• 减少食物摄入蔬菜水果

    Cut out processed foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits.


  • 研究者研究出延长老鼠寿命方法,调整胰岛素减少食物摄入

    Researchers have increased the lifespan of mice by manipulating genes that regulate insulin and also by significantly decreasing food intake.


  • 减少食物摄入导致头皮流量下降进而影响头发正常生长严重时会导致头发失去光泽甚至脱落

    Reduce food intake, will cause scalp blood flow, affect hair down to normal growth, will cause serious hair loses luster and even fall off.


  • 然而到底这种手术为什么好的作用是个谜——分析数据还是不到这减肥减少食物摄入之间的直接关系

    However, exactly why the surgery had a beneficial effect remains a mystery - analysis could find no direct link with losing weight, or reducing food intake.


  • 常常Byetta一起使用,Byetta是注射剂,能够延迟食物进入小肠时间,所以能够延长饱腹感减少食物摄入有帮助

    It's often used with Byetta, an injectable diabetes drug that delays the movement of food from your stomach into your small intestine, so it may extend fullness and help you to eat less.


  • 通过限制食物摄入热量限制使进入细胞葡萄糖降到最少,减少ATP产生

    By limiting food intake, caloric restriction minimizes the amount of glucose entering cells and decreases ATP generation.


  • 如果减少活动健康能够只靠平常摄入食物量的一半就能更长的时间并且可以好几东西。

    If activity is reduced, healthy people can survive on half their usual food intake for an extended period and without any food for many days.


  • 减少脂肪食物摄入

    Limit the intake of salty and highly fattening foods.


  • CNN报道发表个性社会心理学通报一项研究显示非优势进食有助于减少食物摄入

    Research published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin shows that eating with your non-dominant hand can help you to decrease the amount of food you consume, CNN reported.


  • 含有多种食物时,此种方法是否依然能够帮助人们减少食物摄入,还不明确。

    It is unknown whether this method would help people cut their consumption of a real meal which consists of multiple foods.


  • 一项卡耐基梅隆大学研究人员在《科学》杂志公布研究成果表明在想象某种食物的时候,减少这种食物实际摄入

    A new study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, published in Science, shows that when you imagine eating a certain food, it reduces your actual consumption of that food.


  • 如果人们中式自助餐,难道还要用餐之前先想象一遍所有食物过程来减少多样食物摄入吗?

    Should the diners, like people going to have some Chinese buffet, imagine all the foods they are going to eat to reduce the consumption of the variety of real foods?


  • 我们目的减少几样食物摄入增加其他食物摄入——尤其是植物类原汁原味越好。

    Rather, the goal is to eat less of certain foods and more of othersspecifically, plants, as close to their natural state as possible.


  • 膳食纤维我们身体发挥着各种各样的作用对于体重过重者有好处因为产生感觉,促使人们减少食物摄入

    Dietary fiber has different functions in our body; it would benefit overweight people as it gives the sense of satiety, and in turn lower their food intakes.


  • 部分禁食能够延长寿命因为减少摄入食物能够使肌体细胞能够充分利用能量

    Partial fasting may even extend lifespan because eating less sends a message to the cells of the body that they should conserve and use energy more efficiently.


  • 我们总自以为知道些什么:减少牛羊肉这些红色肉类以及饱和脂肪摄入吃高纤食物水果蔬菜

    We think we know what to eat: less red meat and more fibre, less saturated fat and more fruit and veg, right?


  • 他们减少食物摄入可是很多儿童因此而营养不良

    They have reduced their food intake, and more children are consequently malnourished.


  • 国际粮食计划署顾问发现大部分家庭食物摄入减少更多的家庭垃圾推中寻找食物

    Most households had cut their food intake and more people are scavenging for wild foods, WFP assessors found.


  • 但是,就食用单调的食物能否产生持续减少热量摄入的效果人们多长时间后习惯一种食物两个问题,目前没有明确的答案。

    It's not known, however, whether this would lead to sustained reduced energy intake or how long it takes to become habituated to a food.


  • 四周之后,那些制定明确目标减重者所减少食物摄入另一组的倍。

    Over four weeks dieters who set themselves specific goals were able to reduce their food intake by twice as much as those just did their best.


  • 研究人员发现随着女孩子年龄增长早餐摄入减少早点的女孩子一天中的其他时候则脂肪含量更高的食物

    Breakfast consumption dropped as the girls aged, the researchers found, and those who did not eat breakfast tended to eat higher fat foods later in the day.


  • 减少食物脂肪胆固醇摄入

    Reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol in your diet to help control your blood cholesterol levels.


  • Neufeld医生:“调节肌体减少胰岛素分泌减少摄入糖类以至于让糖类成为喜欢食物。”

    "You re-tune the body, suppress insulin secretion, reduce the taste for sugar, so sugar becomes something you're less fond of taking," Neufeld says.


  • 奥迪兹说,如果减少摄入食物纽约市死亡人数减少10万。

    Ortiz claimed that reducing the sodium content of food could cut deaths in the city by as many as 100000.


  • 这些因素促进食物摄入增加,人的体育活动减少最终导致能量的正向平衡肥胖

    Collectively, these forces promote increased food intake and decreased physical activity which ultimately results in positive energy balance and obesity.


  • 研究人员暗示说由于摄入食物减少体力活动增多人们经济萧条时期体重下降。

    Researchers appear to have implied that people can lose weight during a recession due to a reduction in eating and increasing physical activity.


  • 膳食纤维之所以称为减肥明星元素是因为膳食纤维能帮助人体更好地消化吸收能使减少摄入过量食物

    Dietary fiber is called the star elements, lose weight because dietary fiber can help the body better digest absorb, still can make the person has full abdomen feeling, decrease absorb excessive food.


  • 膳食纤维之所以称为减肥明星元素是因为膳食纤维能帮助人体更好地消化吸收能使减少摄入过量食物

    Dietary fiber is called the star elements, lose weight because dietary fiber can help the body better digest absorb, still can make the person has full abdomen feeling, decrease absorb excessive food.


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