• 第三国家茶叶出口实行计划配额出口许可证管理

    Article Three The State shall go on with exercising administration over tea export through planned quotas and export licencing.


  • 地区其他国家经济可能出现反弹。 事实上南韩和新加坡的出口仍低于年前的水平。

    Other countries in the region are also likely to show a rebound.


  • 去年以来,尽管受到亚洲金融风暴重大影响,高新技术产品出口保持着19.19%的增长速度

    Last year, the export of hi-tech products still managed a 19.19% growth despite the severe impact of the Asian financial crisis.


  • 去年中国全球出口份额12.3%上升13.8%,这意味着尽管成本较高,但中国的出口保持竞争力

    China increased its share of world exports from 12.3% to 13.8% last year, meaning that its export sector remained competitive despite higher costs.


  • 如果(一个大大的如果)中国其他国家彻底实施了他们刺激计划即便出口疲软内需下半年开始恢复

    If (still a big if) China and others fully implement their stimulus plans, domestic demand could start to recover in the second half of this year even if exports remain weak.


  • 中国欧洲债务危机感到紧张,而对于放弃出口竞争力,内部也存在分歧

    China remains nervous about Europe's debt crisis and divided over the wisdom of giving up export competitiveness.


  • 欧洲最大经济体德国高度依赖出口实现增长法国决策人士过去提出这样担忧

    Germany, Europe's biggest economy, remains highly dependent on exports for growth, while French policy makers have raised such concerns in the past.


  • 甘露酒厂是最大生产商出口尽管上市公司,至今拒绝披露损失

    Concha y Toro, the biggest producer and exporter, has so far declined to reveal its losses even though its shares are publicly quoted.


  • 今年吉利销售车型廉价型,小型汽车的销量达到40万辆,之中5%出口到了那些安全和排放标准没什么要求的国家

    This year sales of Geely's range of still mainly cheap, compact cars should reach 400,000, of which about 5% will be exported to countries with undemanding safety and emissions standards.


  • 今年6月(数据最近月份),德国出口一个月环比大幅增长7%,同比跌幅达到22.3%。

    In June, the latest month for which data are available, German exports leapt by 7 per cent compared with the previous month. Nevertheless they were still 22.3 per cent lower than a year before.


  • 尽管该国最近获得了经济上的成功(出口鲜花),全国各地弥漫贫穷

    Despite recent economic successes (exporting flowers, for example), poverty remains endemic.


  • 尽管美国高居不下失业率欧洲日渐严重的债务问题一直困扰着当地消费者,但中国出口去年同期相比增长了17.9%。

    Chinese exports rose 17.9% compared with the same period a year ago even as high unemployment in the U.S. and escalating debt problems in parts of Europe continued constraining consumers.


  • 虽然美国德国重要盟友经济问题中德这世界出口间的默契正与日俱增

    The United States remains Germany’s most important ally, but on economic issues the world’s top two exporters increasingly speak the same language.


  • 尽管巴西蔗糖产品70%用于出口,不过乙醇产量75%内销

    But whereas Brazil exports 70% of its sugar production, 75% of its ethanol output is still sold at home.


  • 尽管一季度经济年比下降5%,但经济产能不足情况运行良好而且依靠中国出口

    Though the economy barrelled along at a 5% annualised clip in the first quarter, it is still running well below capacity and remains dependent on exports to China.


  • 虽然乌马拉并未禁止天然气出口希望国内市场在这方面掌握优先权。

    Mr Humala no longer says he will ban the export of natural gas but he does want the local market to have priority.


  • 其他国家央行特别是亚洲国家继续与那些哄抬汇率投资商战斗保护出口行业竞争力

    Other central banks, especially in Asia, continue to battle investors who are bidding up the value of their currencies in order to protect the competitiveness of export industries.


  • 美元贬值、人民币币值因各种手段低估的情况下,巴西韩国新兴市场希望通过控制币值保护本国出口

    Emerging markets from Brazil to South Korea hope to protect exports by restraining their exchange rates, as the U.S. dollar declines and the yuan remains undervalued by many measures.


  • 虽然中国出口商品总体需求保持强劲,但部分产品类别需求锐减

    While overall demand for Chinese exports remains strong, some product categories have seen steep falls.


  • 美元贬值、人民币币值因各种手段低估的情况下,巴西韩国新兴市场希望通过控制币值保护本国出口

    Emerging markets from Brazil to South Korea hope to protect exports by restraining their exchange rates, as the U. s. dollar declines and the yuan remains undervalued by many measures.


  • 包括本报在内的多数观察家则认为慢慢前路充满艰险,因为深陷债务泥潭消费者重新建立他们储蓄出口增长依然疲软而且未就业人数继续上升

    Most observers, including this newspaper, are bracing for a long slog, as debt-laden consumers rebuild their savings, output growth remains weak and unemployment continues to rise.


  • 包括本报在内的多数观察家则认为慢慢前路充满艰险,因为深陷债务泥潭消费者重新建立他们储蓄出口增长依然疲软而且未就业人数继续上升

    Most observers, including this newspaper, are bracing for a long slog, as debt-laden consumers rebuild their savings, output growth remains weak and unemployment continues to rise.


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