• 我们发现这样圆环其他恒星周围师门周围圆环看起来相似

    When we do that we find that this ring looks just like the rings we see around other stars, like Fomalhaut.


  • 幅组合图像显示了钱德拉·塞卡深空区的一小

    This composite image shows a small region of the ChandraDeep Field North.


  • 这个行星三人组”最初凯克望远镜双子星座望远镜2007和2008年拍摄发现

    The planetary trio was originally discovered in images taken with the Keck and Gemini North telescopes in 2007 and 2008.


  • 将万真诚保证不管是马克、迪还是卢安瓜自然生态保护项目其它任何一名员工他们都没出现枪杀现场

    I can assure you in the strongest way possible that neither Mark nor Delia Owens nor any other North Luangwa Conservation Project staff were even in the area at the time of this shooting.


  • 拉斯维加斯相对贫穷的郊区这个比例达到之一。

    In North Las Vegas, a poorer suburb, the figure was one in five.


  • 土著人领地人口总数之一,却仅占澳大利亚整体人口的2%。

    Indigenous people comprise about a quarter of the Northern Territory's population, compared with 2% in Australia as a whole.


  • 此次诱捕行动德比为期一月警方行动一部,旨在打击严重犯罪

    The sting was carried out as part of a month-long campaign targeting serious crime across north Derbyshire.


  • 尽管上周伦敦被2比1击败,巴塞罗那前锋比利亚仍然确信球队将会战胜阿森纳挺进下个冠的四之一决赛。

    Barcelona striker David Villa is convinced his side will beat Arsenal to progress to the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League next month, despite last week's 2-1 defeat in north London.


  • 上午1029纳希微听到似乎是天空中的瀑布”发出声响抬头看到正在头顶倒塌下来

    At 10:29 a.m., Nachtwey heard "what sounded like a waterfall in the sky," and looked up to see the north tower coming right down on top of him.


  • 结果倒是良莠不齐不仅安然、世界通信采用了制,苏格兰皇家银行银行也是如此。

    The result is a wash: Enron and WorldCom both split the two jobs, as did the Royal Bank of Scotland and Northern Rock.


  • 16世纪19世纪也门成为奥托曼帝国一部一些时期伊玛目控制也门。

    By the 16th century and again in the 19th century, north Yemen was part of the Ottoman Empire, and in some periods its Imams exerted control over south Yemen.


  • 早晨846默哀时刻第一架飞机在此刻世贸中心

    At 8:46 a.m. there was silence to remember when the first plane struck the World Trade Center's North Tower.


  • 9月11日上午846第一架飞机撞击世贸中心

    The 9/11 attacks began at 8:46 a.m., when the first plane slammed into the north tower at the World Trade Center.


  • 但是莱罗纳大学篮球队下半场追赶上来并只4但是堪萨斯从来没有放弃领先

    However, North Carolina was able to come back within four points, but Kansas never surrendered the lead.


  • 2001年9月11日8点46,美航11号航班世贸大厦

    ET, or 46 minutes before American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.


  • 上午10:28,燃烧102钟后世贸中心坍塌

    27at 10:28 a.m., after burning for 102 minutes, the North Tower of theWorld Trade Center collapses on September 11, 2001 in New York City. ap.


  • 立面一部自然石膏特色,它当地泥土沙子制成,立面一个网格结构

    A portion of the northern facade features natural plaster made of local dirt and sand, while the southern elevation has a trellis structure.


  • 现在正在苦苦学习汉语普通话,我终于开始同意,印度语言欧洲语言的确相近

    Now that I am struggling with Mandarin Chinese I finally start to appreciate how similar Northern Indian languages really are to European languages.


  • 高岳日本长野县——是日本阿尔卑斯山称飞驒一部,可以俯瞰祖瑟流过高地山谷

    Mount Hotaka, Nagano prefecture - Mount Hotaka, part of Japan's Northern Alpsor Hida Mountains — overlooks the Azusa River, which flows through the highland valley of Kamikochi.


  • 当天上午847第一撞击发生时,名男子正在乘电梯上行到达约第70

    The men were on their way up the north tower of the centre, close to the 70th floor, when the first plane struck at 8.47am.


  • 交图盘在结构特性上单独比较就已经有趣。

    The individual comparison between natal and draconic structure patterns also interesting.


  • 阻尼力矩实现原理控制自动化陀螺经纬仪实现快速过程中的一个重要环节

    The realization and control method of torque damping device is an important link to fast search of the north with the automatic gyro-theodolite.


  • 古代文学风格地域性显著凸出呈现出泛化的特征,即主要集中两大地域风格的差异上。

    The regional character of ancient literature, but also present the style is very outstanding, the difference in regional style between north and south region.


  • 实际上它们一个东向断裂带具有规模大长期活动特点地震关系密切。

    In fact, they form a NNE trend fault zone, broad in scale, characteristic of long-term activity, which is closely related to earthquake.


  • 应用理论计算30太古界潜山集体花岗片麻岩煌斑岩岩心构造裂缝维数别为1。

    Using calculation of fractal theory, the fractal dimensions of the core structure fracture in granite gneiss and lamprophyre in Chengbei 30 Archaean group buried hill reservoir are1.


  • 应用理论计算30太古界潜山集体花岗片麻岩煌斑岩岩心构造裂缝维数别为1。

    Using calculation of fractal theory, the fractal dimensions of the core structure fracture in granite gneiss and lamprophyre in Chengbei 30 Archaean group buried hill reservoir are1.


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