• 妇女使用这种互动式领导方法可以鼓励人们参与分享权力信息增强他人自我价值使其他人自己工作感到兴奋

    Using this "interactive leadership" approach, women encourage participation, share power and information, enhance other people's self-worth, and get others excited about their work.


  • 如果左翼议会中获得多数席位社会党领袖莱昂内尔·若斯潘可能会成为总理总统希拉克分享权力

    If the left secures a majority of seats in parliament, Socialist leader Lionel Jospin would likely become prime minister in a power-sharing arrangement with President Chirac.


  • 愿意放手权利分享权力

    Be willing to let go and to share power.


  • 卡尔扎伊先生无视美国愿望拒绝阿卜杜拉博士分享权力

    Already Mr Karzai has flouted American wishes by refusing to offer Dr Abdullah a share of power.


  • 但是为什么要假设克隆人类不能我们分享权力尊严呢?

    But why suppose that cloned persons wouldn't share the same rights and dignity as the rest of us?


  • 但是齐贝吉先生似乎仍然分享权力,更不用说国际监督下重新进行选举

    But Mr Kibaki still seems loth to share power, let alone contemplate rerunning the election under international supervision.


  • 欧尚大家庭中,我们一起分享知识分享权力分享财富

    In Auchan family, we will work together to share knowledge, power, wealth with you!


  • 建议成立董事会来监督公司运作,平等伙伴关系分享权力承担义务

    I suggest that we should set up a board of directions for the management of the company and share rights and obligations as equal partners.


  • 建议成立董事会来监管公司运作,平等伙伴关系分享权力承担义务

    I suggest that we should set up a board of directors for the management of the company and share rights and obligations as equal partners.


  • 16建议成立董事会来监管公司运作,平等伙伴关系分享权力承担义务

    I suggest that we should set up a board of directors for the management of the company and share rights and obligations as equal partners.


  • 特认为对澳大利亚而言,最好结果美国放弃主导地位,亚洲协调”体系下中国以及其他国家分享权力

    For Australia, he thinks, the best outcome would be for America to relinquish primacy and share power with China and other countries in a "concert of Asia".


  • 许多人怀疑坚持是为了对付Gadea或者真的支持奥尔特加,奥尔特加之前已经私下做出分享权力承诺。

    Many suspect him of holding out for a deal with Mr Gadea, or indeed with Mr Ortega, with whom he has made clandestine power-sharing pacts in the past.


  • 克莱从与大卫·卡梅隆商讨分享权力交易时得到最大让步之一就是,举行个是否议会选举进行备择性选举的公投

    A referendum on introducing the alternative vote (av) for parliamentary elections was among the largest concessions Mr Clegg gained from David Cameron in negotiations over their power-sharing deal.


  • 一些人总结什叶派其实毫无分享权力意图他们只是在糊弄美国人,仰仗美国主子的强大军力消灭对手,以使其统治更加坚不可摧。

    Some conclude that the Shias have no real intention to share power, only to string America along while using its firepower to destroy rivals and entrench their own dominion.


  • 这种间接知识技能分享现在进入权力走廊

    This indirect knowledge and skill-sharing is now finding its way into the corridors of power.


  • 他们达成了一权力分享协议,5个月协议就破产了

    They agreed a power-sharing arrangement, but it collapsed after five months.


  • 权力分享实际如何操作有待观察,特别是多年来双方间冲突已经造成了惨重的伤亡之后

    It remains to be seen how the sharing of power will work in practice, especially after all the bad blood that has been spilt between the pair over many years.


  • 举例来说,股票看上去并不复杂股票时,你就等于将资金借给一家公司(例如一家中国公司),换取公司分享未来盈利权力

    Buying shares may not seem very sophisticated, for instance, but when you buy a share you are lending money in exchange for a claim on the future profitability of a firm in, say, China.


  • 最后确定这个修正案之后,议会审议另一个法案实施权力分享安排

    After finalizing the amendment, the parliament will take up another bill to put in place the power-sharing arrangement.


  • 肯尼迪权力分享协议可行性极为怀疑,据说正式在野党鞭策者讨论过他的担心

    Mr Kennedy, the most prominent sceptic about the power-sharing agreement, was said to have informally discussed his worries with opposition whips.


  • 三个多星期之后共和党领导人统一达成一项权力分享协议北爱尔兰纽里法院大型汽车炸弹爆炸时,没有受到伤害。

    Less than three weeks after unionist and republican leaders in Northern Ireland reached a power-sharing deal, a large car-bomb exploded outside a courthouse in the town of Newry. No one was injured.


  • 茨万吉拉伊表示先前当地外国记者严格许可证制度权力分享协议不再适用

    Mr. Tsvangirai also said the previous strict licensing of local and foreign journalists no longer applies under the power-sharing agreement.


  • 祖马感叹权力分享协议连续回溯执行不力”,表示对该国的局势不能容忍了

    Lamenting the "continuous backtracking and lack of implementation" of the power-sharing pact, Mr Zuma said the situation in the country could no longer be tolerated.


  • 我们希望看到真正深入的权力分享谈判这样双方能够内阁人选达成协议,津巴布韦人民也觉得他们未来指望的。

    And what we want to see is true substantive power-sharing negotiations so that they can agree on a cabinet, and so that Zimbabweans can feel that they have a future.


  • 而言,只要每个阶级多少分享一些统治权力,即也足够

    It is enough for him he says if each class shares in some aspect of the governing power.


  • 长达一年权力分享谈判之后,贝·布穆沙拉夫将军双方达成协定。

    This trade-off was a product of year-long power-sharing negotiations between Miss Bhutto and General Musharraf.


  • 据说除非在网络上创造分享内容人们使用电脑真正成为网络一部分,否则他们永远不会真正权力

    That said, people who create and share content will never approach true empowerment online until the computers they use are actually part of the Internet.


  • 相反地,GNU通用公共保证分享修改自由软件自由-确保软件所有使用者自由的。

    By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free softwareto make sure the software is free for all its users.


  • 相反地,GNU通用公共保证分享修改自由软件自由-确保软件所有使用者自由的。

    By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free softwareto make sure the software is free for all its users.


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