• 这种效应我们分配注意方式引起的。

    The effect is caused by the way we allocate our attention.


  • 这种效应我们分配注意方式引起的。

    The effect is caused by the way we allocate our attention.


  • 因此,根据购买适度分配波段显得以往更为重要

    That makes it more important than ever that the airwaves are sensibly allocated according to the ability to pay.


  • 除此以外,到年底之前,300mm芯片厂50%产能分配工业务使用。

    Powerchip will also allocate 50 percent of its 300-mm wafer capacity to wafer foundry by the year end.


  • 为了合理分配资源产生竞争第一步,软件开发经理需要方式方法语言评估项目经济价值

    Software development managers need an approach, method, and language to assess the economic value of projects if they are to allocate resources properly to competing initiatives.


  • 如果这样只有胡安自己知道多少注意分配给了爱丽丝,又将多少注意分配给了其他东西

    If so, only Juan knows how much attention he is allocating to Alice and how much to other things. But Alice can guess!


  • 注意地图一个有效优先名单因为有助于确定每个目标页面分配多少空间

    An attention map is more effective than a prioritized list because it helps determine how much space to dedicate to each goal on the page.


  • 公司基层IT分析师可能最有创造文案撰稿人但是如果分配的工作,是整天面对程序编码可能永远没有机会去为项目发挥自己最大的作用。

    The junior analyst in IT could be your most creative copywriter, but when relegated to coding all day, she may never have a chance to collaborate in a way that can deliver the most to a project.


  • 它使用足够注意指数确定恰到好处分配不是分配太少以至于需要强加上大堆类似的价值点数

    Allow just enough points to see a good distribution, but not too few that you force a lot of similar point values.


  • 如果这样只有胡安自己知道多少注意分配给了爱丽丝,又将多少注意分配给了其他东西

    If so, only Juan knows how much attention he is allocating to Alice and how much to other things.


  • 但是锻炼分配两三天会让更有耐久身体恢复时间

    But spreading your exercise out over two or three days allows you to build endurance and gives your body recovery time.


  • 更多大家庭父母承认有时会疏于照顾自己一个多个小孩平均分配每个小孩的注意也很难。

    And parents of large families more often admitted neglecting one or more of their children on occasion or struggling to share their attention equally.


  • 斯潘:“锻炼总是没有好。”但是将锻炼分配两三天里会让更有耐久身体恢复时间

    "Something is always better than nothing," Spang said. But spreading your exercise out over two or three days allows you to build endurance and gives your body recovery time.


  • 如果这一资源差距消除,资源得到平等分配——理想的是,有效地进行分配——妇女男子农业中具有同等生产

    When that resource gap is closed and resources are allocated equally -and better yet, efficiently -women and men are equally productive in agriculture.


  • 简单来说,边际生产分配理论收入高生产社会贡献联系一起。

    In a nutshell, this theory associated higher incomes with higher productivity and a greater contribution to society.


  • 他们成长的这些年里,生活肯定发生了明显的变化因而现在自由分配时间金钱注意更为有限

    Their lives have obviously changed in the intervening years -- so that available time, money, and attention are now in more limited supply.


  • 今天许多财富没有公平分配即使有时会夹杂运气里面,但是还是有许多是靠辛苦工作创造进行分配

    A lot of wealth today hasn't been earned fairly, but still a lot of it has been the result of hard work and creativity, even if mixed in with good luck.


  • 新兴国家的中央银行却不辞辛苦,愿意在信贷分配过程亲为,向国内银行施加压优待高信用企业,歧视低信用企业。

    In emerging markets, central Banks are happier to get their hands dirty in the credit-allocation process, arm-twisting Banks, favouring some industries with credit and discriminating against others.


  • 我们来详细看看这个例子领导简单关于多少资源资金分配,用来长远准备

    Let's dive into an example of the settle of leadership choices that is simply about how much personal resource, capital and labor to allocate to be prepared for the long run.


  • 华生相信这种可能性存在人之一尤其是那些孩子们因为他们每天所处的环境使得他们更加娴多种任务之间分配注意

    Watson, for one, believes it's possible, especially in children whose everyday environment makes them increasingly proficient at splitting their attention among tasks.


  • 普遍来说,六成制动功率分配前轮原因前轮是在减速过程负荷量发生变化,承担降低冲撞的功能。

    Under normal operation about 60 percent of braking power goes to the front wheels which, because of load transfer under deceleration, take the brunt of the retardation duties.


  • 轧制合理分配可以有效控制板凸度

    The crown can be controlled by optimum distribution of rolling force.


  • 2007年影响论坛( 2007 Influence Forum)上,互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANNCEOPaulTwomey了一基调演讲,他告诉观众虚拟世界全球商业未来

    In a wide ranging keynote address at the 2007 Influence Forum, ICANN CEO Paul Twomey told the audience that virtual worlds are the future of global commerce.


  • 怎么分配有限注意

    How and to whom do you want to allocate your finite attention?


  • 资本技术无形资产作为生产要素参与分配基于劳动价值论再认识。

    Capitals, techniques and invisible capitals as productive elements taking shares in distribution is based on recognition of labor theory of value.


  • 他们纠结分配任务,也善于团队合作注意不集中,而且其他员工容易出错

    They struggle to delegate tasks, they're not team players, they have trouble concentrating, and they make more mistakes than other people.


  • 他们纠结分配任务,也善于团队合作注意不集中,而且其他员工容易出错

    They struggle to delegate tasks, they're not team players, they have trouble concentrating, and they make more mistakes than other people.


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