• 今天早上地上积雪分厚

    There was about 5 centimetres of snow on the ground in the morning.


  • 冰激凌做成2

    Make each layer of ice cream 2cm thick.


  • 望着沓足足十公分厚信纸,忽然认为一阵失望

    Eyeing the four-inch-thick wad of paper, I felt a wave of despair.


  • 人造用于厨柜台面时柜体上方一定要有低于1.5的箱体层。

    When use the artificial stone as kitchen countertop, on the cabinet top , a board not less 1.5cm must be put as underlay for countertop.


  • 加入色拉油7~8热时,把五花肉肉皮朝下炸金黄色捞出,待0.78公长的肉片。

    Preheat the pan with salad oil till 70% done, fry the pig belly till the skin into golden, cool off and slice into 0.7cm by 8cm.


  • 乐事薯片只有五百之一英寸金黄色完美的马鞍”形状,似乎太可能成为“统治全球武器”。

    Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect "saddle curl," the Lay's potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination.


  • 我们引导着相信我们找到很大一部经过多年冻结形成的更古老的冰层,这些已经存在很多年了而且会越来越

    We'd been led to believe that we would encounter a good proportion of this older, thicker, technically multi-year ice that's been around for a few years and just gets thicker and thicker.


  • 然后老陈出现视线中,显眼因为他是涌动人流中唯一一个站着不的人,唯一一个摆弄着望远镜的人,唯一一个监视着那些在河边凝望的人。

    And then Mr. Chen came into view conspicuous for being the only still point in that sea of motion…and the only one sporting a pair of clunky binoculars the only one watching the watchers of the river.


  • 他们发现保护敷层实际上只有6纳米大概一张纸之十五的

    And they found that the protective covering is actually only 6 nanometers thick. That's about a fifteen-thousandth as thick as a sheet of paper.


  • 不过两位热衷于此的鞋类设计师表示虽然是衣橱周末皮风格服装组合的一部,以及泛滥成灾的罗马凉鞋替代 品,木屐重要地位

    Confined to the hippy weekend wardrobes, however, and as an alternative to the oft-repeated gladiator sandal, clogs, say two cult shoe designers, have an important place.


  • 1012这取决于中间有多

    Steam for 10 to 12 minutes, depending on how thick your fish is in the middle.


  • 真正必杀技Amazon放大尺寸的同时,没有变得臃肿——这个家伙仍然3之一英寸。

    The real trick is that Amazon has supersized the Kindle without making it bulkythe new guy is still only about a third of an inch thick.


  • 鼻子可以辨一万种不同气味触觉可以感应二万五千之一物品舌头可以出稀释到两百万之一的奎宁

    Your nose can smell up to 10, 000 different odors. Your touch can detect an item 1/25, 000th of an inch thick, and your tongue can taste one part of quinine in 2 million parts of water.


  • 因为家里曾经夭折3孩子母亲2岁的时候去世了,所以她与父亲、三个姐妹她哥哥之间的感情

    She was close to her father, her three surviving sisters and her brother. Three children in her family died in infancy.


  • 浓缩咖啡印可以5钟内印刷出一本300图书包括封面书脊。

    It has struck the deal with On Demand Books, makers of the Espresso book Machine that can print a 300-page book in less than five minutes, complete with a cover and a bound edge.


  • 这些区域,受试者参加记忆力注意力测试时,比如记住名词20加以复述表现得就越

    The thicker these regions of cortex are, the better a person's performance on tests of memory and attention, such as memorizing a list of nouns and recalling it 20 minutes later.


  • 即使钙化显著也可出现胸膜轻度密度增高,尤其是胸膜。

    Often, even when not grossly calcified, asbestos-related areas of pleural thickening appear slightly denser that adjacent intercostal muscles.


  • 仅仅一个晚上一些的一部已经积雪3英尺

    This is just one night, some part of the state got up to 3 feet of snow.


  • 高压输送管路中管壁计算和确定高压管路设计中的一个重要问题

    The calculation of steel tubes thickness is an important problem in the design of the high-pressure pipage.


  • 工业生产,利用超声波进行固体液体中的距离测量普遍尤其是小距离、微距离测量(粗糙度液位等)。

    Application in ultrasonic rang in solid and liquid is in industry production very widespread, especially in micro-rang and short-rang, for example, thickness, roughness, liquid level.


  • 翅膀变得沉重因为它的羽毛得又浓又

    Its wings have become very heavy because of its feathers and grow thick and strong.


  • 斜轧穿孔机轧辊形状设计重要,其中正确设计获得高精度关键

    Proper design of roller cone angle of smooth rolling is the key to obtaining a high accurate wall thickness.


  • 本文应用哈密顿变原理简捷地建立横向振动方程

    The differential equation for transverse vibration in thick beam is easily established by applying the Hamilton's variance principle.


  • 机组在线矫平焊管生产线主要设备之一,为了确保高强度、直径、焊管生产顺利进行,矫平机的性能重要

    Online Flattener is main equipment of welded pipe unit, the property of Flattener is very important to ensure production of welded pipe with larger wall thickness going well.


  • 中国东部渤海湾地区油气资源丰富,由于生油储集多种多样,圈闭类型成为中国的油区。

    With its abundant hydrocarbon resources, thick source rocks and multiple types of reservoirs and traps, the Bohai Bay area has become a large oil region in China.


  • 讨论推知:政和石屯附近所见震旦-寒武纪变质地层不是“巨单斜层”,而是单层有限变杂褶皱地层

    The facts show that the Sinian-Cambrian metamorphic rocks in the area is not just a simple monoclinal stratum, bat the complex folded strata with limited thickness of each layer.


  • 盯著口鼻部,牠奇特独角恐龙,是三角龙属的亲戚,不过数量稀少。

    I was looking at the snout of a Pachyrhinosaurus, a particularly odd horned dinosaur, a rare relative of Triceratops.


  • 盯著口鼻部,牠奇特独角恐龙,是三角龙属的亲戚,不过数量稀少。

    I was looking at the snout of a Pachyrhinosaurus, a particularly odd horned dinosaur, a rare relative of Triceratops.


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