• 得到抗性植株基础上进行分子检测

    On basis of getting resistent lines, molecular analysis was done.


  • 发明公开了一种基于亲和微球分子检测方法

    The present invention discloses a molecule testing method based on the affinity microsphere.


  • 基因突变形式及其分子检测技术作了全面综述。

    Therefore, the research of molecular detecting technology on gene mutation has been paid g…


  • 基因个数预测分子检测的主效QTL个数基本相符

    The number of major gene are consistent with that of QTLs.


  • 许多呼气分子检测同时高度可靠疾病的具体资料可以收集

    When many breath molecules are detected simultaneously, highly reliable and disease-specific information can be collected.


  • PCR分子检测转化标记基因外源目的基因抗性三者规律性

    The results of PCR molecular detection, marker genes and foreign target-gene with insect-resistance were quite regular.


  • 因此建立TCK早期快速、灵敏、准确稳定分子检测技术势在必行。

    So it is necessary to develop quick, accuracy and reliable molecular detection technology to identification TCK and TCT.


  • 表明此特异性引物可以用于玉米组织内南方锈菌分子检测病害的早期诊断。

    The specific primers were used to amplify some fungal pathogens of maize and healthy tissues.


  • 实验证明系统具有操作简便可靠性费用低廉特点实现分子检测

    It was proved that this system had the advantages of handy operation, low cost and high reliability and could be used to detect single molecule.


  • 转化后的伤组织保持较高的再生能力分子检测结果表明转化率达6%以上

    The converted callus would keep quite good regenerating ability, and the molecular detective result shows the conversion rate reaches more than 6 percents.


  • 荧光方法简单易行、灵敏度选择性好等优点逐渐成为常用分子检测方法。

    For its convenience, high sensitivity and selectivity, fluorescence spectrum has been one of the most popular detection strategies.


  • 分子检测化学生命科学领域具有重要意义,荧光分析是单分子检测主要手段

    Single molecule detection provides a new set of tools for scientists to explore new frontiers in the field of chemistry and life science.


  • 可以认为,以PCR为基础分子检测技术将是对食品微生态系进行研究的有效手段

    It was thought that molecular test technology based on PCR must be efficient m...


  • 免疫组织化学分子检测胃癌诊断预后判断个体化治疗作用最新进展有所讨论。

    Recent findings regarding the roles of immunohistochemistry and molecular testing in the diagnosis, prognosis, and personalized treatment of gastric cancer are also reviewed.


  • 本文综述了检测超声功率超声分子检测,高分子加工,高分子化学方面应用最新进展

    This paper discussed the recent development of the applications of diagnostic ultrasonics and power ultrasonics in polymer inspection and measurement, polymer processing and polymer chemistry.


  • 该研究建立灵敏可靠HPV分子检测分型方法,尖锐湿疣中hpv的检出率100%。

    We have established a sensitive and reliable laboratory procedure for HPV detection and classification. Using the method, we reached 100% detection rate of HPV in the ca samples.


  • 结果表明采用分子检测技术有利于更全面了解aob类群功能,进而改善废水处理系统的处理效果。

    It is suggested that the molecular techniques will contribute to our understanding of the diversity and function of AOB and will benefit to improve the industrial wastewater treatment system.


  • 结论DM白内障发病率较高DM系中,白内障DM唯一临床体征时,分子检测直接诊断DM的作用。

    Conclusion cataract incidence of DM was higher. When cataract was single clinical sign in family members of DM, molecular analysis is of direct diagnostic value to DM.


  • 这项研究药物分子检测和分析提供新的实验方法深入了解手性药物生物靶分子之间相互作用提供了启示。

    These will not only give a new experimental method to distinguish chiral medicine, but also provide a suggestion for further comprehending the interaction of chiral medicine and target biomolecule.


  • 目前,国内两种病毒检疫检测方法生物学检测电镜检测血清学检测分子生物学以及分子检测方法的灵敏度报道相对比较

    At present, there are few reports for detection the two viruses on biology, electron microscope, serology, molecular biology detection as well as the molecular examination method sensitivity.


  • 所有分子检测主要挑战就是在混肿瘤细胞正常细胞样本可靠检测突变特别肿瘤细胞含量时候也准确检测到突变。

    A major challenge for any molecular test is its ability to reliably detect mutations in samples consisting of mixtures of tumor cells and normal cells, especially when the tumor content is low.


  • 专利提 出了一种检测转录因子表达活化水平的新方法“核酸外切酶III消化特殊标记核酸分子检测转录因子蛋白”。

    The present invention proposes exonuclease III digesting double stranded nucleic acid molecule coated in microporous plate and containing special marker to detect transcription factor protein.


  • 我们吃东西时候,鼻子后部特殊感受器检测我们食物中的空气分子

    As we eat, specialised receptors in the back of the nose detect the air molecules in our meals.


  • 分子生物学技术使最近工作成为可能这种新技术能环境检测浓度病毒DNA

    The recent work has been made possible by new techniques of molecular biology that allow viral DNA to be detected at low concentrations in the environment.


  • 除了分析一些通常成分,样本还将分析是否含有有机分子火星车没有直接检测生命迹象设备

    The samples are being examined for traces of organic molecules, among other substances, but the lander does not have instruments that could directly detect life.


  • 科学家花了一个月时间分析太空船光谱仪发出数据,这些是检测出云尘中强烈分子讯号仪器

    Scientists spent a month analyzing data from the spacecraft's spectrometers, instruments that can detect strong signals of water molecules in the plume.


  • 这个初步概念的证明论证中,选择两个染色分子因为它们大小相似易于检测

    In this initial proof-of-concept demonstration, the molecules selected were two dyes, chosen because of their similar size and ease of detection.


  • 怀着能够理解恐惧记忆形成过程分子基础的希望,这个研究小组进一步检测暴露响亮声音之前之后杏仁神经回路中的蛋白质

    In hopes of understanding the molecular underpinnings of fear memory formation, the team further examined the proteins in the nerve cells of the amygdala before and after exposure to the loud tone.


  • 怀着能够理解恐惧记忆形成过程分子基础的希望,这个研究小组进一步检测暴露响亮声音之前之后杏仁神经回路中的蛋白质

    In hopes of understanding the molecular underpinnings of fear memory formation, the team further examined the proteins in the nerve cells of the amygdala before and after exposure to the loud tone.


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