• 而三里气体最远也就飘到了纽约州大部分停留在了距离核电站15公里范围

    The gases that escaped TMI, in contrast, might have travelled as far as New York state, but most stayed within 15 kilometres of the plant.


  • 索恩·伯勒听到斯克兰报告的那点微不足道的放松,第二消散。因为据报道,大量放射性气体三里

    What little relief Thornburgh felt at hearing Scranton's report, dissolved the next day when it was reported that a large burst of radioactive gas had escaped from Three Mile Island.


  • 你们无法清是不是气候变化导致2010超过1998记录成为炎热年,是不是气候变化导致八月格陵兰冰河崩塌分离一个有四个曼哈顿市般的浮冰

    You can't say climate change is why 2010 is eclipsing 1998 as the hottest year on record, or why in August an ice island four times the size of Manhattan broke off from a Greenland glacier?


  • 皮埃尔密克隆不是法国奇妙世界贡献唯一地理闹剧

    And St Pierre et Miquelon aren't France's only contribution to the fascinating world of geopolitical farce.


  • 日本内阁大臣町村信孝名位于男子山体滑坡所掩埋丧生,另有名家岩手的男子房门不慎被卡车撞死。

    Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said one man was killed when he was buried in a landslide in Fukushima Prefecture and the other was struck by a truck when he rushed out of his house in Iwate.


  • 通过分析加拿大梅尔维尔蛤壳可以准确说三亿七千万年来地区某些夏季的天气情况。

    By analyzing clamshells unearthed on Canada's Melville Island, he can pinpoint individual summers in the region dating back 370 million years.


  • 第13届南部英格兰巨型南瓜种植者年度大赛上,培养南瓜王的华莱士,种巨型南瓜的关键是从4月10月间种植南瓜的能力。

    Wallace said at the 13th annual Rhode Island Southern New England Giant Pumpkin Growers Championship that the key to growing a giant pumpkin is the ability to commit to the task from April to October.


  • 同时观察,邻潮汐极其准确地CAPECOD的潮汐4个小时

    The tides on the nearby island were found to be exactly four hours later than the Cape Cod tides.


  • 然而中国反对这个意见绘制了自己地图9条点状屿构成勾勒中国所宣称的版图。

    China, however, objected to that submission and tabled its own map, with nine dotted lines outlining its claim.


  • 从小西天极乐世界殿南,可以北海公园西门游艇回到琼华南门园。

    Buddhist temple of heaven from southward, can come out from beihai park Simon out, also can yachting garden out back by jade island south garden.


  • 尽管过多的雨水阻碍南瓜生长,但美国罗得州一位农民的南瓜很可能创下世界最大南瓜的纪录

    WARREN, R. I. - Despite heavy rains that stunted pumpkin growth, a Rhode Island farmer has set what could be a new record for the largest pumpkin in the world.


  • 帕尔默安特卫普美国南极计划成员身穿红色外套站勾勒一个问候飞机开销

    At Palmer Station on Anvers Island, members of the U. S. Antarctic Program wearing red jackets spell out a greeting to the Ice Bridge aircraft overhead.


  • 马克·斯特兰德于1934年生于加拿大爱德华王子南美北美度过青年时代。

    Mark Strand was born on Prince Edward Island, Canada, in 1934. He spent his youth mostly in South and North America.


  • 萨摩亚一位租车谈到为什么萨瓦伊(西萨摩亚之一)任何形式商业极少

    In Samoa, I had a discussion with a taxi driver about why there were so few businesses of any type on the island of Savai 'i.


  • 一位科学家飞越美国时,邻居密切的交谈。这位邻居对特立尼达古比研究显示极大的兴趣

    SCIENTIST on a flight across America falls into conversation with his neighbour, who turns out to be gratifyingly interested in his research on wild guppy populations in Trinidad.


  • 此例中,切除标本中很明确显示固有肌层浅表化生,因此可以排除骶骨侵犯

    In the present case, the resection specimen definitely showed islands of metaplastic bone superficial to the muscularis propria, thus excluding sacral invasion.


  • 根据1990年春季至1991年冬季南日海域浮游动物样本初步鉴定98浮游动物12浮游幼虫

    The samples, which were collected in Nanri Islands sea area from spring, 1990 to winter, 1991, were studied. 98 species of zooplankton and 12 groups of planktonic larvae were identified.


  • 术后3新生软骨术后6周软骨修复完成

    There are regenerated cartilage island weeks postoperatively 3. After 6 weeks, cartilage repair is completed.


  • 真的,只要这么大的一个了,我们何不建设自己的南海屿,开辟一个个世外桃源般的酒店,让国人享受大自然美景?

    So why do we need to envy others? We just need to guard and build our islands into resorts and welcome people from the whole world enjoy the nature.


  • 所以不难想象喷涌而形成岩浆数量巨大,更不用说整个

    So, you can imagine the huge amounts of magma, or lava, that've flowed up to form even just this one island, much less the whole chain of islands.


  • 达摩计划研究密码顺利进入临界()组织企图通过人类研究改变命运(重生)。

    Study of the Bodhidharma plan: out of the password and to critical (Island) of organizations attempting to research through human destiny (death and rebirth).


  • 没有起,听懂媚话

    Sorry, I didn't get what you said.


  • Connor手下8名纳瓦霍族通信兵,他们六个人天里保持24小时不间断的工作总共收发超过800条信息且无一

    Connor had six Navajo code talkers working around the clock during the first two days of the battle. Those six sent and received over 800 messages, all without error.


  • 还有位就是亨利•查理尔(Henri Charriere),在1968年版了回忆录《巴比龙》(称《恶魔》)讲述逃离恶魔的故事。不但成了畅销书,还被改编成了电影

    Another was Henri Charrière, whose 1968 memoir, Papillon, recounting his escape, became a best seller and a major motion picture.


  • 格陵兰洪堡冰川已经融化片湖水。

    A melt-lake lying on the surface of the Humboldt glacier on July 31, 2009.


  • 格陵兰洪堡冰川已经融化片湖水。

    A melt-lake lying on the surface of the Humboldt glacier on July 31, 2009.


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