• 除了那个味道这个房间里东西几乎喜欢

    She likes almost everything in this room except for the smell.


  • 除了事件发生进行记录,当一个未来型事件应该发生时,几乎所有应用程序需要报告两个时间或者计算之间已经过去的时间数量

    In addition to recording when an event happened, nearly all applications need to report the amount of time that has elapsed between two events or calculate when a future event should occur.


  • 我们所有人几乎完全一样当然除了那些使我们不同小东西

    We're all pretty much the same except, of course, for the little things that make us different.


  • 第二要求募捐时候,我发现除了德拉之外,几乎所有的人把这件事给忘了

    When I called for the contributions the next day, I discovered that almost everyone had forgotten. Except for Willard P. Franklin.


  • 此外,布兰登·弗雷泽几乎所有影片里动画动物打交道,看上去除了这个不会别的了。

    Brendan Fraser, meanwhile, rubs shoulders with animated animals in almost all of his films, to the point where it now looks as if he can’t do anything else.


  • 机器平整过且石头树桩雪道往往生长细小的草本植物其它的植物则几乎看不到。

    Ski runs that were machine-graded and cleared of boulders and stumps tended to have small herbaceous plants growing on them and little else.


  • 幸运的是,几乎每个人忘记让人尴尬的事情除了莱凡德莱拉妮,她们窃窃私语,还不时咯咯笑,不知道在什么。

    But luckily, everybody had already forgotten about the whole embarrassing thing. Except maybe Lavender, Lilac, and Petunia, who are always whispering and giggling about something or other anyway.


  • 这个年龄段意外几乎方面(除了工作事故之外)很高比率

    This age group dies of accidents of almost every sort (other than work accidents) at high rates.


  • 几乎任何一个行业(显然除了电子账户转移类行业)认为善意不仅会带来更多效益,而且作出精准预测

    In just about every industry (except electronic money transfer, apparently), assuming goodwill is not only more productive, it's also likely to be an accurate forecast.


  • 除了份零工做做,佐瓦诺维克天天在求职场上奔波,助理研究员售货员,她几乎尝试了所有应聘岗位最终空手而归。

    But aside from a few temporary jobs, Ms. Jovanovic-Grove has come up empty on everything from research assistant positions to retail jobs.


  • 招十分奏效几乎所有毒贩改过自新了,除了还有零星几起入店行窃案以外。

    It worked. Nearly all the dealers reformed, bar the odd bit of shoplifting.


  • 招十分奏效,几乎所有毒贩改过自新了,除了还有零星几起入店行窃案以外。

    It worked.Nearly all the dealers reformed, bar the odd bit of shoplifting.


  • Stone声称该片几乎一切基于可靠研究,所有场景除了少数梦境能够可靠加以验证

    Stone claims that almost everything in the film is based on solid research-that all of the scenes, with the exception of a few dream sequences, can be reliably verified.


  • 从专业对比上来看,除了外科领域几乎所有领域男性赚的女性多。 外科领域,女性每年收入超过男性大约1.1万美元。

    Yet, when broken down by specialty, women were still making less than their male counterparts in every field except general surgery, in which women earned an average of $11,000 more per year than men.


  • 后来慢慢长大几乎所有事情改变了除了篮球这项运动,仍然是我的所爱而且对它的爱与日俱增。

    Later on, as I grew up, almost everything changed, but this sport-playing basketball remained and my love of it grew even stronger.


  • 除了这些较小文化调整,身边的日本几乎每天告诉,“西方人很难理解日本”。

    More than these minor adjustments of culture, I was told almost daily by Japanese acquaintances that it was "difficult for westerners to understand Japan".


  • 游客几乎吝啬的让人难以置信除了烟盒窸窣作响的《每日邮报》,他们几乎什么留下

    The tourists are almost incredibly mean, they hardly leave anything on the island except empty cigarette boxes and flapping Daily Mails.


  • 几乎把所剩最后一丁点儿个人数据除了鞋子号码学业能力测试成绩以外)好后,屏幕便凝固不动了。

    This arises after you've just filled in every last scrap of personal data, except your shoe size and SAT scores, and the screen freezes on you.


  • 除了南部深处任何地方无法看见原因它的轨迹--------它几乎直接南极下面奔向地球的,而这是天文学家观察的一个盲点”。

    The reason that it is not being seen anywhere except in the far south is because it's path is bringing it towards Earth almost directly beneath the South Pole, a "blind spot" for astronomers.


  • 除了农业补贴一般均衡研究不管在理论上还是经验几乎没有解决任何非关税贸易壁垒经济学问题。

    Except for subsidies in agriculture, little general equilibrium work has been carried out on addressing the economics of NTBs either theoretically or empirically.


  • 2月到2009年2月之间超过900个背景调查出现监视名单姓名但是除了98个之外几乎获准通过

    More than 900 background checks between February 2004 and February 2009 turned up names on the watch list, and all but 98 were allowed to go through.


  • 2月到2009年2月之间超过900个背景调查出现监视名单姓名但是除了98个之外几乎获准通过

    More than 900 background checks between February 2004 and February 2009 turned up names on the watch list, and all but 98 were allowed to go through.


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