• 通过分析阅读层次可以更好地指导阅读提高阅读效率达到阅读实现。

    The analysis of layers can instruct reading, increase the efficiency and finally fulfil reading.


  • 调查分析显示美国青少年现在他们的休闲时间花电子设备上不是阅读纸质

    Survey analysis shows American teens now spend their leisure time on digital devices rather than reading printed books.


  • 是有趣的!你也可以分析文本,从文本中学到更多,了解更多关于文本的信息。

    Reading is fun! You can also analyze texts to learn more from the texts and about the texts.


  • 请继续阅读更多分析

    Read on for more analysis.


  • 如果通过用户最近阅读的100文章分析趋势或者实现对它们的查询,那么这个功能有用了。

    You might want to analyze the last 100 items a user has read to pull out trends or enable complete search and this function may therefore be useful.


  • 复杂结构易于阅读扫视分析使用

    Complex structures are harder to read, scan, analyze and work with.


  • 到目前为止,关于分析API大多数方面最大限度的对进行了隐藏但是如果您正在阅读本篇文章那么您必须向工作台集成一些形式分析工具。

    So far, most aspects of the analysis API have been largely hidden from you, but if you are reading this article, then you must have a need to integrate some new form of analysis into the workbench.


  • 学生要求每周完成阅读作业准备课堂上分析文学作品演讲陈述,在学期末完成结业论文

    Students are asked to complete reading assignments each week, be prepared to analyze the literature in class, make presentations and write term papers at the end of the semester.


  • 这个文件相对简单但是长的日志文件非常复杂难于阅读分析

    Though this file is relatively simple, longer log files can be very complex and cumbersome to read and analyse.


  • 使阅读分析文件内容变得非常复杂因为需要根据标识符报告工具处理每行

    This can make it complex to read and parse the contents of the file, as you will need to treat each line according to the identifier and reporter.


  • RATS手册固然告诉如何进行回归分析阅读绝不可能轻易便掌握技能要领,你必然需要打开电脑操作

    Reading the RATS manual will tell you how to run a regression, but you cannot easily run a regression after just reading about it. You have to turn on the computer and try it several times.


  • 当然交易员有时表现得像《星际迷航》中的巴克,无远弗届地搜寻客观的数据阅读分析师的报告判突发新闻

    Sure, in their Mr Spock mode traders scour the horizon for hard-nosed data, read their analysts’ reports and digest breaking news.


  • 学会享受阅读不是一直提问或者分析,否则破坏阅读感官享受

    Learn to enjoy your reading without asking too many questions or analyzing too much. It will just spoil the sensual enjoyment of the reading experience.


  • 务必阅读DiveintoHTML5,其中含有面向HTML5开发人员深入分析实用代码样例

    Be sure to read Dive into HTML5 for deep analysis and practical code samples for HTML5 developers.


  • 我们希望喜欢再一次阅读期待带来更多Web产品趋势的2010年的分析

    We hope you enjoy reading them again and we look forward to bringing you more Web products and trends analysis in 2010.


  • 请看微软Windows8分钟演示视频然后再阅读下文分析

    Take a look at Microsoft's first five-minute demo video of Windows 8 and then read my analysis below.


  • 然后可以使用任何开放源码商业日志分析工具(比如webalizer)轻松解析它们,从而提供适合人阅读报告漂亮图表

    They can then be easily parsed by any of the open source or commercial log analysis tools, such as Webalizer, to give you a human-readable report and pretty graphs upon request.


  • 除了那个令人怀疑以固定速度销售”的分析以外,家伙一个事实搞错了。不过阅读这篇宣告Apple最终命运文章时的感觉,可能会高兴

    Setting aside the questionable analysis of selling at a "consistent rate," the guy got his facts wrong, which might actually please him since you get that doomsayer vibe reading his article.


  • 除了那个令人怀疑“以固定速度销售”的分析以外家伙一个事实搞错了。 不过阅读篇宣告Apple最终命运文章时的感觉,可能会高兴

    Setting aside the questionable analysis of selling at a "consistentrate, " the guy got his facts wrong, which might actually please himsince you get that doomsayer vibe reading his article.


  • Feed服务发布最近更改事件Web Feed(AtomRSS),该 Web Feed适合任何与标准兼容的 Feed阅读分别为 Atom 1.0 或 RSS 2.0)进行分析

    The feed service publishes a web feed (either Atom or RSS) of recent change events, suitable for parsing by any standards-compliant feed reader (Atom 1.0 or RSS 2.0, respectively).


  • 从语法上分析它们就是说阅读-,实际上一个文本文件,从从左到右。

    Parses through them, which means to read through this — what are really just text files, top to bottom, left to right.


  • 阅读销售分析报告时业务用户按照客户产品分析收入分析客户收入等级

    Studying his sales analysis report, a business user analyzes Revenue by Customer, Revenue by Product, and Customer Revenue Ranking.


  • 电信媒体咨询公司BDA分析石磊表示:“问题这些公司能够中国的电子阅读市场探索出什么样的盈利模式。”

    One big question is what monetisation models all these companies can develop for e-reading in China,” says Shi Lei, an analyst at BDA, a telecoms and media consultancy.


  • 脚本语言定义业务规则可以使规则编写更加轻松并且易于程序员之外的人员阅读比如说业务分析规则编写人员。

    As you'll see, defining the business rules in a scripting language makes the rules easier to write, and probably easier for a nonprogrammer, such as a business analyst or rule writer, to read.


  • 这样的话阅读他们消息知道他们职业分析

    It's good to know that when I read these messages, they are coming from professional analysts.


  • 为了谨慎地验证发现分别分析阅读数学家庭作业辅导效果

    To examine this finding more carefully, separate analyses were carried out on the effects of helping on reading, mathematics, and homework performance.


  • 除了方便阅读格式化,可以访问提供了关键统计信息注释以便SQL性能分析

    In addition to the easy-to-read formatting, you also have access to annotation that provides critical statistical information to facilitate your analysis of SQL performance.


  • 中的比较但是阅读后面的速度部分,其中分析这些数据基于这些数据性能表现。

    Take a look at the comparisons in the table below, but see the section on Speed below for an analysis of this data and the performance claims based upon it.


  • RSS支持的,但是有空的时候应该分析一下阅读习惯看看关注的是什么文章,有哪些是你应该删掉

    Thats what RSS is for, but once in a while you should also analyze your feed reading habits and check which feeds you are paying attention to and what you need to get rid of.


  • 阅读行业期刊跟踪分析评论留意股市表明哪些公司股票上涨正在进行重组或者提供服务外包的信号。

    Read trade journals, follow analyst commentary and monitor the stock market for indicators showing which companies are growing, restructuring or contracting out services.


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