• 醉酒司机通常被定义血液酒精含量为0。10小时差不多喝了杯啤酒一杯葡萄酒威士忌的人。

    A drunken driver is usually defined as one with a 0.10 blood alcohol content or roughly three beers, glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours.


  • 到处寻找电力存在迹象远处村庄里油灯发出明灭闪烁的灯光,除此之外,山谷两边公里漆黑一片,空无一物。

    I looked for signs of electricity, but apart from a few flickering oil lamps in a faraway village, there was nothing but darkness for kilometres on each side of the valley.


  • 15分钟到达了于特。这时他看见沿着海岸线排列其他私人快艇上乘着许多

    Within 15 minutes, he was at Utoya Island. He saw people in a handful of other private boats that had lined up along the shore.


  • 到现在为止漏油危害在有限的范围——在路易斯安那州海岸沼泽处,可以看到漏油已经存在于海岸线英里处,并不深入

    So far the damage has been limited to the coastline—in the marshes of southeastern Louisiana, you can see the oil has usually soaked in a few ft. from the water's edge, but no deeper.


  • 一方面在英尺区域保持英寸80个像素密度意味着显示上千万个像素。

    Maintaining a density of 80 pixels per inch over an area several feet on a side implies displaying tens of millions of pixels.


  • 研究员仅有覆盖英里区域急剧变化温度可以分钟生成龙卷风

    Researchers say that rapidly changing contrasts in wind and temperatures in an area just a few miles across can spawn a tornado in a matter of minutes.


  • 取得完成消除进犯威胁效果,EKV弹头甜蜜位置目标弹相撞。这个撞击区域处于导弹有效负载位置只不过厘米的范围

    To achieve complete threat neutralization, the EKV will collide with the warhead's "sweet spot," an area just a few centimeters wide where the missile's payload is located.


  • 英尺灰尘火山灰使肥沃土壤窒息致使日本南部两个世纪都无法居住

    Dust and ash several feet thick smothered the fertile soil, rendering southern Japan uninhabitable for two centuries.


  • 为了完全化解导弹威胁,大气层外拦截器(EKV)将会弹头的“最佳有效位置进行撞击。 “最佳有效点”在弹头有效载荷厘米区域范围

    Toachieve complete threat neutralization, the EKV will collide with the warhead’s“sweet spot, ” an area just a few centimeters wide where the missile’s payloadis located.


  • 这儿方圆英里看不到一个活物

    There is not a living soul to be seen for miles around.


  • 魔杖到了英尺地上

    Snape's wand fell on the floor a few feet away.


  • 分钟做出东西大学食堂里也会英镑

    Even the college canteen will charge a couple of pounds for something you can make yourself in a matter of minutes.


  • 每天向网络所有用户个十美金使用费,很快获得成百上千的额外收益

    Charge people more than $10 a day and suddenly you're making hundredsor thousands of dollars of extra profit.


  • 然后在数分钟恐慌变成漠不关心雄性继续在北极熊地方晒太阳丧失年轻生命已经被忘却

    Then, within minutes, panic turns to indifference. The males resume basking just a few yards from the bear. The loss of a young life forgotten.


  • 里夫斯对对风笛手在她棺材行进着。而就在,仅仅只有少数听说过——艾琳·尼尔或叫做特工罗斯的名字。

    REEVES: A couple of pipers march ahead of the coffin. Until a few days ago, very few people here had heard of Eileen Nearne, aka Agent Rose.


  • 可以那种版的,只需美元而且短短通过使用更少回本。

    You can buy basic versions for only a matter of dollars, and you'll save that in just a few weeks by using less water and energy.


  • 墙壁隐形突然打开至少排的超级战斗机器人房间

    Then hidden doors in the walls of the circular room slid open and at least a dozen super battle droids marched in.


  • 正常人肠道可以携带大概约细菌这些细菌食物消化免疫系统功能发挥中起到重要作用并且很可能是有益的作用。

    Humans normally carry several pounds of bacteria in their intestines and they are key to digestion, immune system function and possibly play other beneficial roles.


  • 所有体细胞大小纳米至微米范围并且系统操控

    Virtually all living cells come in sizes that fall within that nanometer-to-micrometers range and are thus subject to being manipulated by the system.


  • 中国香烟也是世界范围便宜烟草产品之一一包香烟也只有美分而已

    Chinese cigarettes are also among the cheapest in the world, with a packet costing as little as a few cents.


  • 他们找到了隆起的离坟英尺的地方,有三榆树长在一起,于是他们就躲在那里。

    They found the sharp new heap they were seeking, and ensconced themselves within the protection of three great elms that grew in a bunch within a few feet of the grave.


  • 极端环境中,人体可以小时排出公升汗液。

    In extreme conditions, human Beings may excrete several litresofsuch sweat in an hour.


  • 我们喉咙里灌了特-布纳卡,放倒椅子上,又围巾捂上他的眼睛。

    We spill a couple of Fernet Brancas down his throat, lay him out on the bench and cover his eyes with his muffler.


  • 厚重战马专用铠甲自己的闪光的护甲足够周围英里任何人暴露他的位置。

    His horse's heavy barding and his own flashing armor were enough to announce his presence to anyone for miles around.


  • 残余化石异常颗粒通常出现某些陆棚上部英尺

    A relict fauna and anomalously coarse grains are common in the upper few feet of some shelf sands.


  • 敌人汽油遭到直接命中爆炸时的轰然巨响,英里都可以听到

    The enemy gas tank received a direct hit and went up in a huge explosion that was heard for miles around.


  • 敌人汽油遭到直接命中爆炸时的轰然巨响,英里都可以听到

    The enemy gas tank received a direct hit and went up in a huge explosion that was heard for miles around.


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