• 无业游民的日子,找到一家英国电视出品公司工作,他也等待,等待一个美国签证离开伊拉克

    After almost a year without a job, he found work with a British television production company, and he is waiting, in hope of a United States visa, to get out of Iraq.


  • 刊载ISOTECH网站有关商品文字商标著作权属于商品出品公司代理商所有

    Publishing the characters , picture shelf and trade mark of concerned item to ISOTECH websites, its does right and all belongs to product company or agent of all goods.


  • 可以显示当前系统加载所有驱动程序,包含驱动文件名基地大小路径描述出品公司版本详细信息

    Can display the current system, all drivers loaded, including the driver's file name, base address, size, path, description, production companies and the version number and other details.


  • 天堂”,这部耗资巨大的烂片重创了出品公司-联公司公司查理·卓别林其他影视明星于1919年联合创立

    "Heaven's Gate", an extravagant flop in 1980, crushed United Artists, the studio Charlie Chaplin and other stars founded in 1919.


  • 1992年公司出品 Ice-T 乐队暴力说唱歌曲《警察杀手》后倍受谴责列文却将说唱音乐描述街头文化合法表达方式说它应该有自己的宣泄途径

    In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice-T's violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture, which deserves an outlet.


  • 作为交换风投付资金筹措优势这些来自硅谷公司将取得合伙人部分股权。

    In exchange for that name and fund raising advantage, the Valley firms take a healthy chunk of the carry.


  • 华谊兄弟这些网站未经许可,就擅自播放集结号》、《非诚勿扰》等公司出品影片

    The company claims some of its movies, such as "Assembly" and "If You Are the One," were broadcast on the sites without authorization.


  • 成立了甲上娱乐有限公司,并出品了中泰恐怖大片《见鬼》《三更》。

    At the end of the millennium he founded Applause Pictures, which produced the Chinese-Thai horror hits the Eye and Three.


  • 来自此剧出品单位——金盾盛业影视文化公司——名女士禁播表示不满。

    Last night, a woman at Jindun Shengye Film and Culture Company, the drama's producer, appeared resigned to the ban.


  • 这家公司出品受欢迎的饼干牌子McVitie's、goahead!

    Among the company’s most popular brands are McVitie’s, goahead!


  • Enviga可口可乐雀巢联合出品。 前者全球最大碳酸软饮料制造商,后者则是最大食品公司

    Enviga, a new health drink made by Coca-Cola, the world's biggest maker of fizzy soft drinks, and Nestlé, the largest food firm, is supposed to be both.


  • 如果希望公司名字出品来,那就一个准确反映域名吧。

    If you want to brand your company name, then choose a domain name that reflects it.


  • 没人因为一部电影福克斯公司出品的就

    Nobody goes to see a film because it is made by Fox.


  • 影评也同意电影评论汇总网站暗示出品电影公司为了竞争,称它为“年度最佳电影”只是有一点点夸大其实

    Critics agreed, with review-aggregation Web sites suggesting that the studio's campaign slogan for the film - "the Best Reviewed film of the Year" - was only a (very) slight exaggeration.


  • 扮演MGM公司出品的《白色货船》中的女主人公刚果女神同德蕾奥,轰动一时

    She was a sensation in her first leading role, as the Congo goddess Tondelayo in MGM's White Cargo.


  • 即使非常美国迪斯尼皮克斯公司出品料理鼠王》拿到了最佳动画——知道,它的是法国老鼠

    Even though it was produced by the very American Disney and Pixar, the animated feature trophy went to "Ratatouille" — you know, the movie about the French rat.


  • 上图餐厅里面的架子上面展示我们公司出品卡片文具原画

    Image above: Shelves in the dining room displaying the original paintings for our CARDS and stationery.


  • 往年索尼公司出品的被提名最佳影片包括:《卧虎藏龙》《理智情感肖申克的救赎》。

    Other past Best Picture nominees from Sony include: “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” “Sense and Sensibility,” and “The Shawshank Redemption.


  • 顶峰娱乐公司已经出品两部电影,其中第二部《新月》上映一天就打破美国票房纪录

    Summit Entertainment has released two films, the second of which, “New Moon”, broke the American record for box-office sales in a single day.


  • 我们马上就没‘田’可种”,该公司环境工作高级经理贝琪·布莱斯代。天伯伦是一家专门出品靴子鞋子其他户外用品公司

    "We're going to run out of space pretty quickly," says Betsy Blaisdell, senior manager of environmental stewardship at Timberland (TBL), maker of boots, shoes and other outdoor gear.


  • 其中有种利用紫外线杀菌的产品叫做之星”,子午线设计公司出品

    One product that disinfects water with UV light is called AquaStar, made by Meridian Design.


  • 他们积极寻找公司合作,一些游戏出品需要对即将发布的游戏进行测试以求发现漏洞,考察可玩性其他特征

    These gamers actively seek out companies who produce games and offer to test their upcoming release for bugs, playability and other features.


  • 1951年,迪斯尼公司出品动画爱丽丝记》家喻户晓

    Alice in Wonderland is produced by the Walt Disney studio, which made the 1951 animated version familiar around the world.


  • 法新社报道,巴西里约热内卢天主教会日前将好莱坞哥伦比亚电影公司上法庭,称公司出品灾难巨作《2012》未经授权使用里约热内卢基督像的形象,并要求得到一定数目的赔偿。

    Rio de Janeiro's Catholic Church is suing Hollywood for using unauthorized images of Rio's famous giant Christ statue in its disaster movie blockbuster "2012," AFP reported.


  • 当中著名,要数iRobot公司出品Roomba了,这家公司已经售出300万台这种飞盘大小的真空吸尘器

    The best known is the Roomba, made by iRobot, an American company which has sold more than 3m of the frisbee-sized vacuuming robots.


  • 作为由苹果公司出品智能手机平板电脑产品iPhoneiPad美国唯一指定的无线网络供应商,电信公司AT&T来说,能获得两件广受欢迎的产品的独家无线网络代理权无疑是大福泽。

    THE exclusive rights AT&T enjoys to provide wireless service in America for the iPhone and iPad, Apple’s popular smart-phone and tablet computer, have mainly been a boon for the telecoms firm.


  • 作为由苹果公司出品智能手机平板电脑产品iPhoneiPad美国唯一指定的无线网络供应商,电信公司AT&T来说,能获得两件广受欢迎的产品的独家无线网络代理权无疑是大福泽。

    THE exclusive rights AT&T enjoys to provide wireless service in America for the iPhone and iPad, Apple’s popular smart-phone and tablet computer, have mainly been a boon for the telecoms firm.


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