• 他们先是网吧接近凌晨时银湖接着打发

    First they were playing in the cafe, close to midnight Shi You went to Silver Lake went on to pass the time.


  • 凌晨疼醒了,疼的厉害,腿开始发黑了。妻子医院后,医生警告,有可能截肢

    By the time my wife got me to hospital, my leg was going black and the doctors were warning me they might need to amputate it.


  • 他们最后到达第二天的凌晨

    When they finally arrived it was well past midnight.


  • 回忆说大约凌晨1:30听到巨响。

    Two people recalled hearing a loud crash about 1:30 a.m.


  • 我们到达酒店,已经是凌晨2点左右了。

    When we arrived at our hotel, it was around 2 a.m.


  • 即便如此今天凌晨4离开,天空是如此阴沉,以致出租车司机因为能见度低而放慢了车速。

    Even so, when I left the house at 4am this morning, it was still so gloomy that my taxi driver slowed the car because visibility was poor.


  • 凌晨5开始下雨了

    About 5 am. it started to rain.


  • 凌晨1生活酒吧里大多数客人已经散去,在狭长的店堂几个年纪较大男人坐在长椅上。

    By 1 a.m. Life Bar was mostly empty; a few older men sat on the leather banquettes in the long, narrow space.


  • 有士兵坚称他们夜间站岗尤其是午夜凌晨4点之间,通过夜视镜看到了奇怪还听到了类似动的声音

    Soldiers said they could see weird lights through night-vision goggles and hear odd creepy sounds at night, especially from midnight till 4 am.


  • 我们出发凌晨五点,天空漆黑山上寒风袭人,还下着雨热气球大敌

    We have a 5am start in complete darkness with a fearsome mountain chill - and the enemy of ballooning, rain.


  • 非常乐意沙龙讲述自己生活经历观点结束谈话凌晨3点,我思想深入的了解

    I enjoyed hearing Sharon talk about his life and his views, and when we finished, at nearly three in the morning, I had a better understanding of how he thought.


  • 凡尔赛地区副检察官 奥迪勒.费佛向记者表示:“这栋公寓住着13个人大约凌晨许,男子的户邻居听到孩子哭闹声。”

    "Thirteen people were in an apartment on the second floor when, around 3 a.m, one of the occupants heard his child crying," the deputy prosecutor in Versailles, Odile Faivre, said.


  • 当地间27日凌晨2许,印度尼西亚首都雅加达以南唐格朗地区发生蓄水湖大坝决堤事故,目前造成58死亡

    At least 58 people have been killed after a dam broke in the area of Tangerang south of Jakarta, Indonesia early Friday morning.


  • 星期六凌晨2慢性胃部绞痛痛一大早卧室卫生间之间来回奔波,被疼痛恐惧恶心压倒

    I woke up at about 2am one Saturday with chronic stomach cramps. I spent the early hours running between the bathroom and bedroom, overwhelmed with waves of pain, panic and nausea.


  • 字面上讲是光亮火焰房子”,午夜聚会凌晨4的好去处。

    Literally "the house of light and flame", this is the place to be at 4am after a night of partying.


  • 塞萨洛·尼基雅典火车唯一缺点必须凌晨两点土耳其边境下车领取签证

    The only downside of this train, which offers connections to Athens from Thessaloniki, is that you have to disembark at the Turkish frontier at two in the morning to get your visa.


  • 舟曲县午夜发生泥石流,当居民家中睡觉凌晨1左右,泥石流白龙形成了一个堰塞湖

    The mudslides occurred at around midnight in Zhouqu County, when the residents were asleep, and a barrier lake formed on the Bailong River at around 1 a.m.


  • 凌晨349分发疯似地打出的电话中:“做了什么?”

    In the distraught 3.49am call, he said: "What have I done?"


  • 当地凌晨3.34分,地震到达,数千万人流离失所,很多穿着睡衣聚集街道里。

    Thousands of people fled their homes when the earthquake struck at 3.34am local time, gathering in the streets with many still clothed in pyjamas.


  • 凌晨2点钟需要进行一次紧急部署无法联系开发人员运维人员犯错几乎不可避免的。

    It is almost inevitable that, when an emergency deployment needs to be carried out at 2am and the developer can't be reached, the Operations staff will make mistakes.


  • 卡西迪最后决定睡觉已是凌晨2点钟

    Cassidy eventually decided to go to sleep at 2 a.m.


  • 他们每天1011个小最终印度凌晨415分,丈夫通过卫星电话告诉队伍抵达北极目的地

    They would ski for 10 to 11 hours a day and finally at 4:15 am Indian time my husband called me on satellite telephone to announce the team had reached their destination on the North Pole.


  • 大约凌晨3:00钟到了这个吓坏了的公墓

    At about 3.00 am I arrived at the cemetery that had freaked me out three days earlier.


  • 此次月全食开始于美国东部凌晨1:33,当地球阴影开始慢慢吞噬月球

    The eclipse began at 1:33 a.m. ET, when the Earth's shadow began taking a "bite" out of the lunar cheese.


  • 保密需要,舞蹈志愿者每次去鸟巢排练凌晨很多志愿者休息直接躺地上

    Dancing volunteers set out to the Bird's Nest for practice at daybreak to keep secret their performance, some of them were so tired during rest time they slept on the ground.


  • 发现自己午夜凌晨13点4可以写出最好

    He finds that he writes the best between the hours of midnight and 1 AM to 3 to 4 in the morning.


  • 马吕斯现在凌晨回家

    Marius comes home nowadays at one o 'clock in the morning.


  • 凌晨,周围一片漆黑寂静就起来看书别人在睡梦,我书房读书了。

    So I used to get up and read early in the morning when it was still dark and quiet. While others were sleeping soundly, I was already up in my study, reading.


  • 凌晨,周围一片漆黑寂静就起来看书别人在睡梦,我书房读书了。

    So I used to get up and read early in the morning when it was still dark and quiet. While others were sleeping soundly, I was already up in my study, reading.


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