• 看上去疲惫不安看到到了,几乎往后一跳

    He looked tired and troubled, but when he saw her he was so startled that he almost jumped back.


  • 胡克几乎忘记了俘虏们转过身来看着的时候,脸上出现快乐的神情。

    Hook had well-nigh forgotten his prisoners, but as he swung round on them now his face lit up again.


  • 小男孩看到狗的大眼睛悲伤地看着时,几乎哭了。

    The little boy almost cried when he saw the dog's big eyes looking up to him sadly.


  • 在2010年加入国家队时,教练,与周洋范可欣等有天赋滑冰选手相比几乎无足轻重”。

    When Wu joined the national team in 2010, he was seen as almost "nothing" compared to gifted skaters like Zhou Yang and Fan Kexin, as his coaches said at the time.


  • 靠着一张标准成长图表着时,可以看到几乎实际年龄了一

    Stand him against a standard growth chart and he is almost a head shorter than he should be at his age.


  • 几乎失去信心时,艾米给了很多帮助,并支持的梦想。

    When he almost lost heart, Amy gave him lots of help and supported his dream.


  • 去买自行车时,发现几乎没有自行车,这让开始思考:如果缺少自行车与新冠肺炎有关,而且如果骑自行车的人真的需要交通工具去上班呢?

    When he went bike shopping, he found few available, which got him thinking: What if the lack of bikes was Covid-19 related, and what if the person who'd taken his bike really needed transportation to get to work?


  • 伍德说,主持人提出一个问题之后,几乎立刻椅子上站起来,步伐有力地快步走向主持人,然后加迟疑地马上作答

    When [moderator Tom] Brokaw would ask a question, he would almost jump out of his chair and walk powerfully and quickly toward Brokaw and answer quickly, with no pause.


  • 抵达那里时Lee先生感到十分惊讶:几乎每一个人都如此的富裕

    When he arrived, Mr Lee was astonished by how rich nearly everyone was.


  • 不过,上车后你会发现司机几乎不知自己该哪儿走,说“跟上”时,反应不怎么机灵,这不那么有趣了(编者注:一般在美剧中,剧中人物上车后对司机说“跟上辆车”,司机就会心领神会。 而现实不同于演戏,作者就难免失望了) 。

    The fact that they rarely ever know where they’re going and don’t react terribly well to the phrase “follow that car!”, however, is less enjoyable.


  • 许多小村庄里的因为陌生人而对不信任发现正在驾驶摩托车周游世界时,几乎一个人都设法帮助

    He said many people in small villages did not trust him because he was a stranger. But almost everyone tried to help him when they found out that he was riding around the world.


  • 我们有关这些记录几乎全部局限离开三一学院伦敦保存放在那个盒子中的文献。

    Our record of these is almost wholly confined to the papers which he kept and put in his box when he left Trinity for London.


  • 玛丽过去清洁坐过的桌子时,几乎昏过去

    When Mary went to clean his table, she almost fainted.


  • 大门对讲机一个声音农场主人出来回答我问题但是个头发花白穿着棕色夹克的男人出现后几乎没说出来什么。

    A voice on an intercom at the main gate said the owner would come out to answer questions, but when a gray-haired man in a brown jacket appeared, he said little.


  • 乳胶手套,开始这位肥胖,肮脏洗澡时,几乎碎了.的家人在哪里?

    As she donned her laex gloves and proceeded to bathe this huge,very unclean man,her heart almost broke.


  • 运行代码展示乔布斯看时,向前倾斜,鼻尖几乎碰到屏幕仔细检查着,在测试机原型机之间反复来回查看。

    When they'd show the working code to Jobs, he'd lean forward, his nose to the screen, and examine them closely, moving from the demo to the prototype and back again.


  • 同时说:“公司将转移那些工厂低工资收入国家时,没有意识到是“几乎不可逆转的”。

    Firms did not realise when they shifted operations to low-wage countries that some moves “would be almost irreversible”, says Mr Pisano.


  • 范斯沃斯很早以前就有这样想法时,美国广播公司说,对于一个十四岁的小孩来说,产生研制电视机的想法几乎不可能的。

    When Mister Farnsworth said he had developed the idea much earlier, RCA said it was impossible for a fourteen-year-old boy to produce the idea for a television device.


  • ”坐在开着窗户汽车等待黛尔时,欢乐平静时光飞逝而过,几乎感觉不到它们的存在,就象“绵软的微风轻拂过皮肤”。

    Moments of happiness or calm are fleeting, barely felt, as when Che waits for Dial in a car with the window open, “the soft breezewashing across his skin”.


  • 那个小平台上,消防员顺着竖井垂下来,把安全带扎到腋下时,精疲力尽几乎说不出话来看起来完全没有受伤

    He was standing on that ledge, exhausted and almost speechless but otherwise apparently unhurt, when a fireman reached down and secured a harness under his arms.


  • 还是单身时,这些其实无所谓,因为这样的机会几乎从来也没出现过。

    It doesn't matter that, when he was single, such opportunities never presented themselves anyway.


  • 早上这个伤口很多小鹿觉得几乎原来一样强壮听到人们呼号声,不能休息了。

    In the morning the wound was so much better that the fawn felt the foot almost as strong as ever, and so, when he again heard the holloa of the hunters, he could not rest.


  • 甚至有一次在开会要站起来时候,几乎忘了怎么走路

    Finally during a meeting when he wanted to get out of the chair he simply could not remember how to walk!


  • 甚至有一次在开会要站起来时候,几乎忘了怎么走路

    Finally during a meeting when he wanted to get out of the chair he simply could not remember how to walk!


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