• 分布应用多个维度的宽泛术语包括工件平台所有权或决策权。

    "Distribution" is a broad term that can apply to one or more dimensions, including the people, artifacts, platforms, and ownership or decision rights.


  • 为了说明一点可参考下面分布平台中,大型机应用消费服务 是由大型机之外提供的。

    To illustrate this point, consider the following use case: mainframe code needs to consume a service provided outside of the mainframe, on a distributed platform.


  • 话说,如果熟练构建SQL应用程序,那么就也能够编写分布平台上的SQL应用程序,这些应用程序使用大型机上的DB2。

    In other words, if you are skilled in building SQL applications, you're ready to write SQL applications on distributed platforms and have these applications work with DB2 on the mainframe.


  • 经过几年构建扩展维护庞大分布应用之后,程序员逐步体会平台无关行为平台无关数据好处了。

    After years of building, extending, and maintaining large, distributed applications, programmers are learning to appreciate the benefits of platform-neutral behavior and platform-neutral data.


  • 我们可以开发出分布应用程序多个平台同步数据

    It allows for distributed applications to be developed which can synchronized data across multiple platforms.


  • 因为UNIX同时运行许多应用程序,所以它非常适合监视数据收集协作分布计算以及客户机-服务器应用程序的平台

    Because UNIX runs many applications seemingly at the same time, it's an ideal platform for monitoring, data collection, cooperative and distributed computing, and client-server applications.


  • NET开发包括关于分布模型指导应用程序设计、。NET平台元素结构层次以及怎样高效使用工具开发。NET应用程序。

    NET development, including guidance on distribution patterns, application design,.net platform elements, architectural layering, and how to effectively use tools to develop.net applications.


  • BPEL4WS构建平台无关的分布灵活业务流程应用程序重要一步

    BPEL4WS is a significant step towards building platform-independent, distributed, flexible business-process applications.


  • 分布平台上,概要文件没有默认访问级别(比如UACC),因此可以几个不同概要文件应用同一个对象

    On distributed, a profile does not have any default access level (such as a UACC), so several different profiles can apply to the same object.


  • SOA着重分布应用设计总体平台架构方式非注重于特定技术

    SOA is an architectural approach to development that emphasizes an overall platform for the design of distributed applications rather than specific technologies.


  • 这个意义上Servant区域整个分布平台应用服务器紧密相关

    In this sense, the servant region is closely related to the entire distributed platforms application server.


  • 工作一个全球分布开发团队中,并且这个团队使用Jazz平台RationalTeam Concert构建应用软件

    Work in a development team that is globally distributed and wants to use the Jazz platform and Rational Team Concert to build applications


  • 最近,微软发布Velocity最新版本,Velocity是一个分布内存应用缓存平台

    Microsoft has released a new version of Velocity, a distributed in-memory application caching platform.


  • 分布商用平台计算——比如GoogleAppEngineAmazonEC2——也许Web 2.0应用开发让人兴奋趋势

    Cloud computing on distributed, commodity platforms - like Google app Engine and Amazon EC2 - is perhaps the most exciting new trend in Web 2.0 application development.


  • 虽然一直以来很多组织集中式系统(例如大型机)上提供可用性但是现在越来越关键性应用程序部署分布(例如unix, Windows)平台上。

    While many organizations have provided high availability systems on centralized e.g. mainframe platforms for some time, the number of critical applications now being deployed on distributed e.g.


  • 分布应用多个平台进行数据同步

    It allows for distributed applications to be developed which can synchronized data across multiple platforms.


  • J2EE当前流行的先进网络分布应用程序的开发平台规范

    J2EE is a currently popular developing-platform specification which should be obeyed in developing the distributed network application.


  • 一方面,J2EE实现企业级分布应用平台,J2EE以其高效率高性能扩展而成为企业级应用的优秀解决方案

    On the other hand, J2EE is platform of implementing the business level distribute application. J2EE is an excellent solution because of its high efficiency, high performance and high expansion.


  • 具有分布性、开放性平台无关性特点应用成为企业级应用主流

    Applications with features like distributed, open and platform-independent have become mainstream of enterprise application development.


  • 目前分布计算中间件能够提供良好的开发平台通信支持它们大多缺乏分布应用管理功能

    Nowadays, distributed computing middleware could provide excellent development platform and communication support, but most of them lack management functions of distributed applications.


  • 然后,对CORBA技术进行了详细描述说明了CORBA技术分布应用集成理想平台

    And then, it describes the CORBA technology in details, which explains CORBA technology is the ideal platform of the distributed application integration.


  • 进而介绍目前多层分布应用主流平台微软的。

    Then, the thesis introduces the present mainstream platform of multilayer distributed application, namely Microsoft's.


  • 基于分布应用控制系统地震数据处理平台针对地震数据处理的特点设计的。

    A platform of seismic data processing based on distributed system is designed in this paper.


  • 论文研究重点可复用构件,并采用构件成功开发了“分布远程监控系统多媒体网络教室”两个应用平台

    The emphasis of this thesis is the reuse component, two platform of Distributing remote monitor and control system and multimedia network classroom system are developed successfully.


  • DEM生成为数字林业平台提供了基础数据,同时也林业上进一步研究森林资源空间上的分布以及数字林业在森林经营上的应用奠定基础

    The DEM provided basal data for digital forestry platform and the spatial distribution of forest resources and it is basis for the digital forestry application in forest management.


  • 解决分布网络并行技术计算流体力学应用中的主要问题,提出了“并行平台CFD通用界面标准”。

    In order to resolve the key problems of distributed network parallel technology using in CFD, the CFD Universal Interface Model on Parallel Platform was established.


  • 目前分布Web应用系统广泛应用电子商务中,不仅具有平台优点,而且可以极大提高应用系统的执行效率

    Distributed WEB application system is applied to E-Commerce widely. It has advantage of spanning operating system and it can improve greatly the efficiency of your application system.


  • CORBAO MG制定分布计算规范,具有编程语言应用平台独立性,是主要分布技术之一

    CORBA is a distributed computing specification released by OMG, and is one of main distributed computing technologies for it is independent of programming language and application platforms.


  • 由于缺少分布企业应用标准平台,使得开发部署业务解决方案成本复杂性大大增加

    Due to the lack of standard platform for distributed enterprise applications, the cost and complexity of the development and deployment of business solutions have greatly increased.


  • 分布式集散系统DCS普及与提高先进控制应用提供强有力的硬件软件平台

    The quickly development of distributed control system (DCS) provide a powerful hardware and software platform for advanced control.


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