• 试验结果产生独自分配定律

    This work let to the law of independent assortment.


  • 结果应该试验证实病人应该随机分配使用阿司匹林或是服用安慰剂。

    The results should be confirmed in an experiment where patients would be randomly assigned to take aspirin or a dummy pill.


  • 一个设计完美试验需要一系列处理明晰的控制分配处理后仔细分析

    A well-designed experiment calls for a range of treatments, explicit control groups, and careful post-treatment analysis.


  • 试验一共招募了16,400多个泰国男性女性,他们年纪1830岁间,并且没有感染艾滋病毒他们被随机分配接受疫苗安慰剂

    More than 16, 400 Thai men and women aged 18 to 30 who did not have HIV were recruited and randomly assigned to receive the vaccine or a placebo.


  • 大量试验试图表明它的好处但都失败了就像最近次研究,5,442名妇女随机分配服用安慰剂或是维生素b

    A number of studies have tried and failed to find a benefit, like a recent one that randomly assigned 5, 442 women to take either a placebo or a B-vitamin combo.


  • 至于怎么分配完全由你自己决定,建议你试验一下看看怎样分配适合自己。

    How you allocate your calories is completely up to you — you might want to experiment to find the best distribution.


  • 这些试验人们随机地分配个“处理小组这个小组能够项目获益,而另一个“控制”小组则不能

    In these trials, people are randomly assigned to a "treatment" group, which benefits from the project, and a "control" group, which does not.


  • 获得最佳线程需要经过一些试验失败很好的经验法则100个并发会话分配一个线程

    It takes a bit of trial and error to get the optimal number of threads, but a good rule of thumb is 1 thread for every 100 concurrent sessions.


  • 某个试验再次注册时,提交试验所有已知标识符,包括其他注册中心分配试验注册编号

    When a trial is re-registered, all known identifiers for the trial should be submitted. These include trial registration Numbers allocated by other registries.


  • 试验参与者通常将会随机分配标准治疗或者治疗组(称之为随机分组)。

    A participant will usually be assigned to the standard group or the new group at random (called randomization).


  • ,为了实现精确分组德格自家客厅地板标有学员名字基本概况的索引卡摊了一地,试验了各种排列组合,最终使所有人员得到均衡分配

    One year, to get the study groups just-so, Ms. DeGraca laid out index CARDS with students' names and basic facts on her living room floor, mixing and matching until the groups seem balanced.


  • 设计过程中,整个试验台的总布置以及传动方案进行选择,对传动系的传动比进行分配

    In this design, it designs the whole layout and the transmission scheme, and distributes the transmission ratio.


  • 本文提出了一个确定阻力分配系数方法试验分析结果说明本方法是合理的。

    This paper present a method determining resistance assignment coefficient, the analysis results on the test show that present method is reasonable.


  • 作者说明试验是否采用随机分配读者不能排除随机分配的可能,则将之CCT(临床对照试验)。

    If the author (s) do not state explicitly that the trial was randomized, but randomization cannot be ruled out, the report is classified as a 'CCT' (controlled clinical trial).


  • 对于使用随机分配设立对照组的入选试验,其具体分类取决于读者对试验报告把握

    Trials eligible for inclusion are classified according to the reader's degree of certainty that random allocation was used to form the comparison groups in the trial.


  • 就是为什么试验使用随机分配心理学家如此有益

    This is exactly why experiments using random allocation to groups are so useful for psychologists.


  • 本文主要可靠性设计、可靠性试验、可靠性建模分配三个方面研究了毫米波收发组件中的可靠性问题

    This paper in-depth research and analyzes the reliability issues in this transceiver modules mainly from the design of reliability, test of reliability, modeling and distribution of reliability.


  • 试验装有VP37电控分配柴油机进行

    The tests were performed on a diesel engine equipped with a VP37 electronic controlled distribution pump.


  • 介绍燃油均匀分配概念定义测量方法试验设备构成

    The conception and definition of fuel uniform distribution, test method and structure of test equipment are present.


  • 本文根据包钢节点单调荷载试验分析了节点核心区开裂状态之前及开裂状态极限状态的抗机理,求出了各主要抗剪因素的剪力分配

    In this paper, shearing mechanism in the joint core region is analysed from crack to limit state, on the basis of shear test of wrapped steel joint under the monotonic load.


  • 文章研究了采用不同的正激、反激变压器匝比对传输功率分配比例、电流波等影响,并进行了试验验证

    The influence on the power transfer and the current ripple with different turns ratio was researched. The experimental results verified the analysis.


  • 通过田间试验研究了黄烟生长发育过程中干物质养分积累分配规律

    The rule of dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption and distribution were studied during the growth of yellow sun-cured tobacco in field.


  • 不同工况进行循环流化床联供负荷调节试验,验证气动分配负荷调节性能。

    Experiments on the load-adjustment of the circulating fluidized bed multi-generation system are conducted under different operating conditions.


  • 试验包含116位门诊,她们随机分配技术排出二氧化碳通过腹腔引流标准负压放气排出二氧化碳。

    The study included 116 female outpatients who were randomly assigned to have carbon dioxide removal with the new technique or with standard passive deflation through the abdominal cannula.


  • 对于交通监理部门适合采用台架试验方法测定汽车制动力的分配

    While for the traffic supervise department, the bench testing method is more suitable.


  • ‘宁2号材料采用田间小区试验方法研究了单季粳稻施用镁肥后吸收分配影响

    A plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of Mg fertilization on Mg uptake and partition in single-cropping japonica rice with 'Ningjing 2' as the material.


  • 通过田间试验研究高产生姜生长特性吸收分配规律

    The absorption and distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and growth characteristics of high-yield ginger were studied in this experiment.


  • 牵引整流柜均试验正是为了检测各个并联支路整流元件电流分配情况而设立检验项目。

    The uniform current test of the rectifier for traction power is the test subject that aimed at inspecting the current distribution of the rectifying elements in every parallel branch line bridge.


  • 液压盘式制动器分配试验应用计算机控制技术来实现控制检测

    The distributing pump test bench for hydraulic disc brake is controlled and tested by means of computer.


  • 液压盘式制动器分配试验应用计算机控制技术来实现控制检测

    The distributing pump test bench for hydraulic disc brake is controlled and tested by means of computer.


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