• 科学家们第一次古典克雷莫纳小提琴木材现代小提琴的木材进行对比分析时,他们计算平均密度没有发现区别

    When scientists first analyzed the wood of vintage Cremonese violins in compared with the modern violin wood, they calculated the average density and found no difference.


  • Ni:指i区的平均人口密度为了简化分析,地球表面按照网格分成多个i区,每个区的分布假定统一的。

    Ni : Average population density in area i. To simplify the analysis, Earth’s surface is divided into a grid of squares i, and the distribution is assumed to be uniform in each.


  • nl网站宣传工具不仅提供了有关分析关键词密度位置信息,也提供了有关搜索引擎如何页面定级的信息。

    Ranks.nl Web Site Promotion Tools. Provides information on analyzing keyword density and placement and on how various search engines rank your pages.


  • 拉曼光谱工作原理是使用束激光照射原子上然后收集分析产生的散射波长密度

    Raman spectroscopy works by shining a laser light onto a molecule and then collecting and analysing the wavelength and intensity of the resulting scattered light.


  • 一消息震惊全球信贷市场也使得分析质疑迪拜——这个阿联酋人口密度第一大城市,是否能力还清债务。

    The statement rocked credit markets around the world and prompted analysts to question whether Dubai, the most populous of the United Arab Emirates, will be able to meet its obligations.


  • 除此之外,IBM密度计算提供热量分析提供更多节省能源的方法。

    Along with this, IBM will also provide a thermal analysis for high-density computing that provides additional options for savings.


  • 分辨一种物质,可以用密度测量。而无须借助费事繁琐化学分析法。

    One way to identify a substance without resorting to fiddly chemical methods is to determine its density.


  • 血液样本用于进行血脂各种脂蛋白(好的密度脂蛋白和坏的,密度脂蛋白)方面的分析

    Blood samples were analyzed for triglycerides and both types of cholesterol - good, or HDL, and bad, or LDL.


  • 算法首先通过边缘密度进行投影分析进行向下的定位然后此基础上利用垂直边缘的连接强度进行底向上的精确定位。

    The algorithm first makes a top-down coarse location using the projection analysis of the edge density graph and then makes a bottom-up precise location based on the vertical edge linkage intensity.


  • 利用概率分析随机模型密度演化方法导出系统的一些新的可靠性指标检测策略

    The new system reliability indices and the optimal inspection policy are obtained by using probability analysis and the density evolution method in stochastic.


  • 通过仔细理论分析可以推导出气体密度温度压力各种物理参量以及紫外辐射和电离辐射流量

    With a careful theoretical analysis various physical parameters such as the gas density, temperature, and pressure, and the ultraviolet and ionizing radiation fluxes can be derived .


  • 依据随机性模糊性基本概念提出当量概率密度函数模糊可靠性分析方法

    Based on the concepts of randomness and fuzziness, a fuzzy reliability analysis method of probability density function equivalent is proposed in this article.


  • 分析有源区内载流子VCL光子密度变化,揭示了增益钳制物理机理

    Analyzing the carrier density and photon density of VCL in active region, the physical mechanism of gain clamping was revealed.


  • 利用50系统定位观测资料分析红松果材兼用林不同林分密度直径主要测树因子关系。

    By using observation data over 50 years, the paper systematically analyzed the relations of different stand density with diameter, height, crown of trees and so on.


  • 根据分析结果,密度主要变量,建立高架道路污染物浓度分布模式

    Then the distribution model of elevated road pollutant concentration was established, taking vehical density as the main variable.


  • 本文一种离散方法运用结构密度找形分析,取得了好的效果。

    A new approach of dispersion with force density method in form-finding of cable and membrane structures are presented in this paper.


  • 规定试验条件下能够可接受密度精确度进行测定中待分析小量。

    It is the lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be determined with acceptable precision and accuracy under the stated experimental conditions.


  • 分析准确度密度区别?我们分别如何测量他们

    What is the difference between analytical accuracy and analytical precision and how do we measure each of these?


  • 对于杂质测定,一般取含一定杂质量样品进行分析证明杂质测定其具有适宜的准确度密度

    As to test for impurity: a certain amount of the impurity may be added to the sample to testify the accuracy and precision of the method.


  • 本文ICP背景校正两种方式—“在”校正“脱峰”校正的分析密度准确度进行了讨论

    This paper discusses the detection limit, precision and accuracy of ICPAES in relation to the background correction by the "on-peak" and "off-peak" modes.


  • 提出一种利用数学形态学进行织物密度分析方法

    A new method of fabric density analysis using mathematic morphology is put forward.


  • 本文提出了一种利用数学形态学进行织物经纬密度分析方法

    This paper presents a new method for fabric density analysis by using the mathematical morphology.


  • 目的测试分析医用干式胶片密度温度的变化。

    Objective: To test and analyze density of medical dry film varying with temperature.


  • 此基础扼要分析现有提高存储器存储密度思路关键技术给出当前国际先进水平的技术指标。

    The solutions for optical mass storage system and their principles are analyzed briefly, based on which, the key technologies for the improvement of the recording density are discussed.


  • 分析规程密度通常一系列测量数值标准差相对标准差(变异系数)来表示。

    The precision of an analytical procedure is usually expressed as the standard deviation or relative standard deviation (coefficient of variation) of a series of measurements.


  • 证明已知生物基质分析浓度准确度密度可以确定

    The accuracy and precision with which known concentrations of analyte in biological matrix can be determined should be demonstrated.


  • 结论方法具有密度分析速度快、分离效果好、回收率高等优点,具有一定的推广价值。

    Conclusion This method is of high accuracy, analysis quickness, separation effective and high recollection rate, and is highly recommended.


  • 结论方法具有密度分析速度快、分离效果好、回收率高等优点,具有一定的推广价值。

    Conclusion This method is of high accuracy, analysis quickness, separation effective and high recollection rate, and is highly recommended.


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