• 如今脑波分析科技产品相当多见鲜有如此可爱的设计。

    We've seen a fair amount of brainwave-reading tech, but not much as cute as this.


  • 本文分析科技英语特点提出举例阐述了几种常见的被动语态的译法。

    The paper presents the characteristics of science English and puts forward and expounds several translating methods of passive voice sentences.


  • 第一界定分析科技人文价值相关概念,着重分析科技人文价值的内涵外延

    Chapter 1: This chapter is devoted to closely analyzing the connotation and extension of the humanistic value of science and technology and defining some concepts related with it.


  • 广告背后美国文化设想什麽?注意篇论文不是讨论科技,而是探索分析科技社会历史的定位。

    Note that this paper is not a history of the technology in question, but rather an exploratory analysis of the way in which this technology is situated in social history.


  • 第二分析中,他们发现随着科技的发展,幸福感会下降。

    In a second analysis, they found that where technology went, dips in well-being followed.


  • 咨询公司埃森哲的分析柯伦随着科技我们生活中占据越来越比重,政府这个展览的关注度越来越高不无道理

    Curran, the Accenture analyst, said that increased government interest in the show makes sense as technology becomes a larger part of our lives.


  • 作为一名火箭科学家我会分析任务设计对未来科技进步影响

    As a rocket scientist, I do analysis of mission-design impacts of future technology advancements.


  • 地质学家分析以后请教几千公里以外的开发地区研究数据运用科技研究中心世界各地现场联系在一起。

    Geologists analyzing that data can then consult with drill sites thousands of miles away, using technology that links the research center to platforms around the world.


  • 现在计划科技分析更多人类细微互动形式,其中像凝视于是激发点头的现象也许为人

    He now plans to use the technology to analyse more subtle patterns of human interaction, some of which may-like the gazing and "anding" that trigger nods, not yet be known about.


  • 受益于世界科技成长互联网,凭借发现保留分析信息能力竞争优势决定性资源已经出现

    Driven by the ability to find, retain and analyse information, resulting from the worldwide growth of technology and the Internet, new and decisive sources of competitive advantage have emerged.


  • 最新分析表明,类似的事情正在科技出版物上发生

    The same thing may be happening in scientific publishing, according to a new analysis.


  • 博斯特罗姆:从历史角度来看,那些预言目前证明毫无根据,既不是基于科学没有对特定科技前景进行过谨慎分析

    Bostrom: Historically, the predictions have been groundless. They have not been based on science or careful analysis of particular technological prospects.


  • 不过赫德随即几乎完美表现迅速赢得了硅谷全球科技行业的赞誉特别是赫德为人低调,性格温和,受到了市场及分析人士的认可

    But Hurd quickly won praise in Silicon Valley and the broader technology world, especially with his low-key style that was so much unlike his predecessor's glitzier public persona.


  • 所有这些分析使用AI科技交易评分(110分),10表示最好

    All that analysis is done using the A.I. technology in order to rate the deal on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best deal.


  • 12月23发表自然科技期刊最新分析排除所有疑问——而且新人种原本贫乏证据增添了现代科学能够检验牙齿化石。

    The latest analysis, published in Nature on December 23rd, removes any doubt-and adds a tooth to the meagre stock of evidence from the new species that modern science is able to examine.


  • 分析使用汤姆森科技数据库,数据库一直记录了9000多种国际以及本地同行评议期刊

    The analysis used the Thomson Scientific database, which keeps track of more than 9,000 international and regional peer-reviewed journals.


  • 摩根·斯坦利亚太指数上涨0.1%,科技板块能源个股涨幅居前,戴尔公司公布利润超过分析预期石油价格下跌

    The MSCI Asia Pacific Index climbed 0.1 percent, led by technology and energy companies, after Dell Inc. 's profit exceeded analyst estimates and oil prices reversed losses.


  • 使用计算机视觉科技不光分析人们广告反应,还能分辨观看者属于一类人群,这一新技术带来了很多机遇

    Using computer vision to analyse how people react to advertising, combined with the ability to identify what sort of people they are, also provides new opportunities.


  • 一些分析质疑微软此次的裁员行动是否足以应对科技行业如此严重衰退

    Some analysts questioned whether Microsoft took quick enough and broad enough actions to deal with such a severe decline in technology spending.


  • 印度卢比今年已经下跌20%,分析师们,这一因素使印度科技企业利润增长率最多可提高10个百分点。

    The nearly 20% drop in the Indian currency this year has helped tech companies add as much as 10% to their profit growth, analysts say.


  • 许多分析认为很多近期所谓“大科技发行价高估

    Plenty of analysts believe that many of the recent "hot" tech flotations may have been overpriced.


  • 于是我们看到,科技泡沫过后华尔街实施规则防止分析大肆推荐垃圾股票

    So after the tech bubble, new rules were put into place to stop Wall Street from using analysts to push worthless stocks.


  • 思科公司公布季度收入收益预期低于分析此前预测,公司股价下跌超过9%,其他科技个股纷纷下挫

    's revenue from its latest quarter and its forecast for future revenue both fell short of analysts' expectations. The company's stock fell more than 9 percent and other tech stocks also fell.


  • 思科公司公布季度收入收益预期低于分析此前预测,公司股价下跌超过9%,其他科技个股纷纷下挫

    's revenue from its latest quarter and its forecast for future revenue both fell short of analysts' expectations. The company's stock fell more than 9 percent and other tech stocks also fell.


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