定犯罪刑事责任刑罚法律,是国家审判机关据以进行刑事裁判执行刑罚根据

    The criminal law provides that crime, the criminal and penal laws, according to the national judicial organs for criminal penalties referees and the implementation of the basis.


  • 他们根据历史事实来论证,”继续说。“他们这样个没脸没皮、伶牙俐齿动物,外加钱袋力量,没有一条刑法能给你定罪。”

    'They argued from history,' continued the Rat. 'They said that no criminal laws had ever been known to prevail against cheek and plausibility such as yours, combined with the power of a long purse.


  • 根据刑法第219条规定构成侵犯商业秘密客观方面必须具备“商业秘密权利人造成重大损失”的危害结果

    According to the stipulation of Article 219 of the Criminal Law of China, the objective element constituting the BSC must be a harmful result "causing heavy losses to the business secrets obligee".


  • 根据全球化背景知识产权犯罪态势变迁现状,总结归纳目前知识产权刑法保护所面临挑战

    According to the changes of criminal situation of intellectual property rights under the globalization, summarized the current challenges faced by criminal protection of intellectual property rights.


  • 根据犯罪构成理论以及刑法规定,对徇私枉法四个方面构成要件所存在的争议疑难问题逐一进行分析

    Based on the criminal theory and the rules of , the essay analyses the difficult problem about the four main factors of bending the law for the benefit of relafives.


  • 盗窃罪一种财产犯罪根据我国刑法规定,盗窃罪犯罪对象公私财物一点无疑是正确的。

    Larceny is a crime of property and its criminal target is public or private property according to the provision of the native criminal Law, undoubtedly, this point is absolutely right.


  • 保险诈骗罪一些特殊行为方式,严格根据刑法第198条的规定来进行归类定性

    Several particular performances of the offense of insurance fraud should be classified and characterized with the regulation of the Article 198th of the criminal law strictly.


  • 根据刑法第17条第2款,无论从轻或者减轻处罚,都不能适用无期徒刑。

    According to Article 17 Section 2 life imprisonment can not be applied whether it is dealt with leniently or mitigation of penalty below the minimum statutory prescript.


  • 根据刑法第17条第2款,无论从轻或者减轻处罚,都不能适用无期徒刑。

    According to Article 17 Section 2 life imprisonment can not be applied whether it is dealt with leniently or mitigation of penalty below the minimum statutory prescript.


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