• Fe3O4乙基氢化铵溶液中能极大提高分散[16]。因此,在本研究中采用先将Fe3O4分散在四乙基氢化溶液中,再与合成沸石的原液反应。

    Therefore, Fe3O4 particles were dispersed in tetraethylammonium hydroxide aqueous solution, which greatly improves the dispersion of Fe3O4 [16].


  • 对于那些深海分散处理过的油污是否人们期待那样上浮过程中分散开来,环保署仍然在致力于找出答案。

    The EPA has been trying to find out whether oil treated with dispersants at depth behaves in the way one would expect if dispersed higher up.


  • 由于反向代理主要接触,因此可以执行ssl负载分散工作;ssl负载分散要求服务器客户机希望连接到主机名对应的服务器。

    Since it is the primary point of contact, the reverse proxy can perform such operations as SSL offload, which requires that the server be the hostname to which the client is expecting to connect.


  • 分散剂喷洒在光滑石油时,它们促进原油的分解,形成能广泛分散微小球状物,能细菌分解

    When applied to a slick of oil they are meant to break it up into tiny droplets which disperse widely and are broken down by bacteria.


  • 但是看看过去的日子里我们注意力多么容易分散分散的次数多么频繁,就知道第二条多么重要了。

    But given how easily we get distracted and how many distractions we have these days, the second is more important than ever.


  • 曾经写自己使用4个效率技巧,分散任务管理”,而且尝试过传统GTD。我发现分散任务管理”适合我的工作方式

    I wrote about the 4 mechanisms I used to do what I call "Scattered Todo Management" and having tried orthodox GTD, I found this to be more suited to the way I work.


  • 更多金融公司——不是庞大不能倒的——美国商业民众意味着分散的财力,更分散的风险,更好机会和更优质服务

    More financial firmswith none too big to failwould mean less concentrated financial power, less concentrated risk and better access and service for American businesses and the public.


  • 由于它们采集天然能源地点非常分散,因此风能太阳能发电也呈现出分散状态。

    Wind and solar generation tend to be distributed because of the low density of the natural energy they collect.


  • 广泛分散指示了大量可以扩展尽管如此分散意味着数据沿着中央分散的趋势

    Wide dispersion is indicative of a large spread of values, whereas small dispersion indicates data grouped around a central tendency.


  • 网上专注分散起了方面作用:广告条,最大的收入来源最能分散网民的专注。

    On the Web, distractibility cuts both ways: banner advertising, for example, is the number one source of revenue, and it’s also the number one distraction for users.


  • 话说,分散团队可能分散的架构生成系统

    In other words, a decentralized group is likely to produce a system with a decentralized architecture.


  • 如果有其他特别重要事情分散注意力,向会议推动者发送一条即时消息告诉他们你需要暂时分散注意力,说明这样原因他们知道什么时候你可以重新回到会议中。

    If something of critical importance does call your attention away, send the facilitator an im so they know your attention is elsewhere, why it is, and let them know when the distraction is gone.


  • 一些分散主义的事情分散想法同时你的大脑疲惫

    Find distracting activities that displace the thoughts in your mind and help to weary your mind at the same time.


  • 他们计划书表示漏油事故发生可能性很小,就算发生,在漏油袭击珊瑚礁之前,足够时间分散分散原油,将其燃烧,防止进一步扩散造成危害。

    The proposal said in the unlikely event of a spillage travelling towards the reef "there is sufficient time to collect dispersant and boom.".. to contain any damage.


  • 如果真是如此的话相比所有海面喷洒分散剂,那些45000加仑喷洒在深海的分散剂要有效

    If so, the 45,000 gallons so far sprayed at depth may have done more good than all the spraying at the surface.


  • 他们计划书表示漏油事故发生可能性很小,就算发生,在漏油袭击珊瑚礁之前,足够时间分散分散原油,将其燃烧,防止其进一步扩散造成危害。

    The proposal said in the unlikely event of a spillage travelling towards the reef "there is sufficient time to collect dispersant and boom... to contain any damage."


  • PythonAnnotatedArchives一样Brown分散布置带有描述源代码段的习惯(这次代码左边一个分散注意力的深灰色)。

    As in Python Annotated Archives, Brown has a habit of interspersing short snippets of source code with prose describing the code (this time with a distracting dark gray bar to the left of the code).


  • 分散;散布分散行为过程,或分发状况分散

    The act or process of dispersing or the condition of being dispersed; distribution.


  • 使颜料分散体系有最好稳定性分散HL B有一定的要求。

    The HLB values of the dispersants have great influence on the stabilization of the systems.


  • 把这种分散加入熔融松香中,能够得到稳定的松香分散

    By adding REOSN to the melting rosin we can get a dispersion.


  • 在实验选定三种分散,酒石酸分散效果相对较

    The sodium tartrate exhibited a relatively better dispersant effect among the three selected dispersers.


  • 一个桥梁分散分散宽阔区域时,转换力就把力量弱区域转移强势地区

    When a bridge dissipates force it spreads it out over a wider area. Transference involves moving force from a weak area to a stronger area.


  • 分散应用颜料有机溶剂中的分散取得了很好的效果

    The dispersant gets good effect when used in the dispersion of pigments in organic solvents.


  • 分散体系分散分离方法理论(方法)给水排水处理理论(方法)之一

    Theory (method) of dispersed phase separating from dispersed system is one of the theory (method) of water & wastewater treatment.


  • 实验表明分散浓度分散方法、 散剂种类都是影响纳米复合抗菌材料分散效果重要因素,为纳米复合抗菌材料的研究和应用提供了可供参考的资料。

    The results show that the dispersion method and the variety and concentration of the dispersants are important factors affecting the dispersivity of antibacterial agent.


  • 介绍了以丙烯酸酯共聚物分散介质、以碘化分散相的导电涂料的制备方法

    A method for making conductive coating comprising acrylic copolymer as dispersion medium and cuprous iOdide as dispersion phase is reported.


  • 分析微细颗粒之间相互附着力粉体分散机理讨论粉体分级中的预分散方法

    The interadhesion of micropartical and the dispersion mechanisms of powder were analysed, and the predispersion methods in dry classification of superfine powder were discussed.


  • 分析了颗粒液体中的分散过程综述了颗粒在液相中的分散原理分散方法介绍了几种颗粒分散评价方法。

    In this paper, the particles disperse process in the liquid was analyzed, the dispersion principles and methods were reviewed. Several evaluating methods of particles dispersion were also introduced.


  • 分析了颗粒液体中的分散过程综述了颗粒在液相中的分散原理分散方法介绍了几种颗粒分散评价方法。

    In this paper, the particles disperse process in the liquid was analyzed, the dispersion principles and methods were reviewed. Several evaluating methods of particles dispersion were also introduced.


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