• 先将非平稳时间序列进行经验模式分解各个分量分别建模,最后各分量预测结果进行组合。

    Empirical mode decomposition is used for pre-processing. Decompose time series, then make models separately and combine all the values.


  • 模拟200个随机数据分别建模所得广义调整R 2无大于等于实际数据集所得广义调整r 2值。

    The generalized adjusted R2 of 200 simulated data sets models all are less than that of the actual data models.


  • 除非我们使用一种CORBA(请参阅参考资料)这样通讯技术,否则我们一旦进入设计阶段必须分别两个系统建模

    Unless we were using a communication technology such as CORBA (see Resources), we'd have to model the two systems separately once we entered the design stage.


  • 可以建模当前状态机器未来的状态机器,使得人们可以使用它(例如分别版本a”和“x”)。

    You can model the current and future state architectures and make them available for consumption (for example, version "a" and version "x", respectively).


  • 上半部分显示三种建模元素分别表示whileloop、do-whileloopfor loop。

    The upper half of this figure shows the three modeling elements to represent a while loop, a do-while loop, and a for loop.


  • 可以使用DITA专门化分别这些约束条件不变式建模可能还要扩展concept主题类型

    You can model these constraints, conditions, and invariants independently using DITA specialization, probably by extending the concept topic type.


  • Zero已经允许用户使用Groovyphp(分别为.gt和. php文件),那么为什么提供Ruby模板支持呢?

    Zero already allows users to create templates with Groovy and PHP (.gt and.php files, respectively), so why shouldn't the same be true of Ruby?


  • 运用拉格朗日动力学方程简化机器人模型分别单、双脚支撑进行了动力学建模,得到了一个便于控制的动力学模型。

    By Lagrange dynamic equations, the dynamic model of the simplified biped is given respectively in the period of single-foot support and double - foot support, and this model is easy to control.


  • 分别描述了两个模型的问题描述建模线性转换求解过程

    The model description, model establishing, linear conversion and solution process are respectively described.


  • 针对油品零售管理模式,充分考虑了油品零售过程特点随机性,分别计划和调度层次上进行了详细的分析建模

    The randomicity and character of oil retail is fully considered, detailed analysis is made and models are constructed from the level of scheduling and planning.


  • 首先大桥进行振特性分析分别采用空间节点弹性单元SHELL63空间节点弹性单元BEAM 44单元进行建模

    First carry on the self libration analysis to the bridge, use spatial four nodes elastic shell element SHELL63 and spatial two nodes elastic beam element BEAM44 to model the bridge.


  • 分别车辆轮胎发动机制动系驱动进行建模,提出了简单实用控制算法

    The vehicle, tire, engine, braking system and drive line are modeled, and a simple and practical control algorithm is proposed.


  • 分别采用模糊c -均值类方法快速全局C -均值聚类两种算法实现化工建模所需训练数据有效提取。

    In order to getting the effective training data of chemical engineering modeling, two algorithms that fuzzy C-means and fast global fuzzy C-means clustering were used.


  • 利用BP网络以及RBF网络方法分别进行动态误差建模预测

    Two kinds of methods, BP network and RBF network, were used to model and predict for the Dynamic Error.


  • 建模采用“小模型”方法,气化炉分为多段分别建立8气体成分、固体和质量平衡以及总体能量平衡。

    Cell model is employed to set up the mass balance of 8 gas components, solid flow, carbon flow and total energy balance.


  • 提出基于线性时态逻辑行为建模方法分别建立了动作活动行为三个不同层次模型给出了实例应用。

    Behavior modeling method based on LCTL (linear colored temporal logic) is put forward, three different models of action activity and behavior are built and an example is presented.


  • 本文论述使用XMLDTD建模技术分别建立各个异构数据源连接信息模型元数据映射模型方法

    The article expatiates on a method of establishing heterogeneous data sources to connect the information model and the metadata mapping model by using the XML DTD modeling technique.


  • 分别讨论了功率因数校正模块、双正激变电路模块斩波模块建模方法

    The model setting up method of the three module which include power factor correction circuit, two-transistor forward converter, secondly chopper circuit, is discussed in detail.


  • 数学模型SSSC交流部分直流部分分别进行分析和数学建模通过交、直流功率守恒二者联系在一起。

    The AC part and DC part of SSSC were analyzed and modeled separately and combined through power conservation law of both side, so the integrated model of SSSC was made.


  • 目标建模技术进行了综述分析分别特征选择、特征统计建模和相似性度量三个方面进行了阐述

    The object modeling is mainly summarized and analysized, then the feature selection, statistical model of feature and similarity measuring are described.


  • 然后分别从空间管制耕作半径交通服务设施可达性分析三个主要影响因子进行GIS建模

    Then we set up GIS modeling of spatial development control, cultivating radius, traffic and public facilities accessibility.


  • 经过样本反复训练学习分别取得了建模样本90.8%和检验样本90%判正

    After repeated training and studying of the samples, we got a distinguishing-positive rates of 90.8% to the sample model setting and 90% to the testing sample.


  • 入口匝道控制技术研究中,分别在入口匝道控制,让行控制ALINEA控制三种情形下,进行建模仿真

    In the study of the on-ramp control, modeling and simulation are done under three situations: no control in the on-ramp, stop to let others go, ALINEA control.


  • 然后分别叙述了几何建模过程运动建模方案物理建模动力学方程构建求解过程。

    Then the process of geometry modeling, the plan of kinematics modeling as well as the building and solution of the dynamics equations in physics modeling are described.


  • 本文针对博客的特点,提出实现了一种面向博客用户的个性化建模方法分别建立博客用户的长期兴趣模型短期兴趣模型。

    This paper has put forward and implemented a personalized blogger modeling method that establishes a long interest model and a short interest model for every blogger.


  • 建模过程岁差、章等量的计算分别考虑美国海军天文台1981年2005年的两种天文标准

    In this modeling process, the precession, nutation and some other astronomical quantities are considered through two standards released by U. S. Naval Observatory in 1981 and 2005, respectively.


  • 对于不同功能模块分别进行建模构建系统基本框架

    Toward different function module go along modeling distinction, construct basic frame about system.


  • 对于情况固定目标匀速直线运动目标,分别确定性参数计算最小乘法进行了数学建模

    Deterministic parameter calculation and least square method are used in mathematical model building of TMA for the two kinds of targets respectively under the two measurement...


  • 分别采用三种不同技术对多芯片组件互连延迟进行建模给出了相应的

    Interconnection delay in MCM 's is modeled by using three different techniques, and the associated formulas are also derived.


  • 分别采用三种不同技术对多芯片组件互连延迟进行建模给出了相应的

    Interconnection delay in MCM 's is modeled by using three different techniques, and the associated formulas are also derived.


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