• 疼痛正在一点一点减弱

    The pain was receding slightly.


  • 结果就是接收天线没有信号可以接收——或者保守说,只能接收大幅减弱的信号。

    The result is there is no signal - or at least a very reduced signal - for the receiving antenna to receive.


  • 这种独特的生物墨西哥湾水生生物中遭到威胁物种之一,墨西哥湾恶劣水质栖息丧失减弱生态系统

    This unique creature is part of an imperiled community of aquatic organisms in the Gulf of Mexico, where poor water quality and habitat loss have weakened the ecosystem.


  • 随着古斯塔夫移动风力逐渐减弱一些带来多达降雨量

    Winds could then weaken as the storm moves over land and dumps up to a half meter of rain in some areas.


  • 即便病毒未来几个月内威力减弱世界各国政策制定者们——他们大多数来自北半球——也应该愚蠢认为很长一段时间内都不会卷土重来。

    The world’s policymakers, most of whom live in the northern hemisphere, should not be fooled into thinking the new virus is going away for long, even if it declines over the next few months.


  • 这种机器设备在何处建造还将进一步进行会议讨论——尽管可被置于隧道减弱震动影响

    Exactly where such a machine would be built is a moot point-though it would certainly go in an underground tunnel, inorder to reduce the effect of vibrations.


  • 证实,这种做法期望要困难许多因为如果一种疾病由多种基因致使,那么单一基因讯号不可避免减弱

    This has proved a lot harder than expected, because if lots of genes contribute to a disease, the signal from each is inevitably weakened.


  • 如果强迫自己慢跑小时自律能力相应减弱

    If you force yourself to jog for an hour, your self-regulatory capacity is proportionately enfeebled.


  • 与此同时变化全球背景下,全球需求进一步减弱,从而导致出口增长放缓,因此中国需要更多内需,尤其是从消费获得增长动力。

    At the same time, in a changed global setting, with more subdued global demand and thus less export growth, China needs more growth from domestic demand-consumption in particular.


  • 这种贫困代代相传,痛苦受到疾病苦难能力减弱生产力丧失带来束缚

    This is poverty passed from one generation to the next in a painful chain of illness, misery, blunted capacity, and lost productivity.


  • 从而我们可以简单认为H5N1病毒缺乏成为大流行流感能力H5N1具有强的传染性的致病性不得不减弱

    That led to hopes that the H5N1 virus simply lacked the ability to be a true pandemic killer and that to become more transmissible, it would necessarily have to become less dangerous.


  • 这些南边的纬度区在整个版图中,几乎毫无障碍一马平川的,所以风力几乎不会减弱

    There is little to weaken them, for these far southern latitudes circumscribe the entire globe almost without interruption by land.


  • 结果是,规则可能减弱被救银行管理——正如薪将有争议降低监管助长金融危机

    As a result the new rules may weaken the management of rescued banks-just as low pay arguably weakened regulation and helped cause the financial crisis.


  • 年前相比他们大大减弱外资倚重,这令他们能够自如应对投资者率性之举。

    Emerging economies are also much less dependent on foreign capital than they were a decade ago, leaving them less vulnerable to the whims of investors.


  • 图书出版商默默希望苹果公司进入电子图书市场有助于减弱亚马逊影响力福里斯特研究公司调查,Kindle拥有60%的电子图书市场份额。

    Book publishers are quietly hoping that Apple's entry into e-books will help to reduce the clout of Amazon: the Kindle has 60% of the e-reader market, according to Forrester, a research firm.


  • 不过没有一种口罩能够百分之百阻截空气中的微粒一旦湿效用就要减弱

    However, none of the masks can stop 100% of the particles getting through and become less effective once they become moist.


  • 如果光源照亮一个这个距离光源越远,光照强度会越但是光照强度不是与光源距离比例减弱,就是说,距离延长两光照强度并不是减弱两倍,而是减弱的两倍,等于减弱倍;

    If a light illuminates a certain space, its intensity at twice the distance is not twice as feeble, but two times two, equal four times, as feeble.


  • 终于风浪减弱了,船长能够看准美国的方向,成功船工行驶平静的航线上。

    Eventually, the winds lessened and the Captain was able to set his sights towards America and become ably steering the ship on an even course.


  • 人们担心病毒可能非洲人类中间永远扎下根来,这种担忧已经减弱也是一个好的消息

    Fears that the virus could become permanently established in humans in this part of Africa have receded. This is also very good news.


  • 到了七月中旬日本上方梅雨开始减弱中国梅雨仍然保留特性结构典型在七八月份覆盖在长江流域

    By mid-July, the tsuyu has begun to weaken over Japan, but the mei-yu retains its identity and structure in China, typically lying over the Yangtze valley in July and August.


  • 台风移动时,猛烈性逐渐减弱

    When moving over land, a typhoon is gradually decreased in severity.


  • 没有得到足够氧合血液正常工作,所以减弱收缩能力。

    It's not getting enough oxygenated blood to perform normally, so it shuts down its contractile function.


  • 葡萄酒中的酸度可以减弱咸度,所以起泡通常弱酸葡萄酒(例如多数的红葡萄酒)能够更好匹配食物

    Acidity in wine cuts saltiness, so sparkling wines generally pair with salty foods better than less tart wines such as most red wines.


  • 根据结果效力可能减弱甚至完全被消灭,关于这种对于案产生的影响有很多种不同措辞

    As a result of later cases its authority may be diminished or completely lost and various words are used to describe the effect that a later case has on an earlier case.


  • 这次调查发现这些上流人士年前还存在巨大风险偏好已经减弱44%富人在想方设法分散风险。

    The big appetite for risk that existed in the upper echelon just two years ago is fading, the survey found, with around 44% of the country's wealthiest looking to spread their risk.


  • 脖子可以正常好起来,或者纤维可能被也许会被撞伤组织激活伤势减弱了。

    My neck may heal normally, or "fibro" may be triggered by the bruised tissue, making the injury debilitating.


  • 黑色念头一点一点减弱了,直到完全消失,这样花了几年的时间。

    The black ideas receded little by little, and it took a few years for them to disappear completely.


  • 同时银行业本身加强了自身审计监督自我约束机制银行内部尽可能减弱消除风险

    Simultaneously the banking industry itself also strengthened its own audit, the surveillance, the mechanism of self-restraint, weakens and eliminates the risk as far as possible in the bank interior.


  • 同时银行业本身加强了自身审计监督自我约束机制银行内部尽可能减弱消除风险

    Simultaneously the banking industry itself also strengthened its own audit, the surveillance, the mechanism of self-restraint, weakens and eliminates the risk as far as possible in the bank interior.


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